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This week’s update comes entirely from James, as there were no other items for Marie to update on. To those of you celebrating this week, enjoy your holidays!

Hey guys, we’ve had a couple of animations draw to a close in the past two weeks. We’ve just finished applying the final touches - lighting, jiggle, and a few morph fixes to Cerene’s mesh in that club fucking scene I mentioned last time.

We’ve now got a good sense of different jiggle techniques. Basically the two main approaches we'll be testing involve cloth physics with a surface deform, or for the second, we employ a surface deformer that doesn’t actually involve any physics - that allows for some cool rippling effects.

As you know, we’ve got animators from the Maya team working on The Seed of Rebirth pile driver animation. That’s currently being rendered out for a cam test.

We’ve now got a working female version of Lanessa in Blender. The process wasn’t the simplest however, as creating a shape key from her mesh on Cerene’s (to be able to keep Cerene’s rig) messed up due to a difference in the vertex order. We had to go in and manually reorder the vertices. The goal now is to find a streamlined approach that allows us to do this relatively quickly and smoothly so we’ll be able to transfer characters like Sophia across.



Happy Holidays team, have a great time 🎅🏻🎄🎁🤶🏻


What about the new Bloodlust?

Bob Fink

Have a very Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas everyone. Hope the big man in red brings whatever you are hoping for. Have a great day and see ye in the new year <3


A genuine Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to the team as well! I hope you get to relax with your loved ones and recharge your batteries. Lots of info about Blender, so little info about the Maya team. You remember them, right? The guys working on the long awaited Bloodlust movie that got delayed last moment after holding the same estimate for release for about an year? Those guys. They had to stop working on the 3+ year in development big movie because it was absolutely vital they work on some other stuff first. Less than 10 days left in December and we have yet to see any of the 2 animations (let's face it we were never going to get the Circle of Love stuff) that were promised for Nov-Dec. Seed of Rebirth is getting a cam TEST, but no news of the Cypunk one? It was tentatively planned for November and I think we initially voted for it back in February 2020. Time flies when so little is being delivered... What happens if these are not done by the end of the year? Do they continue to delay work on Bloodlust even in 2022?


Cypunk sounded like a lipsync issue the last time it was mentioned. Hopefully we eventually see something out of that. I mean, heck if it's consistent enough, just release a separate audio track and let us know how many seconds+milliseconds the delay needs to be set to be in sync with the animation. But maybe it's not that simple.


Precisely why I unsubscribed, Rikolo just finished his project in what like 6 months; all in blender, fully voiced & at 32 minutes. Nyl is finishing up his but both animators released relatively big animations all this year yet nothing from this page, other than a few loops with different camera angles. To be fair they did release a lot of decent image sets but I signed on primarily for blood lust as I assume many others had as well.


I pray for Miro that Bloodlust is like next level quality for this length of time. Cause I thought it was going to be released end of year this year. Whats the ETA for the main project now?


Still hoping that the Circle of Love DP animation got "punted" from Maya (where it was never going to work out right) over into Blender (meaning a fresh start from scratch) once they are able to port Sophia over into Blender (as mentioned in the update).


I don't know about anyone else ... but who would be eager to see a remaster of G4E+DLC1-2 done in Blender once Tara gets ported over? Could be done as a "training wheels" exercise to get (new) animators up to speed with all of the Blender tools, workflow and production processes as a kind of demonstration pipeline that lets people who want to join the production show off their skills while learning the ropes. A "simple" exercise of "do this in Blender instead" where there is a known and demonstrable precedent to work from can yield all kinds of skills benefits down the line.


Good shout. I'd be down for this under one condition: it's a prelude to G4E Part 2. Even though there are things that can be improved, it still holds up relatively well considering how old it is but I wouldn't want a 'remaster' unless it was the start of new Tara/Sayako content.


Let's put it this way ... a remaster of G4E would be the "training ground" to prepare "miro and friends" for the continuation of G4E beyond the DLCs. Work the kinds out of the workflow, get everyone up to speed using the remaster and THEN forge ahead with the continuation using a team that is trained, ready and knows how to work together to achieve RESULTS.


Or for sure. It would definitely be worth doing to get whoever is working on it familiar and up to speed with working with those two models. Sadly, if there is even a plan for G4E content, it's long long away. I really miss those two!


Ah, but that's the thing ... once G4E is in remaster production, continuing production of G4E beyond the remaster would become excessively EASY (relatively speaking). Baby steps ...


So you are going to import a new character into Blender, when will be a chance for your original ones like Tara, Sayako or Ayako? Even Tristen is already left behind, what is he doing alone in the castle by now. lol (I don't want to see him but just curious he is the only model in the BL series that is not mentioned.)


Not the time for ranting so I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas🎄 and Happy Holidays. Have a great time 😉 Yours sincerely JohnboyX


where is bloodlust lanessa bloodcrown