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Scoll down and download the link below to watch our overly dramatic Intro Preview for Bloodlust: Lanessa - Blood Crown. Give it a watch, maybe even give it two watches, then scroll back up here. Good? Recognize that snowy tower? 😉 OK, let's talk about Bloodlust.

So not too long ago we discussed not wanting to use percentages to describe progress on projects, but in this instance miro has estimated Bloodlust: Lanessa - Blood Crown part 1 to be around 70% done. All the key and most of the in-between animation is done, but the biggest hurdle of the remaining 30% is miro needing to now go through every frame with a fine tooth comb to get it looking just right. But "looking just right" isn't a matter of miro being a perfectionist (though he kind of is) it's a matter of if we stopped working and just released part 1 in its current state you'd be able to watch almost all of it, but in many areas it would lack the polish and sexual fantasy A3D aims to deliver.

To finish up this last 30% miro just needs to strap in and give it his undivided attention for a bit. In this last stage of production, other demands and distractions are the biggest culprit for delays. The team is constantly working to clear stuff off his plate, but there will always be some things he needs to handle outside of the main production. This year the biggest distraction was the A3D store system upgrade, which had to be done (support on our old system was ending) and is still in progress. Fortunately, it’s at a point now where miro can be less involved.

Patreon image sets and animations have also been a distraction, of course, but we’re committed to continuing with them. Many patrons like them, and they are a satisfying outlet for us as artists and creatives. We do admit they’ve taken up more time than we’d have liked, but they’ve also allowed us to explore new ideas and have a creative break. We’re not just porn producing robots, after all.

Anyway, in 2021, miro will be hunkering down to finish Bloodlust: Lanessa - Blood Crown part 1. We can’t say how long it will take, but we’ll give you an update on his progress in the weekly text update at least once a month. In the updates miro will continue to provide a breakdown percentage of the last leg, but no time commitments or deadlines.

Beyond that, you may be interested to know that Bloodlust: Lanessa part 2 is probably around 40% done. As many of you speculated, we have been working on both parts simultaneously from the beginning, but part 2 is mostly just sex animation at present. The ending story scene needs to be storyboarded, and the degree to which mo-cap will be involved is still undecided (we're yet to finalize an efficient process for integrating it into our productions).

And that about wraps it up. If you have any questions, suggestions, comments, or whatever, just leave them in the comments below. Thank you!




I have too say that this looks like it will be worth the wait. I know a lot of folks are upset because of the amount of time this project is taking but IT LOOKS GREAT!!! As the saying goes good things come to those who wait and something good is on its way. Keep up the good work and I for one appreciate the artistry and effort you put into your work.


That’s what I call a Christmas surprise

Will Johnson

The preview looks fantastic!!!! Yes, it has been a long time coming, but my expectations are high. So if it takes time for an excellent product, then it's worth waiting for.


Yes finally what i've been paying to see! Once a month updates would be great. Thank you.


So this is where all the RTX 3090's went .. lol


Finally!!! I see now why they build castle in Pic Set. Like how boob physic when Lanessa holding her arm but I think it is float and squezze too much in 00:53 (It is a second anyway just passed it.) When Sophia tried to use first time boobs fucked, Cerene should look down to dick and be amaze of how her magic could take her back. 01.10 It seem Cerene's hair is mirrored again. and it's back in 01.11 then back in 01.12 01.11 Now we have possibility of floating magic. Kinda funny for Lanessa for play on her dick's head in the end. If it is in present, she would be console-gamer.lol


I can't believe it ... a sign of life from this wonderful project.


And I just realize that there are only intro and Tit-Blowjob with shortcut looped in video. Which is remind me that they had show us of something like cumshot last Q3 2019 https://www.patreon.com/posts/wip-train-29-29648059 and not so much pic update which totally took a year for this. If they are not hide something out, it would take another year for pussy and a year for anal. So I will patiently wait for next Bloodlust update. But still it is good Christmas gift for this bad year. Thank for your effort.


Also what is red thing on the stage Blood or candle wax. Are they into BDSM? Why there are guardian standing by for? They will not be in any shot, right?


