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Hey everyone! The first part of Flying High is ready for you, and it looks like Lanessa is about to commence with a little world domination. Fortunately for the citizens of this fine metropolis, Cerene is willing to throw her boobs into the line of fire to (hopefully) save the day.

You can download part 1 using the attachment link below. The zip file require a password to open, which you'll also find below. Use a free zip extractor like WinZip, 7zip, Keka (for Mac users), or Rar (for Android users) if you're having trouble opening the file.

The password for the zip file is: airborne

Which peace negotiation tactic do you think Cerene should deploy: pussy, anal, mouth, or boobs?

Let us know what you think in the comments! 




Sending a girl to fight a dickgirl, that was the citys first mistake :p


Why Part01_04 is focused on Cerene's lower part Isn't it obvious on her tits where it totally outstanding. Part01_06 So she is now a Vampire who can withstand the sunlight now. Part01_06 should add more around 2-3 body as near punch to be most transparent why next one on the right is more clear but still transparent and clearly on the most right to show the direction. In this pic, I thought Cerene is using some power to avoid the punch. Part01_15 They should not lay down next to each other. Put Cerene lay and press on Lanessa while her dick pass through her tight. Part01_15 As above add transparent one. Part01_19-20 Not sure that you forget to put dick on Lanessa or not. There are no way to hide something big without see some part of it. Part01_24 So Third player appeared and Fourth on Part01_25. lol


This set show us how Lanessa get angry from Cerene is not let do Raw. So she release her anger on random citizen. At the end Cerene has to yield and do bareback .


After seeing the bonus image of the rooftop shot with Cerene that was posted a number of months ago, I figured Cerene would also have her formidable weapon in her outfit where we'd see the bulge. I've been bamboozled. Really like this set. Especially the cock 'sock'. I remember years ago on the forum you did something similar as a throw away image and I've always loved the idea of cock accessories to match the outfit.


Anal! Anal Peace is the Best Peace! I really love the long hair, the outfits (I hope they keep most of them on for sex), and the way the action is done! Also the way C looks around to make sure no one is watching.... can't wait for continuation!


cerene with this hair, omg she is so pretty !


Exactly. It's huge, but it's the believably huge we've been accustomed to since Sayako. Those jumbo sized ones from Seed of Rebirth really killed some of the vibe for me.


Since seeing those teasers of Cerene in her superheroine suite some months ago I was sure she was going to be packing. It would have made for a more interesting scenario to have the hero give the villain the long dick of justice :D. It seems like a lost opportunity since you rarely do a 'good' girl fucking the 'bad/edgy' girl, but I hope you don't use 'jungle magic' to give Cerene one as well. This is sci fi not fantasy. The set looks nice and has great potential, but there are some issues. Some pictures, like number 4, seem either fuzzy or weirdly focused on the wrong part of the image. There are some images where Lanessa is missing her dick because it would be almost impossible to completely hide it (like picture 12, 19, 20). I like how Cerene's suit is getting damaged and hope to see more of it. Ideally by the end of the set she will still be wearing parts of if and not become completely naked. Unfortunately some of the damage appears at a weird time. For example she gets punched in picture 10, in 11 the suit is fine, but when she charges in image 12 and 13 her suit is already ripped up. Really love the idea of a cock sleeve for Lanessa, especially used like this. In general you should do more stripping stuff if you can. The next step should probably be a boob job that transforms into a blow job. Cerene seems intrigued, but she shouldn't just swallow it immediately. This set seems great so far. Please don't waste too much of it on oral and spend a little more time on vaginal/anal shots and actually show the insertion and penetration this time.

Bob Fink

I vote for her to take it down her throat to start.


What a nice opening. Cerene looks really beautiful with her long hair. That outfit and the malfunctions are awesome. Lanessa should pleasure all of her holes but her boobs are more than inviting in this position. Maybe she can also rip apart Cerenes lower part of the outfit by tear it through Cerene's pussy.


Cerene should deploy anal


Cerene: "We have GOT to stop meeting like this." Lanessa: "I know, my wife is beginning to suspect..."


Agree with most of this. Just a quick thing regarding the master illusion that is Lanessas cock. You can 'almost' see it in image 20. The small light strip between Cerenes butt and Lanessa knee is the cock I believe but it should still be more visible. Could just push Cerenes leg back more so you can see it clearly.




Really love how they're both into it! Cerene should spread her legs for peace and let Lanessa knock up her pussy! Maybe a child will help take her mind off doing crime ;D

Glen Ponder

Cerene should overpower Lanessa, put that dick up her ass and start riding. It's been a while since a girl had the controls


I just want to see this in the image set:https://www.patreon.com/posts/rooftop-bulge-38282140


I’m sorry but the villains costume is comical with the literal dick sleeve. I’ve enjoyed costumes from Miro and their team in the past but these are not at all my favorites.


Really have to say how much i love all the little details in each image! So much little stuff that can be missed on the first viewing, but makes the scene epic on closer looks! Can't wait for more! But I do want the bulge on Cerene like Solstice linked!


