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Voting for this poll has ended.

We have a little poll for you today. Miro has created 5 different outfits for Anette, the singer in the upcoming image set, Fan Service. We'd like to know which one you think looks best.

Some things to know...

  • The winner of the vote is not necessarily the outfit we'll pick, we just want to gauge your response to these outfits. We may explore other outfits beyond these, as well.
  • Patreon makes the previews a bit small, so we recommend scrolling down to the attachments to download and view the full size images.
  • We have not picked a genre of music that Anette is meant to be performing, so you do not need to consider these outfits from the perspective of whether they fit with a specific style of music or not. We'll design Anette's style first, and decide those little details later.
  • On that note, let us know in the comments what style of music you think suits her.

As always, any feedback you want to offer is welcome. Now onto the poll!

Options 1, 2, & 3

Options 4 & 5

Any thoughts on what she'd wear to her 7th grammy award nomination appearance??



Jason Henry

Either outfit two or three please :)


Normal singer would not wear single panty to the stage even she want to get some audience gangbang. Option 1 should wear with short skirt to show her net stocking while Option 5 with low rise jeans to make G-string appear from behind. Option 3 Anette is trying to cosplay some trendy hero Cerene but still got low budget. Option 2 is plain but still could some use of it by inserting from bottom and penetrate to get some boobjob. And I don't know why but Option 4 remind me Sayako outfit. Sporty net clothes showing some boobs and short skirt that shouldn't cover her dick but still do until someone grab it out and give it some love.

Dino Divo

#1 playing dirty, downtempo swing.


I'm a sucker for skin tight stuff, and was a tossup between 2 & 3 for me. Eventually decided on 3


I agree n°2 is the best but voted 1 because I'm weak.


number 5 has a cool jacket. Number 2 is incredibly plain and boring.


number 2 is boring, I love number 1 and 4


I am surprised outfit 3 is the least popular.


2's top with 5's bottom


2 is classy. Yes I never thought I'd be saying classy when talking about 35inch futa porn lol.


I really like 1 and 5's puffy jacket, but the simple panties are a little too little. maybe the top from 1 or 5 with the bottom from 2?


As is … my preference would be for 5. But if I could mix and match some alterations to the costumes presented … I would start with the cut of the top of 2 for the wide open chest window displaying lots (and lots!) of cleavage. I would shorten the arms to about mid-bicep so the sleeves do not go beyond the elbow. I would then change the material to that of 5 for the shiny black puffy look. I would finally change the top at the neck for the strap and button closing (left open above the lowermost strap for the high collar and semi-open neck look we see in 5. The result would be a blending of the cut of 2 using the material of 5 with some alterations to blend the two. The main difference being more visible cleavage than we can see in 5 due to the deep shadow cast by the jacket. You want something that creates the impression that a Wardrobe Malfunction™ is possible (bounce too much and button snaps pop open) even if it is actually not going to happen accidentally. The TEASE of the thought that it COULD happen enhances the appeal. For the hips, I could keep the "crotch cup" of 5, but add a tied on sash with a hanging tails of cloth hanging asymmetrically on one side. Hang the sash with a "sassy" diagonal tilt to it (waist high one side crossing down to upper hip on the other, with no need to hold up anything (like a micro skirt) and you're set. Think Uhura in Mirror, Mirror except with silver lame (instead of gold lame) to match Anette's silver heels for a black and silver color motif. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/47/72/30/47723087f05409989b52d49405509191.jpg Adding this simple (and easy to remove!) accent will heighten the overall impact of the shiny black puffy top (with altered cut detailed above) contrasting so beautifully with Anette's beautiful bare legs. It will also mean that Anette is wearing "more" around her waist and hips than just the crotch cup, but not so much "more" that it would be a struggle to undress her. It also brings to mind the thought that stripping her would involve more steps (an easy step, to be sure, to untie the silver sash) than just merely peeling down her panties or simply pushing them aside for access. The dangling tails of the silver lame sash also gives her costume a part that "moves" when Anette moves, swinging the tails around when she dances on stage. Keep the silver heels of 5 and leave her legs bare. That way, her heels are easy to remove. Point being that you want a costume that won't take too much effort for Anette to get out of (in stages) when it's time for her to have sex with Sayako. You want enough costume parts to make their removal an arousing tease rather than something that would be awkward (and undignified) to remove … like the latex condom pants of 2 or the fishnets of 1, let alone those overdone boots of 3 that look like they would be a chore to put on AND to take off. The simple front snap buttons of 5 can be undone to release "The Big Girls" up top. A tied on sash can be untied and set aside. The crotch cup of 5 can be pulled off like a pair of string panties. The silver heels of 5 can be taken off quickly with a minimum of fuss and hassle. At which point, Anette is completely stripped and ready for all manner of sex acts. All of the other costume bases (1-4) have elements that would be more complicated and challenging to remove or set aside when it comes to sexy time for insertions.


