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Part 4 of The Seed of Rebirth is ready and Raven's dickgirl energy is on full display. How do you think Cerene's been handling the 20 incher? Looks like she might need a bit of a breather after this part.

You can download the set using the links in the attachments below. FYI, we had to split part 4 up from parts 1-3 due to Patreon size restrictions. As usual the zip files require a password to open, which you'll find below. Use a free zip extractor like WinZip, 7zip, Keka (for Mac users), or Rar (for Android users) if you're having trouble opening the file.

The password for both zip files is: gymnast

As always, feedback is welcome! :)

What do you think will happen next?



bout time


Cerene stealing Raven's cock is very much in-character for her, but eager to see what "something" might get unleashed. :)


Remember, patrons, you can pick more than one! I almost missed that.


Once one is shown to be dominant and the other is seen as submissive, that's kind of locked in place for me. Not really into switching roles after they've been established.


This times a billion. Roles switching mid scene make a joke out of occupying any role in the first place.


Some punishment for Cerene or a release of something would be awesome. Part 4 is my favorite so far. The anal scene and the top ripping is hot as hell. Those tits are the best in 3DX. Hope this will be animated.


Poses were interesting here, actually liked this one a decent amount, one huge thing though...... why are we cutting corners on the cum? it flat out vanishes rather than having an image or 2 where it can be idk absorbed into the "seed" as it seems to be magical in nature as clearly shown. THEN you have a reason to get rid of the cum vs having it flat out vanish >_> ..... As for the bikini, that also seemingly fly's away :( ... Why we do this when it's a darn noticeable part of the images is beyond me. Chances are it's time saving measures though even with this I'd have preferred a post mentioning a delay in order to have the cum going away make sense via a pose or 2 doing any number of methods or ideas than the "oh it's gone" ...... End of the day whatever the reason is, it's still a bit of a bummer.


I do hope her breather won't be two weeks ^^' but sill kinda worth the wait... this full set should be animated


Remember Miro doesn't appreciate Dickgirl on Dickgirl much, No matter Cerene grab relic to grow her dick or steal Raven's dick would be no different since there are only one Dickgirl. If Cerene grab to gain bigger boobs, she would be off-balance to stand and being raped after. Enough boobs for her While there are choice for dick and boobs, why there not have ass option? It could support for another impact and waving ass would be nice for ass person. Unleash option would be interesting for what will come out, they didn't tell what or who will be. So it could be golden dildo talisman to use it on Cerene or another character Dickgirl/girl/demongirl to join their fun. If it is person, it would be presented character to reduce production timeline. Making us guess who is she?


The fucking from the back positions are really nice, would like to see this animated. Liked the devious kiss and body pressing together at the end as well. Was about to say that I'm glad we're moving away from all that oral (even though one third of this part is all oral...), but I realize the that Cerene will probably grow a cock and we'll have even more oral. Yey... Overall this set is still in the ridiculous 'fun stuff sized' category for me. Quite a waste for Raven's first impression and not a good way to carry on from that awful Pure as Sin set.


We've now passed the 2 year anniversary of Royal Descent. The last WIP update that actually had an image from the upcoming movie (even though it provided no specific info on the movie) was in March, almost half an year ago. What's going on? Even after you changed the description of this patreon you still mentioned 1-2 updates per month. I always thought the period between the G4E DLCs and the first Bloodlust was the time when communication was at it's worst, because Miro would simply not say anything on the forums. I now realize this is false, since we now pay for the privilege of MAYBE getting some news for the thing most of us are here for. Most of the time we get sets that feel like they were made by someone else. Some of the are nice, but I personally would not have payed for most of them, especially things like Pure as Sin.


Didn't they release by mistake an image of the script that confimed Cerene would grow a cock as well?


They didn't even keep track what a character was wearing from one scene to another in some sets, a disappearing bikini is a small thing to them :)).


I love cerene. But id like updates on bloodlust. Thats what im a patron for and there's been no update in months. Beginning to feel like im wasting my money.

