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Happy New Year everyone! We hope you enjoyed your holidays and are looking forward to the year ahead. As we mentioned previously, January 2022 is the month that we will be pivoting our production focus entirely to Bloodlust. We do still have some odds and ends to release, though, so we just wanted to update you on the anticipated release order.

First, we'll have the Cerene anal test animation ready for you tomorrow.

Next, we expect The Seed of Rebirth piledriver animation between Cerene and Raven to be ready.

We also have a test animation for a sexy Cerene walk.

Finally we expect the CyPunk animation to be finished last since we're still correcting the issues we mentioned in an earlier text update.



Bob Fink

Happy New Year! Awesome tease renders and I can't wait to get back to Blood Lust!


Awesome! If it is possible, could you compare test animation with various settings like Cycle, Eevee or Resolution? So that you could find out which is the most suitable to render the full animation. And also don't forget to add some walking animation with a dick as you do in G4F. Happy new year. Can't wait to Bloodlust hype.


Great to hear Cypunk is still on the table. Thanks for commiting to tying up those loose ends at the very least. Looking forward to a productive 2022


Please, for the love of god, the dance animations and walking animations are wasted without her penis.


Happy New Year everyone 🥳 ! Hope full focus on Bloodlust for January is real this time and not just talk and you finally get your productivity/team coordinating issues sorted for this month as well since you originally wanted to wrap up those 4 mentioned animations above by December 2021 if I remember correctly. Seems to be a repeating pattern that we have to remain skeptical on your word 🧐 so I will only believe what you promised for Bloodlust once a picture/image set/clip/trailer or whatever drops.


Was/still am looking forward to the animation with Cerene in doggy style.


Happy New Year! I hope you had a relaxing end of the year and I wish you a better 2022 than 2021. For Affect3D this shouldn't be hard since 2021 was a clusterfuck imo :P. The only piece of complete content we got was Flying High (minus animations of course). First part came out in January, last part in December. Other than that there's only been previews for sets now abandoned, previews for 1000 subscribers animations now voted on almost 2 year ago, blender videos with mostly third party models and a few tries at VNs that seemed like such easy and low hanging fruit, but didn't actually go anywhere. It is a continuous source of amazement for me how such a 'big' studio as Affect3D, with several sources of income is unable to deliver even an small percentage of what single(ish) devs are doing. The overall disappointment of 2021 was topped by the sudden announcement that work on Bloodlust must really stop because smaller stuff, that Miro had no problem postponing/delaying/ignoring up to that point, really had to take precedence. Fine, I understand not wanting to keep using old tech while migrating to new one, but maybe don't make this choice just a couple of weeks shy of your stable estimated release date for the big project people have been waiting for for 3+ years? But even those weren't done in time and now have spilled into 2022, hence this post of yours. I do hope everything will be finished asap, but I am afraid some of this 'vital' small content will be used as an excuse for further delays with Bloodlust. There is one piece of content mentioned in November that I don't see here. The Circle of Love DP animation. You mentioned you might drop it. If so please release whatever wips/previews you have of it. It was after all a 1000 subscribers video and has been voted. Overall I hope 2021 has taught you to bring back focus on the big projects.


Is there any word at all on whether 1st / 2nd tier founders supports, or long time patreon supports at all will even get access to Bloodlust when it comes out? As good as the content has been previously, for the money I don't feel I got much in 2021 at all. I might as well have just saved all my money and purchased the previous content from the store..


Yeah the value proposition for 2021 even for a founder just wasn't there compared to previous years. I believe Miro was entertaining a discount for Patrons on Bloodlust last I implored about this in the delay announcement/ sexdoll post.


So at founder's level of $5 I guess I paid $60 for Flying High in 2021 since that was the only almost complete thing (it's lacking videos) Miro released last year and it stretched from January to December. To add insult to injury, after it was done it was immediately released for (I think) $15 on the Affect3D store :D. I've been here since October 2018 so have already contributed around $200 to his patreon and seeing that most of the Nov-Dec 2021 content is yet to be released who knows how much I will keep contributing until Bloodlust comes out. Oh, not the whole Bloodlust mind you. Just part 1. I think Miro mentioned some discounts for patrons, but at this point they need to be in the 95%+ zone imo, especially for long time patrons.

