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Hey all, Marie here today with our first Saturday update. 😁

The Seed of Rebirth pt. 5 - Pretty close to wrapping pt 5.

The Seed of Rebirth pt. 6 - Some key posing is done.

Circle of Love 1000 Patrons Oral Sex Animation Winner - New draft for this came in midweek, has been sent back with notes (add throat bulge and additional improvements to Cerene and Sophia's movements).

CyPunk 1000 Patrons Vaginal Sex Animation Winner - Cleaning up animation (smoothing out thrusts, adding small movement, fixing collision)

Circle of Love 1000 Patrons Double Penetration Animation Winner - final rig is being and then a bunch of cleanup is needed on this one to smooth movement, as well as add intensity and expression.

Pure As Sin animation - had some issues with lighting and hair on the render, cleaning those up.

Sophia Daz Port -- port to Daz is done, just need a final QA approval to ensure she's ready to preview. We don't actually have a set planned for Sophia  just yet, but we want to have all the A3d girls ported to Daz so they're ready when we need them.

AS09 - Japanese Image Set - Script being finalized, project on standby.

AS10 - Super Heroes Image Set - Part 1 currently being posed while lookdev for the later scenes is finalized.

AS11 - Star Image Set - Lookdev in progress for both environments and characters. Current version needs review.

AS12 - G4E Image Set - Script complete, awaiting lookdev.

AS13 - Princess Image Set - Lookdev nearly done, will be previewing this one soon.

AS14 - Gaming Image Set - Lookdev in progress for both environments and characters.

AS15 - B&W Image Set - Script being finalized, project on standby.

If you have any feedback on the post format, let us know in the comments! 🙂



No feedback myself, but appreciate status updates, thank you!


Thank god for the update. Looking forward to actually seeing some stuff!


"add throat bulge" :)

David Baluga

Fantastic stuff and great to have regular updates. Are we still going to get a Bloodlus Lanessa Affect3d store release or has the whole platform shifted to serve patreon content for now? Keep up the fantastic work.


Wow! Had no idea you folks had so many image sets in the works. Can't wait to see all the new goodies! :)


Post format looks good!


By my count that's 8 image sets in production (including Seed of Rebirth) and 4 animations in production enumerated in the update. That seems like ... a lot ... of irons to have in the forge fires.


No more than there were previously by their own info.


I'm really confused since there's no mention of the next big movie. Should we assume that no work has been done on it the last week (shocker)? Honest to God, after the feedback you kept getting about giving us info on the movie and after 25 months since the last Bloodlust I would have thought you may have gotten a clue we're very interested in that and perhaps stop yanking our chain. The format is good for these kind of productions. I would really like to see a list of all the steps of a production so we can get a better idea of what the complete process is. You could also give us a hint as to which of these steps usually takes the longest.


yes, I do wish we got updates about the upcoming bloodlust movie..

The RadishGod

I love Saturday updates


Those weekly updates are certainly a step in the right direction. If only we got them wayyyyyyyy sooner instead of weeks with no content at all. Well at least they're here now so thank you very much 😘 . However that there's still no update on Bloodcrown is starting to feel like you're holding back infos on purpose for whatever reason 😓 and I really hope that changes with the next Saturday post (I have my doubts though 😕 ) .

Bob Fink

Awesome update! Thanks, Marie!


I absolutely understand now why nothing was said earlier and why there was hesitation on doing this weekly. Not much seems to have changed since August aside from Seed. https://www.patreon.com/posts/patreon-wip-1-40916864 Everything that was there before is still roughly in the same spot, including two animations that were awaiting finishing touches. The big takeaway here is that we should assume nothing when the words "finishing touches" or "minor tweaks" are used. The content could still be months away. In that sense, the Patreon pipeline is starting to mirror the same state that the main release pipeline was at in the past with G4E, where that last 10% of progress takes 90% of the time and everything goes silent. So part 5 is "pretty close to wrapping" which could mean it takes another month. Originally it was supposed to be the week after Halloween. If that's the status quo, then I might be more pessimistic on these updates than I was originally. Nothing is wrong with the format of the post. I'm just concerned you're not really going to have much to say next week at this rate. If the past 3 months is any indicator, these posts might just be control+c and control+V. Unless we're going to hear something about Blood Crown, which I highly highly doubt because I'd wager the reasoning for the silence is very similar.


