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Before we get started with the update this week, we just wanted to let you know that the Patreon archives have been updated.

Blender General -- We continued trying out new animators this past week, with some additional assignments going out and a few first drafts coming in. We’ll elaborate more on these animations once they’re further along.

The latest version of Cerene’s Blender rig is looking good, so we’re currently putting together a short video to show it off. The port of Cerene’s Flying High costume is also complete, so we’ve started working on her classic costume. Lanessa’s rig is also in progress.

Environment setup in Blender has been slow going, so we’re going to start looking for some Blender environment and modeling artists to assist with that.

CyPunk 1000 Patrons Vaginal Sex Animation -- The render artist was able to optimize the CyPunk animation down to 10 minutes per frame, so things are looking up in terms of render time. The screenshot above is rendered from cam 2.

Flying High Image Set -- Part 8 won’t be ready for this week as we’d hoped, but it’s very close. The artist working on part 9 had a little computer trouble but it’s been resolved and we shouldn’t notice the delay since part 8 is taking longer.




10 minutes per frame = 300 minutes (5 hours) per second of animation @ 30 fps 5 hours * 60 seconds of animation = 300 hours (12.5 days) per minute of animation 2 minutes, 24 seconds of animation = ~30 days of render time (assuming everything works perfectly and nothing goes wrong ...) Mind you, I'm just doing napkin math here for everyone playing the home game here.


How many parts will there be for Flying High in total?


Lanessa's Blender rig is Sayako's Blender rig. If you had a Tara Blender rig to go with it ... you could potentially do a Blender version remaster of G4E plus DLC1 and 2. I mean, let's face it, the original G4E release is basically abandonware at this point (shockwave flash player) and there have been a LOT of technological advancements and upgrades in the past 8 years. Now, I know that the very idea of doing a remaster of G4E in Blender sounds a lot like trying to reinvent the wheel (kinda sorta) ... but doing a G4E refresh as a remaster project is something that could potentially be done to bring G4E and the entire workflow up to "present day" standards of detail and jiggle physics (among other things) and get an entire new generation of people who didn't know about G4E "back in the day" interested in Sayako and Tara. Best part is, you would have the "demo reel" for what you want all the animations to be (only Blender better) so as to do a modernization cleanup of all of G4E. I mean, it sounds like the perfect kind of thing to set new to the team Blender animators to doing so as to teach them skills and get them familiarized with the workflow on miro projects ... and when they finish miro would have another piece to the puzzle of a remaster for G4E. You don't even need to record new audio for the project (assuming Marie and/or miro still have all the legacy voice files archived somewhere), all you need is new video animations. Anyone else want to see G4E plus DLC1 and 2 get a remaster in Blender for a re-release?

Amber Lee

Seed of rebirth.......

Indulge Me

So what's the strategy here? Do you render to some % then denoise? For animation, would 20 fps work? I have got pretty good results with Flow Frames Framerate Upscaler when playing around in the past. 15 fps to 60 fps doesn't quite work but 30 to 60 looks great.

Indulge Me

You could probably get away with 5 minutes per frame + denoise, then maybe upscaling from 15 fps to 30 with an AI upscaler. However I think perhaps 15 fps isn't enough to get subtle movements/physics going in the scene.


Oh God, please no. Affect3d moves at a snail's speed. It's gonna take 3+ years (if we're lucky) for them to release HALF of the next movie and you want them to go back to redo something that we've already seen? Even if it's gonna be other people doing the work, Miro will probably spend years going over that work and doing 'adjustments'. For all their talk about different teams and stuff they still have a single point of failure and delay for everything. If affect3d actually had a good track record of release times and staying focused on the big movies I would be 120% behind the idea of a remaster. But they most definitely do not. I'd rather them do G4E2 and move the story forward. Sayako and Tara out on a romantic vacation, Tara trying to make Sayako to experiment new things and getting her into a threesome with another futa, Tara and Sayako the Wedding episode.


The only advantage in doing that is a faster release. The enormous disadvantage in doing that is that you've released lower quality product ... FOREVER. Gain 2 weeks at the cost of eternity. Not a good tradeoff I'm thinking ...


So ... you're saying that miro's Workflow process "needs more work to flow" ... right? Well, the advantage of a remaster of G4E (and the DLCs) is that the whole thing is made up of mostly quick clips (that get looped repeatedly) with the occasional FMV plus voice over to transition between scenes. The longest single continuous scene is the cumshot in DLC1, but even that could be carved up into a lot of repeating loops if needed so as to produce a remaster of the scene in parallel, rather than rely on a single creator doing everything sequentially. In other words, it's a near ideal opportunity to get the Workflows that have been miro's downfall for the past 8 years up to snuff in a way that divides up the work into manageable chunks. If you can't unclog the production pipeline by now ... it's likely NEVER going to get unclogged ... and a remaster of G4E is probably the simplest and most demonstrable way to achieve that goal of getting everyone "trained up and skilled" on the production end of things to streamline output going into the future. Because, let's face facts here, the workflow for BL: Lanessa has been pretty darn constipated up until now. As for moving the G4E story forward, I'm certainly with you on that score. And yes ... seeing Tara slip her wedding ring onto Sayako's hard cock is something I think we ALL want to see before we die!