This is a pleasant surprise. When seeing the original WIP images and videos, I was afraid that both Lanessa and Sophia would be fully erect whilst walking up to Cerene and talking to her. It's a nice surprise seeing Lanessa flaccid or in that semi erect stage whilst walking around. Of course, this might only be for a few seconds but I hope we steadily see Sophia get erect and then Lanessa as Sophia is giving Cerene the Boob job instead of Lanessa getting fully erect in less than 2 seconds before her turn similar to Cerene in the first scene if Royal Descent. Looking forward tothe next updates regarding this. Happy Holidays Miro, team and everyone in this Patreon..


Ive been waited so long to see a nice titty fuck 😍


The silence around Bloodlust has finally been broken :)


Someone call the Bloodbank because I'm going to party with these girls all night long!!! And I'm going to need a transfusion in the morning!!! Thanks Miro or maybe I'll just call you Santa?

Bob Fink

Looks great and I can't wait. So looking forward to 2021!


this is amazing. Cerene's rack is literally the best animated rack I've ever seen.


finally, the reason I joined as a patron has arrived, to get updates on this. looks good overall, but. 1 wish Sophia wasn't ball-less just looks odd like something is missing. 2 wish cerene had heels on, you always seem to randomly take them off in sets and g4e (but then keep them standing like they are wearing heels, so there's no reason to remove them).3 I really hope Sophia kisses her when she bends over to grab cerene's boobs, the last one really was disappointing, it only had 1 kiss at the end with the silly and over the top amount of cum (like always) 4 if her arms and legs are bound with some invisible chain to keep her arms to her side/behind her I bet that won't be happening for very long (sadly), 5 can you please post an image of what heels Sophia is wearing please ? 6 are lanessa and Sophia going to keep their heels on the whole video? (really hope they do but highly doubt) or will they be off in the first 5 minutes? (and standing like they still have them on). 7 whats the duration roughly of this part 1 video, please?. 8 I really love the outfits of Sophia and lanessa, especially lanessa, those straps look really awesome especially the ones around her thighs and underwear ones.


Good Heaven's that looks awesome. The mocap is a huge improvement; though it does make the standard animation look a bit more robotic. Overall I'm really happy with how it looks. One more reason to look forward to 2021. ^_^


my ideal ending for this series is that Sophia stays a futa (with balls) and takes over as queen with her 2 new friends, and Tristan no longer in the picture, but I am pretty sure I am going to be disappointed, and its probably going to be something like Sophia ends up back with Tristan.


I'm in total agreement. Slooow growth from flaccid to full is so under represented in the DG genre. That said, Miro has given us one of the best way back with original G4E. I really hope mocap allows for more stretched scenes involving long foreplay, massages, etc. In any event I can't wait to see the grrls playing again. ^_^


Excellent, we are waiting, Happy New Year and Merry Christmas))))




That's a nice suprise. The quality is awesome. Finally the best boobs gets some touch. Hope for some more interaction like nipple playing, sucking or a boob slap like in the first scene of G4E. Also a kiss befor a rough use of Cerene would be nice. Thanks for this


That small clip was intriguing good stuff, however tbh i'd almost prefer if both parts we're released together or flat out bound. OR part 2 comes out shortly after actually shortly after to :D 1-2 months kind of deal. either way clearing the air with a post like was great for the mass majority that didn't know what was going on behind closed doors. late though better than never.


I can see that, I think it mostly is tied to the sway of them more so in the arms. having that dialed back probably would help. from what we saw imo there was a bit to much sway however not a deal breaker if that's what they're after looks wise.