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

+ Cerene doing something. (finally. 4 parts in...) + Cum. + Raven removing Cerene's shoe. + Bulge. (Almost cumflation.) + Kiss. <3 - 1st position (part 4). (Fucking awful!) - Ponytail just for show. (Pull it!) - Cerene's deformed breasts. (Nipples look off too.) - No boob veins. (Guts rage meme here.) - Raven still not topless. (SMH...) - Bland, Mouth breathing, "uhh" and "ahh" expressions. (FML!) - Cerene's deformed feet. (NOOOOO!T_T) - Shadows on Raven. (Guts rage meme here.) - Cerene too glossy. (At the very least get that shit off her face. Previews were better.) - No cumflation. (Come on. Pfft.) - Raven's eye color. (Arielle has beautiful green eyes. Vote meant nothing?) The ship is sinking. *“Taps” plays in distance* https://i.postimg.cc/VfLpdL9x/AS09-WC-WIP-Raven-04.jpg


I really like how the new Cerene looks its amazing. Great job.


The images look good. As far as the poll goes, I would settle for something as boring as exposing Raven's breasts....please?


Man, some of these shots make Cerenes breasts look even bigger, which I'm not complaining about. There some really good shots here. I hope that no matter what happens next, both will have cocks and not Cerene gets one but Raven loses hers. Looking forward to the next set but hopefully not nearly as the three week wait between part 3 and 4 was.

Xavier Hall

As much as I love this image set I have to agree with the community that it has been long enough for the new Bloodlust series not to have been released or a major update yet. So please Miro give us something instead of delaying or at least a percentage of how much is done don't get me wrong I love the image sets we've been getting but like most of us we signed up for Bloodlust or Girlfriend forever content.


Both of them having cocks won the very first poll for this set, while I appreciate the images so far it's wrong to go against the winning results.

Suia Loctis

I still want to marry Cerene. I want to give her my everything ♥︎

Glen Ponder

While it's understandable and thoughtful of cerene that she presents her boobs the way she does here, i still feel that some self-boob-squeezing and self-nipple-sucking wouldn't hurt, not only because it looks awesome but also as a means to indicate a heightened degree of horniness (as would pre-cum-dripping and ass-grabbing)


1/2 I have now read a few comments here that complain that there are no updates to "Blood Crown", which is understandable. But to complain about the duration of this big project doesn't make sense. There are a lot of factors to consider: 1. At the moment when you work with voice actors you also have to consider their schedules, especially if you don't want to change the voices of characters! Busy schedules and illnesses can drag projects out very quickly, that's normal! 2. Sometimes you are also oversaturated, as an artist with your big projects and you lose the desire to continue working or you just want to finish it. Good artists then often take time out so as not to threaten the quality of the project. 3. Software, updates and much more, but sometimes the technology simply causes problems. After an update, project files are damaged or functions no longer work as they should! Or something doesn't work when rendering and transition errors or other problems arise. The rendering of video sequences can take not only hours but also days, so of course you don't sit in front of the screen all the time and notice every error immediately, often you only see these errors when you have looked at the video material again and then it just starts all over again until you have solved the problem.


2/2 Perhaps there were technical problems, which is why they switched to DAZ so that they can at least offer individual image content. 4. News at any cost? I wouldn't want to keep reporting what is going wrong with my project or hearing that a lot is not working as it was planned! I don't like to read something like that, it just unsettles me. Should I then report on every progress, no matter how small? Personally, it is difficult for me to tell that I am only making minimal progress, so I prefer to collect the progress and then tell something. What I also don't like to tell is when I have to start over with something again because I didn't like something or so. So I prefer to write and read positive news. I know that none of this is an excuse, but six months without updates on a large project isn't a problem for me. I myself have been working on my comic book series for about 5 years now, because I wanted the content to be completely finished instead of bringing out one chapter every time and only after writing the next one. So the production of this series only started this month and will probably be released gradually over the same period without me having to worry about anything again. In the whole time I have only actively reported about it for the first 2 years and then only annually.