MarathonWZ (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 14:23:19 Can we get a real status update on blood crown? The WIP #13 from 11 months ago (on affect 3d.com) said 70% for part 1 & 40% for part 2 as of 11 months ago. I'm sorry, I follow & appreciate the text updates, but to be honest, I am a bit lost on the progress in that time frame. Understand delays happen & the finished product has never let me down. I am just a fan of your work, and can't always figure out what the text updates mean. 70% finished I can understand..... where are we today?
2022-01-04 21:31:15 Can we get a real status update on blood crown? The WIP #13 from 11 months ago (on affect 3d.com) said 70% for part 1 & 40% for part 2 as of 11 months ago. I'm sorry, I follow & appreciate the text updates, but to be honest, I am a bit lost on the progress in that time frame. Understand delays happen & the finished product has never let me down. I am just a fan of your work, and can't always figure out what the text updates mean. 70% finished I can understand..... where are we today?

Can we get a real status update on blood crown? The WIP #13 from 11 months ago (on affect 3d.com) said 70% for part 1 & 40% for part 2 as of 11 months ago. I'm sorry, I follow & appreciate the text updates, but to be honest, I am a bit lost on the progress in that time frame. Understand delays happen & the finished product has never let me down. I am just a fan of your work, and can't always figure out what the text updates mean. 70% finished I can understand..... where are we today?


I don't think we'll see info on blood crown this month until they clear the pipeline. If we do, wonderful but until we start seeing stuff done with the blood crown assets like they said, it's only the current stuff they have planned to release according to this post we'll see first.


Still hoping that the Circle of Love DP animation was "punted" from Maya over to Blender and will get redone from scratch using Blender and Eevee (so it actually gets DONE). Be nice to have it as a bonus extra in BL: Lanessa.


This sub is starting to get silly and unnecessary... I can get similar updates from the slushe and pay less overall for the content. A lack of firm timelines and frequent missing/late updates is disrespectful to the people funding the projects. I'll keep my sub for now with hopes the pipeline changes manifest improvement, but I am close to closing out.


Text update was pretty clear last time. They made minimal progress and it's not done. They released sex dolls and had other projects on their plate. If they give another update, it's just going to be in text again. The percentages have never really conveyed how much time is left. It's still 7x.x percent. It hasn't moved much in the last year, due to the reasons they explained in the last text update.


Yes, Bloodlust got put on hold at the last minute because small crap (some of which had been ignored for almost 2 years) suddenly needed to be done first. Initially they were supposed to release the small stuff in Nov-Dec 2021 and starting with January 2022 they were supposed to go back full steam on Bloodlust, but since they, again, failed to deliver in 2021 the bulk of the small stuff is now to be released in January. Once that 4 items mentioned in the post are release they will presumably focus all their attention on Bloodlust. Percentages never really translated into anything concrete to be honest and Miro mentioned that 100% would also include the promo materials and crap like that, but we can estimate based on their own release estimates. Their long held tentative RELEASE date was Christmas 2021. Since Miro insisted on the month long masturbatory release 'event', and having previously mentioned that the release event will start only after the movie is done I would conclude that their tentative DEV COMPLETE date was around November 25. The last time we were given the Christmas 2021 tentative release date was on October 12. This means that they were around 6-7 weeks away from being done. So presumably once the items mentioned in this post are done they will have another 6-7 weeks of work and 4 weeks of release event, touching themselves on what a good job they did working on half a movie for 3+ years :D. Of course these are only my interpretation on the crumbs of info Miro deigned to give to us. This only hold true if some 'unforeseen' issues don't suddenly pop-up, if they finally manage to deliver the small pieces of content that delayed Bloodlust and, of course, if Miro and co. haven't bullshitted us for the best part of 2021 :P.


Yes, I've compared the prices before.. how thoroughly disappointing the value proposition is. Especially considering we are supposed to be the hardcore supporters and I thought we would be better better value as we are PLEDGING. Rather than MAYBE buying stuff from his store. If I don't get any word back soon on whether supporters will even get the release I'll just be ending my pledge. Such a waste of money otherwise. I am just one piece of the puzzle though and it would actually take a lot more supporters to unsub as well otherwise nothing will change.


the seed of rebirth and cypunk anims are the last animations we want to complete before focus on blood crown... there will be more blender test anims as we finalize blender assets so all maya work after that point will be blood crown and as we complete the necessary blender assets those too will slowly switch to blood crown