Well I didn't expect pictures and numbers, but after 26 months I guess miracles can happen :)). Not blown away by the "just" 70% for half a movie after all this time since the split in two parts was for faster release times. Am I to understand that the scenes are pretty much done for part 1 and all that is left is for Miro to go over them and fix eventual issues? Since the two parter release is still on the cards do you have any estimates about part 1 length? I really hope it won't be just oral and tit jobs, with the "real" sex only in part 2 :P. The video is a nice touch, though I am sad that it's pretty much what we've seen before in the last two years. It also does not seem finished in some parts: Cerene has her old hair and it keeps moving from left to right, Sophia and Lanessa have some very stiff hands when approaching Cerene with fingers weirdly extended. and when Lanessa is face fucking Cerene the dais behind her is untextured. Glad to see Sophia and Lanesssa not pointing up while approaching Cerene, they look great. Still a little disappointed that there won't be a scene for growth from small and flaccid to big and erect. I guess all we'll get is big and pointing down to big and pointing up. I know it's nice to see even that, but I think that works far better for moments in-between sex scenes where the girls take a break and talk. The very beginning should have them small. At least you could keep Lanessa small since she's more seasoned with her cock and in control, and have Sophia be big from the start since she's a noob and probably aroused by all that's happening. It would be hot to see a difference between Sophia and Lanessa and have Lanessa grow while she's watching Sophia with Cerene.


The audience looks nice. Hope you're not wasting too much render time on them since they'll probably just stand there :D. I see Cerene is still wearing restrains, but no chains. Will they be metal or some magical effect? Or have you done away with them? Any chance of bringing back the nipple piercings? I am not a huge fan of tit jobs, but Sophia playing with Cerene's boobs looks absolutely amazing. I'm all for fondling tits :D. I also love Lanessa rubbing her cockhead in the back ground. It's a great variation to just rubbing one out. As for distractions please focus as much as possible on the big movie. The patron sets are overall nice, but there are only 2 that I would have spend money on (Cypunk and Lady in the Tower) and personally it would take about 15-20 "good" sets with small animations to equal a movie with story and dialogue in my mind. Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe most of us are here for the animation, not sets that all to a certain extent feel like they were made by other artists (which they pretty much are). Good luck and keep them percentages up!

beef supreme

looks like it's gonna be another excellent product


Now THAT is an update!


looks very well done thanks for the update! GL with the finished version, patiently waiting,


please please please triple futanari!


The walk up to Cerene looks really good from what I can see(minus the hands), the hip movement in particular looks well done, is this now done in mo cap? Also, a very solid decision to have the girls approach while flaccid and have Lanessa stay flaccid while Sophia begins to titfuck Cerene. In the last scene, Sophia not just ramming her cock between Cerene's tits but playing with them and Lanessa not simply stroking up and down but fondling the head looks absolutely amazing, these kind of details really improve a scene. Same with Sophia dropping her cock between Cerene's tits, at ~1:00, looks absolutely amazing. I hope you strive to add more and more details to future releases, because they are absolutely worth the extra "delay", if we don't talk Bloodlust level of delay. Lanessa's tits while mouth fucking Cerene also look better animated than in previous works. One sorta side note, is Sophia's cock girthier in some scenes than in others, or is that just angles? It's safe to say I like what I'm seeing and I'm going to break when this releases but the development time is just too damn long. Lastly, when will you let us now what part 1 is going to include, not specifically animations wise but rather content wise, for e.g.: part 1 is extended foreplay and part 2 main sex or are both standalone releases and part 2 is going to serve a story twist(for e.g.) with Cerene getting her powers back.


Merry, Merry Christmas (to both of us)! Anticipation is excruciating!!!


This made me hyped! I can't wait for the release. I really like that Cerene looks dominant even though she is the one being restrained. Is there even a small chance for Cerene to "break". Sophia looks inexperienced using her cock, which fits. Lanessa looks calm and confident and I can't wait to learn more about her. It looks cold walking around in that castle wearing no clothes, and I am not thinking full polar expedition ammounts of clothing. Covering up just the right parts is almost always hot! I also hope there is some more story focus than in the previous version. Who are those guards? Who is Lanessa? What about Cerene and her vampire gang? Is Cerene holding back her powers?


This looks amazing, keep up the great work!

Michael Miller

Oh lawdy. This looks amazing.