Yay it's part 4! We made it, we're alive! 😂 Not sure it's controversial to say this is the best part yet. This part was really well executed. Really fun poses that were crazy, yet executed in a pretty sane way without anything completely bizarre. Cerene's tits are looking absolutely mind-blowing in this set, lol. It's hard not to think that they've been enhanced, but maybe it's just the poses? I really love the part where her top is being pulled aside and everything afterwards, fantastic, fantastic job there. Love as well the last few images with Cerene standing up and suddenly being a bit sultry. Raven being in her flaccid state is also easy bonus points, great stuff. Really like the embrace and the kissing just to get a hand on the idol. Honestly wouldn't mind more of that stuff at the outset of a set. Only concern at this point is that, if it's only a 5 part set, it seems like we're not going to have much time to see Raven nude. Is this going to be 6 parts like Pure As Sin? I'm also hoping the idol doesn't take away Raven's dick in the process of giving Cerene hers. As for drama, I've said pretty much all there is to say on the previous post. It just sounds like the "new norm" of 2020 has to hit here and our expectations have to be recalibrated via some additional transparency. Looking forward as always. Hopefully this time a little shorter turnaround? 😅


Since all my longer comments randomly vanished, I’ll try a shorter approach. Give us (your Patreons) what you’ve promised us 2 years ago upon the launch of this site: “insider information”, “WIP images”, “WIP videos”, “exclusive previews”, etc… https://ibb.co/58vQFcL Give us what the community voted for back then: https://ibb.co/K6j3nPy Give us the “general post to explain this in a bit more detail” you’ve promised us 2 months ago: https://ibb.co/h2YMtJH STOP the lazy cash grab and content deterioration! You guys went from over 10 minute quality animations to good image sets to average at best to way below standard at worst. This is not acceptable at all! Give us content! The last couple of months we had about 1-2 posts a month with actual content (which wasn’t even good 80% of the time). STOP spitting into the faces of people who have supported you for years with their hard earned money and give us ALL the available information on the current Bloodlust situation. Slowly changing the purpose of this patreon over the last few months does NOT give the people that pledged for more than 1 year for BLOODLUST their money back. Your guys current behavior is unacceptable and a HUGE disrespect to anyone that’s supporting you with their money even during the times of a global pandemic! Stand up people! THIS IS NOT OK! Greetings Neo


Please read my latest post. I've supported this patreon since the start and all I want is INFORMATION. I don't need Bloodlust to be released any time soon I just want to not be treated like child. They need to stop ignoring us and start giving us the info we've been promised to get 2 years ago!


Though Part one was a bit boring, I think I love this Set! Raven looks great whith her immense Dick and Cerene is the Best as always.( I think I like her even more than Sayako at this point (I know, heresy to even think that ^^)) I hope that we will still see a completly nude Raven and that Cerene gets her cock, but still gets cuaght and punished by Raven. Hopefully then Cerene will be covered in cum.


Also I mentioned this before, but if you've got tits this big on display, please do something with them! Gonna be real disappointed if there's no titfucking or at least some grabby-grabby going on in the last few sets 😁

Space Banker

Any updates on Blood Crown? WIP? Anything? Please


Did the constant begging ever help in the past? Stop begging and start DEMANDING! If we don't start acting now this will go on for the next 2-3 years!


Think you edited them to much. that's why they vanished. saw them both last night and one did go away quickly. BUT the other was up for a while.


Couldn't agree more. Part 4 has been the best part. When Cerene is upside down her breasts are a wonderful sight to behold. Also the shots with her sitting on the artifact pillar before Raven inserts is honestly great as well. I mentioned it earlier aswell and I really hope Raven keeps her dick as well rather than just disappearing complete when Cerene gets hers.


I agree that her size is a bit ridiculous but it's what this Patreon voted for unfortunately. I wouldn't mind if she was the biggest of all the characters but only slightly. Her current size is just too off-putting. When ever I come across other works with similar sizes, I keep scrolling but it's a shame as the quality of the images are very good. I say all this whilst being hypocritical because I'm pretty sure I did vote for the 20 inch option but I didn't expect we'd see much of Raven other than some images here and there. It's one of those times where you'd like a creator to just set a limit for characters regardless of sets and only have these crazy sizes in fun sections like in G4E and BL and outtakes in image sets.


Every option has it's own sexyness! So hard to chose


Part 4 is a big thumbs up from me, and I liked 3 as well. I love seeing female Cerene get owned.


Another good one Miro

Space Banker

please don't enable their behavior. it's been over 2 years since Royal Descent.