Damn it’s really been since March 14th that we got something about the main movie, that we’ve mostly, if not all, have only been waiting for.


By the looks of it it sounds like the cumshot for Lady of The Tower got scrapped? I really hope not!


Yeah I’ve been wondering what happened to blood crown? Was hoping to hear more about it like possible JP VAs or completion rate.


Yeah it's nice to have things but having 4 mini animations plus 8 image sets on top of the main movie (if it isn't trapped in production hell) in the works is simply too much 😅 and really shows that Miro and his team eat more than they can chew. Compare the sparse content drops we have now to how well and continually everything flowed when this Patreon page started and it's quite obvious 🧐 . To be honest I'd rather have them work on fewer stuff at once so we can go back to that routine of frequent content drops from the very beginning of this Patreon which I assume would also be very appreciated not only by the community but also all of Miro's hard working staff who have to handle all those many projects at once 😵 . I know it's wishful thinking but doesn't harm to write my thoughts down in hope that it may lead to some more changes in the near future (and the weekly updates are certainly one first step in the right direction 😉 ) .


Format looked good. Looking forward for AS09 - Japanese Image Set which could imply that Sayako or Ayako will be back in action. (At least her name is Japanese.) And AS12 - G4E Image Set where we could see what Tara is in Daz. Beside that still hoped for next update is about Blood Crown/Lanessa not about Pic/Animation set. When we had seen Cerene/Sophia/Lanessa's movie update? It's long time ago.


Pretty sure if they were to have done these updates after Cyberpunk was released, you'd likely have seen a very similar looking list of things in the works (Circle of Love, Love Thy Neighbor, Pure As Sin as well as all the extras and animations that go along with them) Something else is probably clogging things up. We were seeing animations that weren't even asked for randomly popping up out of nowhere in the case of Love Thy Neighbor. But when we've got that Cyberpunk anim and the 1,000 Patrons anim still sitting in the queue, somebody has to call a time out on anything new and get things straightened out there, I agree.

David Baluga

Ooo yeah. I forgot about that. That render that sent out was gorgeous. I definitely wanted to see the animation.


Miro mentioned it being borked. Hopefully he uploads it anyways.


Rikolo released 2 complete animated works in as many months. Obviously his content is nowhere near the complexity and polish we saw in Bloodlust... but after 2 years it's getting harder and harder to remember it...


Fs. Still no bloodlust update? This is quite poor, Miro.


Yup way too many projects to be working on without any progress on the main production. I would rather yall just work on the main production and get it done for Christmas or New Years


That assumes the same artists are working on both which doesn't seem to be the case. Regardless, the time a release event alone takes would barely allow for that, as they typically take a month to a month and a half to do and that's assuming the project is actually finished at that point.

Roger Bond

The “regardless” is, if they put half the resources they’re using to make 6592 image sets a month into making the feature films/games, they could put out four or five a year and people would be showering them money.


6592 Image sets a month? More like 1 image set per 5 months 😑😆


Yes that's the problem. Put more artists from one thing on another thing and everything gets fixed. Money rains from the heavens. "4 or 5 a year" 🤣 That's actually not how it works by a long shot. If it did work that way, they would've done it by now. Render times are astronomical for something like that. Unless you think they're either allergic to money, or are outright stupid. Maybe that's the issue. Fact is these same delays happened before Patreon was ever a thing and they weren't working on any image sets. So no, it's demonstratably not the image sets slowing things down. I'd rather err on the side of procedural/organizational/WORKFLOW problems and/or prioritization being given to fixing store problems gumming up the works.


The allocation of resources is not a plug 'n' play zero sum game. It's not a case of throwing double the money at a problem to solve it in half the time. Likewise, putting double the staff onto posing of models will not mean that the work gets done in half the time. There's an old english saying that covers this phenomenon that I'd like to think most people reading this would be familiar with ... Too Many Cooks Spoils The Broth. Now arguments can be made (without internal evidence, only external results) that the allocation of time, tools and tech manuals (ie. resources) are not terribly well balanced to the load that has been taken on relative to promises that were made ... but that's really more a matter of efficiency of use of resources available discussion than anything else, and without insider info (which I repeat, is NOT available in sufficient quantities to draw useful conclusions from) becomes an exercise in monday morning quarterbacking rather than being a useful process/organization/workflow solution to various bottlenecks in the production pipeline. In other words, I'm more aligned with EmEn on this with respect to this point than the other comments in this sub-thread.




