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This week’s update comes entirely from James!

Hey guys, Happy New Year! I hope you had a great one and are as excited as we are about the upcoming 2022 3DX content!

The Seed of Rebirth animation cam test is being rendered, to follow are final fixes and final renders. The Cypunk animation - still in Maya is also scheduled for completion this month.

We’re also wrapping up a couple more animations on the Blender side of things. We’ve got a Cerene booty shake animation but are revising the animation. The focus will obviously be jiggle physics. Thanks to some tutorials and advice from talented artists, we’re also finetuning our hair physics - namely by using a cloth sim and Blender’s in-house hair dynamics. We’ve got a couple of new animators on board and they kicked off work last week with two more short animations. The goal is to build a  strong Blender team to better help Blood Crown production. The next few weeks are gonna be crucial in getting production on track.



So still no eta on bloodlust ok gotcha, still delaying it

Xavier Hall

At least they are building a team to make better animation for Bloodlust Cerene

Lee A Osborne

I’m looking forward to the new stuff to see soon


Well... already wait for 3 years, just a little more would not be any matter anymore. But just keep its quality then massive release after transferring to Blender would be great.


Second week of January done and still missing 3 videos that were due in November-December.


"The goal is to build a strong Blender team to better help Blood Crown production" Blood Crown was already 70% done in Maya right? And part 2 last check was something like 30%. Little confused. Is it being re-done in Blender now from scratch? Or maybe this refers to short anims for Patreon? I'd honestly challenge the team to get this done by July. Last year's loose ends are still being wrapped up which is a bit concerning and the track record of things slipping into the next month (and the next) is too long. It's been 3 years after recommiting to finishing Blood Crown once and for all multiple times over. GIven past performance, I'd say in 6 months we'll still be waiting for it due to being sidetracked by some other pursuit. Please prove me wrong! Appreciate the updates as always. Looking forward to content.


"Getting production on track." Excuse me? What has the past three years been about? STORY BOARDING? Last year, we basically paid double the store price for a picture set and a few test animations. This patreon is becoming a sick parody of the forums that we need to pay to access. Don't go mistaking this as "people are upset because I gave a date and we didn't hit it", people are upset because each year this patreon has had less and less effort put into it. I don't know the last time we actually saw something created by Miro. Everyone is upset because they were putting up with a hilarious lack of content while assuming you guys were working on Bloodlust. It feel an awful lot like Bloodlust was started a month ago and the cover up/delay stories start now and were along for another two year ride.


Hi, part of the production is still in Maya, however we are progressively shifting over to Blender


Hi, please understand that Miro still has an animator role however he is also an artistic director for our (small) production studio. he is very hands on and is heavily involved in everything that gets published here. He participates in the animation process, the look dev side of things and much more - very often hand animating. However, it would be impossible to animate everything himself. That's the nature of growing a studio, he's taking on a team to help push out content. This patreon offers more than just the Bloodlust and G4E series, it's also about the image sets, animations and Blender content more recently.


Yeah with all the many delays I started to not care about anything Miro and team promise anymore and those 3 videos clearly not coming this month are no exception 😑. Hell I'd be surprised if Bloodcrown Part 1 even arrives in 2022 with all the ongoing productivity issues they still have 😒 .


That's an extremely good question. When Miro told ONE YEAR AGO+ that part 1 is at about 70% he also mentioned that part 2 is about ~30% done. What happens to that work if you move to blender? Is part 2 back at 0%?


The issue with this patreon is that they are not honest and everything is deliberately vague. Many other creators make less contet but at least they are being truthful. Right now it feels like they never had the plan to release bloodlust by christmas and were just stringing us along to squeeze out extra bucks. "Please understand" you're sounding more and more like a greedy corporate politician. It's not a good look.


Correction, last year we payed at least 4 times for one image set. $5 per 12 months means $60 and Flying High was immediately put on the Affect3D store for $15. So yey Miro.


So when Blood Crown releases it will be done in Maya? Or Blender? Are we going to see like the first half of the movie look one way and then the second half look a different way due to it being in Blender? Still a little unsure.


Can anyone recommend a content creator who's worth subbing to? Think it's time to take my support elsewhere.


I'm not suggesting you stop supporting here or start supporting anyone else but 'Jackerman' has been putting out great stuff consistently.


"We’ve got a Cerene booty shake animation but are revising the animation. The focus will obviously be jiggle physics." Yes please! =))


Hold only bills when there's something to release, the rest of the time the billing is paused so you don't have to pay to subscribe every single month (just when there is a release). Imagine how much money we would have saved if miro had done something similar ... https://www.patreon.com/hold/ Mind you, I'm "biased" towards Hold's work because I collaborate with Hold on story, ideas and art critique while Hold does all the 3D Blender and animations stuff.


So you are almost done with it in Maya and decide to do a big fuck you to everyone and move over to blender.... at this point am wondering what the fuck is the point of this Patreon...