Glen Ponder

I love that sophia and Lanessa are oldschool thugs. You can almost hear it, "Whut? Got anything to say? If i were you, i'd save my breath" :)


we have some dialogue/ transitional parts which will reveal some of the back story and I'd like to explore more of that in the future as our mocap workflow becomes more efficient


aiming to move all transitional scenes to mostly mocap both parts focus mainly on sex still with transitional dialogue/ story elements


It looks awesome! But will we see attribute / body theft (for example Sophia gets some of Cerene's boobs)? Will Part 1 have an own "Fun Stuff" section?


WTF ... On the 24th of Christmas, a new smartphone will be released, I'll be patient and I'll see it there ... Bloodlust is back, how well acted all real guys who thought we would not see anything at all until 2021. And yes, with this update Cerene gives us a slap with her cock. I'll comment more when she sees him in a few hours.


Time to break out the critique monster. I REALLY hate to do this … but … The inside of the throne room set doesn't match the exterior view of the castle. This bothers my sense of continuity. From the outside, the main hall/throne room looks like it has a sort of triangular or trapezoidal shape to it with 4 windows on a side. https://i.imgur.com/bMwSG90.png From the inside, the throne room looks like a rectangular room with beveled corners at either end for an elongated octagonal look, but there's a lot more than 4 windows on each side. https://i.imgur.com/cBsgtiW.png I actually DO like the overall look and feel of the castle in the frozen wasteland, but the lack of attention to detail here between exterior and interior is disappointing.


I'm also mindful of the fact that when Sophia asked where Tristan had gone, Cerene nonchalantly answered … "Back at the castle" … while completely neglecting to mention WHICH castle (accidental bit of good writing for the win!). I sincerely doubt that Tristan is at THIS castle, which is apparently Lanessa's Lair in the "frozen north" (which would have to be a fair distance away from Cerene's own Cathedral Lair, since it wasn't snowing there. This then lends itself to Tristan being a victim of everyone's favorite Zelda joke … Your Duchess Is In Another Castle™. When Tristan first confronted Cerene, Cerene said she had told her "men" not to touch Tristan, explaining why he was able to get into her Cathedral without much of a fight (if any), even though he was ready for one. This strongly implies that Cerene takes MEN as her servants/thralls … while here we can clearly see ranks of armed and armored WOMEN lining the room, which in turn strongly implies that Lanessa takes WOMEN as her servants/thralls instead. This touch of dichotomy could perhaps be a relevant tell about the character, predilections and taste in sexual fetishes that Cerene and Lanessa have. Cerene would rather play with (and presumably fuck) boy toys … while Lanessa would rather surround herself with (and presumably fuck) amazons.


Now for the wishlist stuff. When Sophia and Lanessa … ENTER … I'm kind of expecting as dramatic an entrance as can be managed in this space. Primarily that will be achieved by sound FX, I'm thinking. Cerene opening her eyes here at the start of this clip makes me think that her seemingly calm composure with her eyes closed is only broken by the entrance of Lanessa and Sophia. Cerene's "waking up" expression has that Show Time(!) game face telling you she's sure she's ready for anything that might happen. I'd honestly want Cerene to be reacting to the sound of a large wooden door being opened to admit Lanessa and Sophia (off camera) … and just letting the sound of that reverberate and echo throughout the room to give you a sense of the vastness of the open empty space. Cerene then watches Lanessa and Sophia approach, during which is the only sounds that can be heard is the breathing of the principal characters (C/L/S) and the ominous click-click sound of Lanessa's and Sophia's heels on the floor as they stride towards Cerene. They're not in a rush to approach, because Cerene is restrained (and not going anywhere), so this is an opportunity to make their walk SOUND as ominous and impressive as possible while they approach the prisoner, Cerene. Doing that allows you to in effect "Use All Of The Space" that you have in this location, by the sound of the echoes and reverb from the stone in the room.

BRZ driver

Guess I'll be the only one. Fuck I like it I can't wait till it comes out.


The hand job on the head of her cock that Lanessa is doing at 1m14s is a really good idea, but the tempo of Lanessa's movements is too fast, I'm thinking. She's basically flicking her palm over the tip in a way that looks somewhat robotic at that speed of repeating motion. However, if her movement was slowed down to be more of a sensuous and sensual stroking of the glans of her cock, it would work a lot better I'm thinking. Lanessa should not have a "edging towards frantic" vibe off to the side of what Sophia is doing, methinks.