I refuse to believe that the rendering is a time issue. You are telling me that with today's technology it takes 2+ years to render a 30 min video? Something is wrong there.


Not that long no, though it does take quite a bit of time, TONS of factors go into this, though if you have lets say 4 very high end pc's putting out 1 frame every 5 mins each (on average) and 30 of them per second of video. do the math. will take a long time. then there is testing, redo's over problems ect ect. it does take a hella long time. However I'm willing to bet everything I own that if he had a team that was consistent with working beside him lets say 8 people. I have very few doubts they'd miss original time estimates..... KEEPING in mind this would include him not having any distractions that don't 100% relate to the main project, BUT that isn't the reality we're in. the man gives final say on everything from what I gather so is needed all over the place some day's.... So take that as you will.


1 frame per 5 minutes render time = 2.5 hours render time per 1 second of animation = 150 hours render time per 1 minute of animation = 4500 hours render time per 30 minutes of animation = 187.5 days of continuous render time = 1/2 year of continuous render time (24/7) without interruptions That's calculating at 100% efficiency with no time wasted, no production bottlenecks, no setbacks (yeah right...) and no redos needed AT ALL. And that's merely render times ... it's not including sound, music, editing, QA ... etc. etc. etc. ... and before dealing with changes in direction and accompanying "reshoots" that result. Throw in two factors that each reduce output by 50% ... so efficiency goes from 100% down to 25% and what would have taken only half a year before can easily take 2 years. Do the math (it's not that hard). There's a reason why the phenomenon is called Development Hell. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Development_hell


Yeah, Bloodlust Lanessa is still puttering along, we haven't abandoned it, and will release it in the store. I believe patrons are meant to get a coupon code discount of some sort for your support, but I don't know the specifics (it was mentioned to me offhandedly by either miro or Alice). Whatever the details are, everyone will get a message about it when the time comes. -Marie


Yeah, the goal is to have our image set team working independently so you all have regular content to consume while the main production takes however much time it takes to complete. Miro has been fairly hands on with Seed of Rebirth and earlier image sets, but once the team is comfortable with the entire production process we'll have a good little operation going.


Yeah, there's no plans to do a final render for that one, but we will release the mp4 of the preview sometime in the future. The reason it won't be finished is because the artist who was working on the cum for that recently started a full-time career, so he's had to retire from working with us part-time. Cum can be applied with a few different approaches and software, and the software he was using isn't what our other artists would use, so to create it at this point we'd probably have to start over. We decided it's better to keep moving forward than try to get that one working. -Marie


Ya its doesn't take 2+ years given the numbers you provide, and the computers don't even have to be going 24/7 lol.


If animation companies can make animated movies that are about 1 to 2 hours in length in a year or 2. 30 min should not be that hard.


Yeah you're not even attempting to take into account anything that has to do with workflow, storyboarding, staging, lighting, rigging, animating, syncing animations to voice, then re-rendering out hitches or flaws that may only show up after a sequence is fully rendered. You don't just get the animations perfect, throw them into a render and puke them out in 5 months with perfect voice acting. I'd imagine a single production in it's entirety probably has to be re-rendered several times over as well. At this point you're probably renting out a render farm for jobs like this. No this doesn't account for 2 years for a 30 minute animation. That's why the problems likely are organizational and/or workflow based such that there's a bottleneck happening. The alternative is they're sitting on a finished product just to piss you off and lose money. Seems unlikely.


Seems like an understandable reason. Definitely disappointing but great that you're releasing the preview at least.


There is tons of reasons why, some make all the sense in the world, and a few ..... less so. and yeah I find often people with zero idea on how this works assume it's a smooth going 1-100% in order with zero problems or redos, changes, new tech, staffing problems other shit getting in the way as everyone should know by now boss dude miro does have final say still. 99% sure everything still needs his approval so that's a bottleneck in itself as he's only one person. though yeah, the timeframes are nutty.