At this point the only way to get this ongoing and well deserved sh*tstorm a bit under control for Miro and team (even I as a Patreon supporter from the very start am considering my leave since I just can't stomach that continuing series of broken promises much longer 😡 )would be a serious/honest and not yet again vague/emotionless/corporate "We're sorry to have let you down all this time but we promise to no matter what push out Bloodcrown part 1 out of the door in 2022 even if it's not yet up to our standards and more or less still in an early access state (meaning there have to be updates/patches like there were with Bloodlust Cerene and Royal Descent) and also depenping on how long you've been supporting us on Patreon offer you a appropriate discount on the movie once it's out." That would be the right way to do it and honestly isn't even that hard but if you seriously need help to push out a simple message like that to your supporters hit me up on PM if you need basic training on social skills 😉 (by the way this is sarcasm) . EDIT: Also sent this post to the Affect3D team via PM including some strong demand in their direction to undertake a serious/neccessary step so we can finally bring this ongoing sh*tstorm to a closure. Hopefully their social department properly reacts to it in some way and we see a relevant news update coming very soon 🧐 !


Welp guess ill resubscribe when one of the royal crown parts start coming out

Xavier Hall

That's seem to be the only choice either resubcribe when it is out here or wait till it is on the main site.


It's really sad to come to this. But I can only agree with the opinion of many supporters. I have been a supporter since the very beginning and it is completely different compared to the beginning. Of course we are here to support you, of course it can't be fantastic every day, but I understand why many complain.


So Blood Crown is dead in the water. You shouldn't be "building a team" for a project that was supposed to be done last December. Meanwhile they have random amateurs dicking around in Blender making test loops that look like they were ripped out of 2017. How can one call this patreon anything less than deceitful? Delay everything, sidetrack every other project, make as little as possible, charge $5-$10 every month, rinse and repeat. Miro doesn't even have the common decency to pause the patreon when there are months where NOTHING SIGNIFICANT IS RELEASED.


I can almost guarantee there never was a 70% completed Blood Crown. Miro probably did a few test shots, dicked around, and is using the Blender transition as an excuse to delay production a few years forward. "My Blender transition ate my homework."


And they use the "founder tiers" to lock in a minimum subscriber base who doesn't want to lose their discount. Lord knows if they didn't have that feature their subscriptions would be in the low hundreds with the lying and dearth of content they put out.


Bloodcrown Pt 1 will be in Maya. Again, Blender production in no way slows down our production as it's 2 separate teams


Waiting for that meaningful update. Or a really, really good animation of Cerene getting doggy-styled.


Damn from the past 2 updates i thought they woulda released another animation by now. Hopefully it will be later today with the update.


I wonder if they haven't released an update yet because they are seriously considering pausing next month's Patreon payments to be fair to everyone. Not trying to be salty or shady and I don't know if it needs repeating but 'as someone who originally came into here during the original inauguration of the founders tiers from the A3D forums from G4E and the original BL this whole production appears to have deviated significantly from what I as a founder thought I was signing up for and subscribing to.' One can't help but wonder if the photosets are/were just a side project while the main project as been cooking, or if the main project is in fact 'dead in the water.' Obviously we all hope that is very much not the case. I know that not everyone is going to unsubscribe. I un-subbed, kinda regretted it, and when I resubbed (when another founder tier became available again) after MANY months realized that I had missed nothing. No significant or meaningful updates. A bunch of different versions of the same animations and already leaked image sets. I am still sure many folks will stay subbed regardless, and the image sets haven't been terrible by any means! But there are (presumably) much smaller indie devs, one person operations, who are producing better quality content with greater consistency. It makes me personally feel like the crew *must* be working on something they aren't showing... or maybe Miro is some sort of reclusive genius artist who is just over-critiquing his upcoming product. Maybe he feels like it's been so long since a meaningful update that he's starting to get depressed; maybe he feels like he's letting people down. I'm not sure what the case is. It's MOSTLY not my business, but again 'as someone who's been a long time supporter (time really flies, I wasn't even realizing so much time had gone by since the creation of this Patreon)' I think a realistic update on the actual project, not the photosets, not these short animations; the actual project we are actually supporting would be pretty amazing, as well as deserved. I doubt it would be disappointing either, and I doubt that sales, now or future will be lost. The last ACTUAL preview of Blood Crown was incredible. I'm not writing this long ass post threatening that I'll leave the Patreon, it's irrelevant as someone else will gladly snatch up my spot, thinking that they'll get some new updates on Blood Crown as well. So, whatever. I have no point. Please show me something? Of BloodCrown? Cause this is silly. I'm glad A3D hired a PR/Project Manager/Damage Control guy, but like, communicate with us about what we want to know about. Is it really so far off track that the older percentage based progress reports are useless? A little more transparency about the project would be nice. But of course... Miro could just cradle blood crown like it's the One Ring to Rule Them All as well. And Miro if you're reading this I'm really not trying to be a douche. I cannot imagine the pressure you're under. Maybe you're not an anxious person like me but I hope you're doing nice and only wish you good things. I just want to see more of Cerene's titties flopping around Sir. Good luck, and a thousand blessings upon your genitals, Miro; and everyone else at A3D as well.


Look man, I'm upset as well but these long essays aren't changing anything (saying this as someone whos written a few). At this point, you're no longer just throwing your money at the wall, it's the time you took writing this too. Aside from this recent update being rather vague re: Maya/Blender, we mostly know what's happening with Blood Crown: It's not done due to misallocation of resources elsewhere. There's no other update they can give that's going to make you feel any better when nothing has changed.


Hah! I know that's why I kept telling myself I wasn't gonna post one of these essays. Everyone else has already said it anyway lawl


What happened? Not even an update?


No update for nearly 2 weeks and none of the two promised animations to be seen yet 🤔 . Yikes 😬 I hope they come up with something really big in those last days of January and not yet another lame ass excuse for a Patreon post.