No buuulge ;_; Still a great set so far. Please tell Lanessa to put that scifi condom back on. She has a duty to fill that thing up before filling up Cerene


Just go straight to business with some good ole pussy fuckin don't forget the bulge ;)


Cerene is the good girl now?


Anal with growing dick inside during penetration


She should go progressively, starting with boobs followed by mouth then pussy and anal as her ultimate negotiation tactic!


Vanessa's dick seems to increase in size the second she gets her cocksock off, and I for one wholeheartedly approve. Obviously that cocksock was made of special superhuman restrictive material designed to keep her wombdoomer at bay.


I absolutely LOVE the look on Cerene's face on picture 24!!! LOL. You can almost read her mind: "Yes, this woman is a super-villain, but that cock..."


I agree with others. It would be fun to have Lanessa rip Cerene's suit off. Lanessa should be aggressive and rough, isn't she a super-villain? Or does Cerene have a surprise for her? ;)


This is a really good comic, the best yet. I'd really like to see Lanessa have her way with Cerene here.


I love the concept and I'm sure it's going to be a great set, but honestly, this is the second set in a row to have the same issue of... getting to the point. 27 images in Part 1 and ultimately not a whole lot happened here besides Lanessa falling on a building and taking her dick out. Granted, there's certainly a lot of establishing shots, a lot of glaring. There's 10 frames of just action figure fighting poses. There's two frames of Cerene literally looking to one side, and then looking to another side (her expressions are fantastic, though, best part of this so far). I'd take more of Cerene emoting in this way if it meant less frames of her just striking a guts pose. Or if the conflict elements were interwoven into the sex or foreplay itself. You can absolutely have more gravitas in less images by dialing in on key moments, and thus have more room for interesting material overall. There's previous sets (Cyberpunk) where it took 10 images or less to do exactly this, with more going on in each image. Here we took 21 (!) to finally see one frame of a bare dick. It's not that it's a bad idea to do fight scenes or that you have to rush to the sex, but man 10-12 frames of Power Ranger poses ("Ya, Hi-yah! Yahhh, Yuh! Aiyahhh!") is just a real bummer. At least it's not a jungle I guess. 🤣 Looking forward as always though. PS: Yeah I don't know where Cerene's bulge went, but care was clearly taken in making Lanessa's outfit prominently display her cock. I'm not sure why that same care wasn't taken for Cerene, when in the preview it was clearly there. What happened? Maybe it's being saved for later or something.


Very neat

michael whipps

Yeah ,probably being saved for when she gets pissed ,then.......BOING!! Lol!


not gonna lie, the meatiness and the texture you do with big dicks like that are just spot on. reminds me of sayako back when

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

Nice 1 bait and switching futa Cerene, again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTLmD2kFDm0 I had hoped this set would be more like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRwBJPsJaBk and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUFWdl8gFiI aaaaaand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts9G-GvKbK8 Seriously lacking that... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kndL0n6qTEU This felt too rushed. Fight was over too quickly. Cerene just giving up abruptly? Lanessa's cock is awesome but it's not THAT awesome. MASSIVE opportunity missed here, not using the fighting as a form of superbeing foreplay that could have continued throughout the set. Could still happen but knowing you...unlikely. There wasn't even any attempt to give Lanessa any proper erection scene and where did her dick go in 19 and 20?!. This set just started and already needs some alts/additions before final. Which now leads me to waste my time proposing some of those very alts/additions (*wink*). If Lanessa were flaccid in pic 15, her cock could be between Cerene's legs in 16 (no longer being hidden). Add Cerene punching Lanessa in the face, Lanessa becoming more erect with each hit. Then, Cerene being surprised by Lanessa's dick slapping against her, letting her guard down before the kick. Totally within the realm of "Very reasonable. Will do!", right? and of course making sure Lanessa's dick exists and is visible in 19/20. Love the "shhh" but no dick?(facepalm). I asked my magic 8 ball if you'll do it and it tells me "Yes – definitely." but that little bastard has lied to me before. =/


Starting with anal then going ATM would be appropriate as a Villain negotiation tactic


If you ask me I'll go for anal then ass to mouth then Cerene caught Lanessa's Dick with her boobs and use her power to grow a dick into Lanessa's ass ;)


I'm liking this so far- good job. The render (to me) seem better than recent sets, was in done in a different 3d program? Curious what the application used was. Got all my finger crossed this becomes futa on futa :)


the first sex scene was planned for part 1, but the story elements went on too long, having said that, sex in part 1 is more of a bonus, with it being the intro... this set in general will develop a little different though


that's a self healing nano tech suit, not sure if Lanessa can rip that thing, but she may try... :D


Like others have mentioned in so many words, I do like the subtle improvements and body tweaks that enhance your team’s craft and the girls’ bodies from set to set. but also like others have mentioned, releasing the first batch of pics for a new set with no real action (sex action.... saxtion) will always be a let down. I’d rather wait and get the first and second batch together, over a dry first batch sooner. ... in the past I think I have resorted to skipping the first batch and waiting until more dropped. But the girl’s bodies just looked too good here too wait lol


I like the "nickel slot" on the blonde.