I was stuck between 3 and 5 but ended up selected 3 based on the question about what she would wear for her Grammy appearance, and not what I rather see her in or out of.


5. That top is super creative. Very popstar. 2 is just a little plain. Maybe call a compromise and take the pants from 2 and combine with the top of 5. Also don't forget a runoff vote between the two


> let us know in the comments what style of music you think suits her. Bare minimum, I'm thinking All Girl Rock Band would be best. G Anette (lead singer) G Arielle (lead guitar) G Tara (bass guitar) G Raven (drummer) G Cerene (keyboards) With an All GIRL Band you open up the possibility of Sayako being the band's #1 Sex Groupie, where after the band plays on stage Sayako goes backstage with Anette and the two of them have sex … and then while they're getting VERY involved, other members of the band come in (one by one) and join in, wanting their "turn" with Sayako. That way, Sayako winds up having sex with all of them, one after another … turning into a girl band on futa orgy. Done right, you could even leave open the question of whether or not this is the first time this has happened(!), while leaving the impression that this certainly will not be the last time Sayako will fuck the entire band and cream the lot of them. And a good time was had by all …


if you could give 5 the fishnets in 1 it wouldnt even be a competition


Top from 5 and the pants from 2. ^^


I second this. The top from 5 is...inspired, for lack of a better word. It looks like a real piece of clothing with depth. But I think you don't always want to start off showing everything, hence pants from 2.


I think the boots looks interesting and I like the short shorts on costume 3. I do think the top is a little plain.


I third this, top from 5 with some pants or skirt.


right, you don't want to make it too difficult for Sayako to take those clothes off imagine Sayako on stage in the spot light and can't undo the bra


I think 3 actually shows off her boobs the best, so it wouldn't have been a bad pick, but yeah it looks little like Cerene's outfit in Flying High


5 is a good pick, but if I were to consider adding pants, I'm thinking 3, or maybe 2 in silver.... hmm but yeah, I guess she needs to cover up a little, since she's trying to appeal to her mostly female audience :D


Less clothes faster production time lol, so less clothes.


Exactly. Ideally you want something that is sexy looking while worn but also "easy enough" to put on and take off that you can make a ... production ... out of taking pieces off in a way that is both sensual and a strip tease when parts of the costume get removed. Front straps that snap together like the 5 top make it possible to undo the snaps and then push the top off the shoulders and let the whole top slide down the arms under its own weight to fall on the ground (while Anette and Sayako are too busy kissing to notice where the top has gone). A belt sash, once undone, can be long enough to loop around Anette and be used for a "come here" pull that brings her into contact with Sayako. In other words, there's all kinds of opportunities available to do things WITH the costume parts aside from just make them disappear from 1 frame to the next, never to be seen again.


Play your cards right and you could have a whole series of continuing content. That way you don't have to do "everything" in just the first photoset you're ever going to do. Fan Service 1 Fan Service 2 Fan Service 3 ... Sayako is the "manwhore" to an All Girl Band. Sayako is the #1 fan of the band. And the band are ALL GIRL fans of Sayako ...


2 in silver is a good idea. I do like that thong though. It'd be nice to find a way to see it for a few frames. Maybe the pants come off but the thong stays for a bit, pulled to the side as Sayako eats her out or something.


Is the superhero one still coming out? What is the order?


I fourth this. A short skirt or some pants have to be added to top 5. Also like the idea of EmEn.