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Hey everyone, sorry for the text update delay this week. We were waiting on some renders which we wanted to include in this week’s update. (The full size renders are attached below if you want to take a closer look.)

Bloodlust: Lanessa - Blood Crown -- Finishing touches: 23.8%. Overall Production: 73.57%. Tentative release date: Christmas 2021.

Finishing touches are coming along. The main improvements are variations to the sex animations that develop over time, as opposed to very minor variations on top of short loops. Miro is creating longer segments that will see the character actions progress over time and ramp up the intensity of the sex.

We also have another update regarding the software that we mentioned last year. As you’ll recall, we were creating a new, Unity-based media player software to replace the one used for Bloodlust: Cerene - Royal Descent. This software will also be used for Bloodlust: Lanessa - Blood Crown when we release. Anyway, the development of this software has been completed, so we’ll be conducting a soft release in the near future to patrons who already own Bloodlust: Cerene - Royal Descent.

If you’re interested in testing the software, let us know in the comments of this post and we’ll follow up with you via direct message when the soft release is ready. Minimum requirements needed to test are as follows:

Minimum System Requirements Mac

  • OS: OSX 10.15 (Catalina)
  • CPU: Intel processor with 64-bit support;  Recommended: 2.2 GHz or faster processor
  • GPU: Integrated Graphics 1.5 GB
  • Memory: 4 GB
  • Free Space: 4 GB of free disk space

Minimum System Requirements Windows

  • OS: Windows 7 with SP1;  Recommended: Windows 10
  • CPU: Intel or AMD processor with 64-bit support;  Recommended: 2.2 GHz or faster processor
  • GPU: Integrated Graphics 1.5 GB
  • Memory: 4 GB
  • Free Space: 4 GB of free disk space

Blender -- A lot of movement going on here at the moment, though not ready to show off anything just yet. For the existing model animations, one loop is currently being reviewed, while a second draft is being rendered.

Fan Service -- One of the new Blender artists is currently prepping the Fan Service environment for use in Blender. The character ports to Blender have started, as well.

Flying High -- Environments for this one are also being prepped for Blender, while the Blender character port is still in progress.




I would like to test


I'm available for backwards compatibility to OSX 10.13.6 (assuming there is any). Also, if this new player works out, would it be possible to re-release G4E using it? With Flash support terminated, these old releases could use a touch up refresh.


I would like to join the test as well, please.

Andrew Rowe

I'd volunteer, but I'd need to be home. And build a new PC.


I would like to join the test

Andrew Rowe

Looks like you've plenty of volunteers already


There appears to already be a number of volunteers but if it's a matter of 'more the merrier' or just want to test a wider range of systems, I'd be happy to help. Love the images. Always forget how veiny Cerene's breasts are.


Would be happy to test. Also, cyberpunk update? It was sent to render this time right? Just replace this comic with "Number of times the Cyberpunk animation has been sent to final render" https://xkcd.com/1189/


I’d like to join the test too.


I'd like to be a tester


I’ll be a tester, if you need any more


Would be happy to test


I have the specs and the previous entries of bloodlust, so I would like to throw my hat in as a tester.


Interested in the testing


I can help if needed


im just gonna come back in a year when theres content.


I would be very interested in testing 🥰


more unique animations between the loops are always appreciated. Also, I might have missed this, but will fan service be rendered entirely in blender, or just the anim?


I would very much be interested in testing the software in the soft release.


I'm interested in testing


I'm interested in testing as well.


All will be. the current set will be the last made using Daz.


Everyone is interested in testing because theyre starved for content.


I'm always amused by the posing used for oral penetrations that miro tends to favor. The angles and positions make sense for "normal" sized male penises ... but once you scale up to the Sayako-sized erection dimensions, you can barely fit the glans inside of the mouth before running into the spine in the back of the neck, simply because the dimensions are so, enormous. If you get much more penetration than beyond fitting the glans inside the lips, you're either dealing with a failure of Object Permanence involving Hammerspace™ (which miro has done repeatedly in the past) or you're rather literally fucking the recipient's brains out because from the angle that's the only place the erection can go ... up into their brain! Erect penises of this size (and hardness!) would not be making 90º turns to slide down a throat that doesn't expand, so there is always a hazard of plausibility depending on how deep the oral penetration is in the context of the angles of the anatomy involved. However, if these preview images are meant to be a "just suck the tip, Cerene" without attempting any kind of improbable/impossible penetration depths at this posing angle, then they will work just fine. Simply remain mindful of where all the "parts and pieces" of these gigantic futa erections are going internally while respecting both anatomy and object permanence and you'll be fine. If you don't respect those considerations, prepare for rejection, mockery and derision ... even if the presentation "looks hot" because while it might "look good" it can also wind up looking very very Wrong, which then harms the overall impact and impression the scene makes.


I'll be happy to help and also agree with IBT about re-releasing G4E with new software. Flash Player already stopped supporting for half of the year. Since you're going to upgrade the software in BL then it would be a good opportunity to remind everyone that Futa Cerene came from an initiator, Sayako, in G4F. (And also for those who know only BL and pic set while not aware of G4F is exist.)


But IBT you can suspend your belief of futas, which don't exist, and 20inch cocks that don't exist? Rather selective on objections to reality ;)


I’d be happy to help as well, the more input the better to help with bug problems and other sorts!


I don't think we need to keep having the updates slip later and later into the week just to attach some still images. BC updates are typically on the last week of the month. If it's known that you're going to throw us some images, why not get that sorted ahead of time so its ready at the end of the month? There should be a start of the month outline for what you intend to deliver each week that should dictate the action items you execute. Instead it sounds like somebody is winging it, or is forced to wing it at the last minute. These are such small things to be falling behind on. There's also nothing that says you can't deliver the update on time, let us know the images are on the way, and then have another post that concentrates on the images.


Happy to help but I fear my PC is too powerful. Maybe good to help with rendering instead. lol


Cerene is more than perfect. Would also like to help.


Question, I can't quite get the 5$ membership, it keeps declining it for me saying something went wrong..


You guys probably already have enough testers but if I can also test I would like to as well.


Happy to test the software.


I'm interested in testing


As a fan, i would love to test your software (:




I have no idea, I'd like to think in a day or two.


Y'all know the rules. No update until next Thursday, we'll all have a reasonable discussion on monday or tuesday about lack of content and everyone will forget by the end of the week.


i got the orginal Bloodlust: Cerene - Royal Descent. i would like to test the unity version


Besides very little content in the last two months, now we don't even deserve the weekly 'we swear we're working on stuff' post. Weak :))

Amber Lee

yo tambien!


I am sorry to ask but is there still a room for testing the software


I want to test please :)


I want to test too!