Yes! Finally Cerene getting fucked, what everyone wants!


I'll be honest, that walking scene was IT. Like that's the thing that makes you guys the best 3D team. Casual walking, casual nudity, these characters just existing between the sex is beyond important to making them believable and bring the scene to life. This is the best looking project since G4E. The others were still good, this just feels like the next level.


Awesome Miro! this looks great. LOL IBT. Always a good laugh with how much you write!


NGL this isn't a bad Christmas present, knowing that hopefully first half of 2021 we should have a release. Miro just needs to realize that his work is awesome and everything doesn't have to be perfect because nothing is in life. It would probably speed up production and make his fans and customers a lot happier.


I hope one of them gets knocked up! ;D


ooh boy. I love that walking scene it looks so natural and girls look so lively and sexy (mocap is pays off there). But main question will there be a DLC-orgy with all those girls knights? :)



Roger Bond

When did the first Bloodlust come out again? Some time during the Crusades, right? Or was it the fall of Rome?


So a 2022 release give or take huh. Progress is progress though


Lanessa's face looks strangely wide here. Maybe it's the lighting, maybe it's because shes using the old Ayako derived model that had a giant head that was hidden by hair most of the time. Regardless, you might want to thin out that bad boy. Looks a bit off to me.

Clayton Brody

Hi Guy', Merry Christmas! :) Good to see this again, even though I haven't been on here in ages because in all honestly, I'd lost interest in the progress of the main project. With that said, it's nice we have a variety of sets and mini works coming though. However, after seeing this I cant help feeling like this - at least this intro is all "old tech"? Is it? The older(though not Cerene that i can see) models, older physics. Am I high?

Clayton Brody

Just on that "lost interest", I gave up on updates, considering the long gaps. You guy's still running the same team as Royal Descent? Lead Animator: Puppet Master Animators: Jessica Anner (Janner3d, right?) Maria Nagelsdiek Miro Ron Franco Tiaz (Yes, I checked the credits - lame, I know) Lastly, you guy's ever consider shorter sets with more elaborate sex positions/angles? The last felt like it had so much "filler angles". Like, one pose then, 3 angles for that one pose?


Probably slightly high, we 've never seen a proper titjob or even grabbing of tits before with old physics because they couldn't ever hold up. Quite a few other more minor improvements can be seen as well. Seems like new tech to me anyway.


". Casual walking, casual nudity, these characters just existing between the sex is beyond important to making them believable and bring the scene to life" 100% So well said.


Thought they were gonna post on Christmas, guess not lol.


I know that what I'm going to say is not even similar, but when I compose music, which is my main area, I always have two routes to compose: 1- the 'unique' route I sit in my chair and everything comes out the first time. This only happens once in a while and very rarely and they usually come out of my favorite songs. 1.3- when I have to go to the doctor, I should be pricked for an illness I have and I end up in a state that I call 'no man's land' where I compose without even being aware of what I am doing. When this happens, it is usually a family member who tells me what I did when I was in 'no man's land' 2- when I sit in my chair and nothing comes out, this is what usually happens. You try to compose and nothing comes out. So what we do is basically look for links that help this inspiration. In my case, the three biggest links are anime, video games, and dragon ball. What I mean by this, that in the end a content creator is never a perfectionist, he just wants to see his art as well as possible. That said, at least those who complained about not knowing anything about bloodlust already have updates.


you think Cerene's got enough stamina to take on the guards after she's done with Lanessa and Sophia? :P


Well this is Cerene afterall and she can use magic sooo ??? Magic creates miracles . Maybe she knew a spell to replenish stamina. So maybe Lanessa and Sophia could help with that. :D


Hello, Miro. Happy Holidays! I really enjoy the early version of the video and I can not wait for the full release of the new instalment of the Bloodlust: Cerene. I also wanted to ask if it is possible to include a scene with Cerene doing a reverse BJ that is similar to this position: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16YQkjpn0OAy3VDYztmd79Qm7dnAfJsRX/view?usp=sharing Thank you. Best Wishes