In theory I agree, but practice is what will kill us. Everything new this team has taken on has delayed everything else. You can't tell me you're not seeing a link between all the stuff going on at the same time and a main movie that has been in the works for almost three years. A main movie with two of the three characters more or less already 'ready' for action. Maybe it's not like that, but since they are extremely opaque, I can only presume that is the issue. You also seem to dismiss the issues and pitfalls that arise when trying to replicate/remaster something existing. If they must learn at least let them learn with new content. At least we won't waste years to see the same thing again but in a better resolution and fps. There are already upscaled versions of G4E floating around on the web. I do agree about the dual wedding rings for Sayako though. One on the finger and one on the cock.


Depends on the scenario. You're taking the perspective that ALL NEW is "quicker/easier/more seductive" and therefore somehow "cheaper" in terms of Time, Tools and Tech Manuals to produce. I'm taking the perspective that (originally released) G4E is something which in a remaster does not need to be recreated from scratch (per se). A lot of the details are already "nailed down" in terms of setting, character looks, costuming, voice and sound ... the only aspects that would NEED to be redone in a remaster would be the video and the player. Furthermore, the actual contents of G4E, being known quantities, could be produced piecemeal over time as schedules (and skilled artists) permit. There's a big difference between committing to creating a 30 minute long video all at once, versus getting 10 second animation loops finished on a catch as catch can basis ... particularly when there is an already existing reference example of what the posing animation is supposed to be doing, so artists in the collaboration have something to cross-check what they're doing against. The REAL kicker though would be to design a player that isn't a One And Done release ... but instead something that allows extra content to be plugged into it as completion rolls on, because that kind of a "plug bits in as they're finished" model allows for EXTENSION of the already existing content with additional content that didn't exist originally as that additional content is produced and published. That way, G4E just keeps on growing as more and more content for it gets produced and released over time, rather than it being a case of needing to wait YEARS for a single product drop that is all inclusive (and can't be "fixed" after download without a full up replacement if something doesn't work right). You then wind up with a business model of what amounts to open ended, rather than closed, releases of products like G4E and Bloodlust ... where as more of the content for those stories gets released they're simply "plugged into" the player that runs them. Now, if that requires a new download of the content package to include the updates from A3D ... that's fine ... but the point is that you ultimately move to a business model that favors more frequent releases of smaller amounts of content, rather than having omnibus releases of ALL of the content in a single "orgasmic whump" and then have to wait multiple years for the next release. If you carve up the releases into smaller chunks that are easier to manage (individually) through the A3D workflow, such that content can be released over time in a more frequent pattern because you're dealing with smaller more manageable chunks of content per release, that ought to get everything in the workflow pipeline moving better than trying to sit on everything until it's ALL ready for a completed final release, which takes multiple years for ~15-30 minutes worth of content. HOW do you make such a transition in business practices? By DOING IT. Duh. What is the easiest opportunity for miro and A3D to move to such a set of best practices? A remaster of G4E ... which then sets the standard for how to replicate the process going forwards with other titles. In other words, walk before you run.


So uh, how many moons ago was the CyPunk image set made? IIRC it's something like...a year and a half ago?


We wait 18 months for a 30 second loop in a few angles, may as well have it at good quality. Granted, you can't compare infinites on the margin, -- that's two extra weeks of a half-good animation to enjoy. Still not worth the shortcuts.

Amber Lee

my guess: by the time they can do blender they'll decide to go back to maya or one of the other renderings......................ergo we'll forever be transitioning and never have any content


Pretty long long time, yeah. Hope the runtime is decent. I remember there actually being some actual dialogue at least this time around anyway.


This isn't about newer being shorter and older things taking more time. The argument is everything you just mentioned was already being promised at the start of this Patreon. In fact, it's promised at the beginning of almost every new release. "If you carve up the releases into smaller chunks" Yes that's what they mentioned doing already. It hasn't happened. We're way past the point of "figuring out how to do things properly by doing X first" "walk before you run" That was supposed to be the whole point of the Patreon and establishing an alterative content pipeline. It hasn't happened. A remaster isn't going to change any of this. You do make transitions by doing it "duh". The problem is they didn't do it. Nobody wants to see them commit to the same promise of improvement again with another 3+ year development cycle, only to see old content at the end of the rainbow.


So ... if the only thing that can be done is to screw up, then screw up only new stuff, don't screw up any old stuff ...?


As someone who upscales and frame interpolates, the answer is mostly yes. Upscaling from sub-1080p looks mediocre, and there isn't the realism of native 1080p. Upscaling from 1080p to 2160p works just fine for most stuff (there's enough detail in 1080p). The same applies to low frame rate content. Interpolating from 30p to 60p is ok, but 12p to 24p or 15p to 30p looks like shit. There isn't enough data to re-create the minimum smooth motion we are accustomed to with a floor of 24p. That being said, taking a year and a half to make a 30 second loop and cutting the corners on render quality at the finish line is exactly what I expect Miro to do.

Indulge Me

I'm not talking about upscaling resolution (superresolution). I'm talking about upscaling FPS. I have done this with 30 to 60 and it's great. AI denoisers are also very good these days, so you need fewer iterations.


You are misguided. It's called frame interpolation (upscaling applies to resolution only), and for motion at normal speed it looks bad when you interpolate from below 24p up to >=24p. Interpolating from >=24p to higher frame rates usually is fine. That's not what Miro would do -- he'd probably render at 12p to save time and double to 24p to make a smeared mess, especially when the motion of the hips reverse at the end of a thrust. Then he would release the animation in super compressed h.264 as the cherry on top.


Yeah Dust is in point, unless you're interpolation from 60+fps it adds a noticeable dithering around moving objects, looks messy.