At first I thought that I wouldn't like the image set but it definitely grew on me and I looooove it now 😍 . Good job 😉 . Still I also have to make some criticism and agree with some of the comments here that an update for blood crown is long long overdue. I think no one is expecting you to give a release date here but after half a year of total radio silence and more than 2 years since the last big release it's to be expected that your supporters (myself included) demand some information on what is going on with the production 😓 . I for one would be pleased with one sentence of information and honestly think that's not too much to ask. While I think that most of us highly appreciate the additional image sets and mini animations please remember that not everyone is simply here just for them and some only support you so that you can use the additional financial income to create something even bigger und better than the already marvelous last two Blood Lust releases and Girlfriends4Ever. Thank you very much for listening und hopefully taking this factual criticism of mine into consideration. Yours sincerely JohnboyX 😎


Just want to see more one sided domination as others have mentioned. Love this so far

Space Banker

miro makes a lot money as it is. I support his patreon to see WIPs or even some kind of reward. What about some Affect3D merch? Throw us a keychain or something. I've been subbed her since the beginning and I've been following miro for years now.


Rip raven shirt asap


won't be posting up percentages or provide a lot more details on blood drown, but we'll go over state of production in a dedicated post

Xavier Hall

@affect3d-miro thank you


Cerene wants all the titty attention but yeah, we sometimes get complaints that they undress to quickly... so wanted to try drag it out a bit this time


I'd love to as well, but there's a problem with that for now in that the base mesh is not dense enough, so modelling detailed dents into boobs is out of the question so you have to sub divide and export/ import into zbrush for example, in other words the work flow is a little tricky but we'll hopefully find a way to integrate it soon, would add a lot


excellent position. I would increase ejaculation even more (longer, more powerful). sequel I would give Cerene grab the relic and steal Raven's cock + Raven will grow bigger breasts. : P

Eddie landon

a great idea for the unleash something would be that when she breaks the relic comes out the futa god sayako and both fucks cerene. just a crazy but hot idea


Sometimes I wonder if people know the plot is set in stone already and the next part is just being polished. Great idea but they can't make drastic changes.

Eddie landon

i know that, is just that would be great to guess the script :D we have like a month or two till the next part so we have plenty of time to figure out the next part :)


Well the next part is Cerene growing a cock. That got given away with the sneak peak. Unless they do go back and change it. True story on the month or two till the next part though 🤣

Eddie landon

Well they will have to go back i guess because the last option is winning rn, now that you say that, probably going back will take another month, so let's say 3 months till the next part🤣 and here i will be supporting! Yay!


Part04_25 is one of the first photos I've seen where breasts look somewhat natural and realistic. That is much more appealing to me than the super firm ones that don't move much, nor respond to physics or gravity. I'd like to see more of that across all Miro works.


How come no one has come up with the idea of having one of the two grow an additional cock so that she would be able to DP the other even tho there are only two participants?


I have mentioned this idea a few times already. Once in the comment section, and a few times in surveys. This is a good example of what I would want: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1763773


Yes, Cerenes a penis vampire I'm sure she can pull it off.


like that shot as well, whilst you're not going to see super natural looking boobies, this nudge towards realism I'm in favor of :)


Any weekly update incoming?


Yeah still no rundown of what the roadmap is going forward since August. With no word on that, just expect part 5 to be mid November and 6 to be end of November. That's the pace we're on right now. If it comes earlier, be pleasantly surprised.


Only one content drop this month? 😰


I'm surprised they did not put the lack of updates on the covid fault -_-


Guys, I would do a group meeting between all the artists involved in the process and see where time gets lost and improve your workflow. I feel like solo Miro was cranking this stuff out way faster early on. I love being a patron of the artwork but it is almost symbolic now from a content volume perspective.


The thing is, I'm pretty sure all artist involved work from home even before this covid situation. Not saying it can't have an impact, it certainly does but it shouldn't impact too much in rendering so it's not going to be an excuse that many will accept. As this as been a common occurrence prior to this whole ordeal starting, it's just an easy thing to put blame on something that prevents people from going into an office when all likelihood these artists are not as they are spread around the world so their work place is their home. I'm also certain that at some stage in the past, a comment has been posted by Miro/Marie regarding artists working from home but I could be misremembering. That said, I don't want to presume anything because it's unfair. A lot of artists work at home and not impacted but could be around family/friends who are which can certainly impact someones productivity


Workflow has been an issue since the very start back in G4E. There's short flashes of improvement and then it always backslides like this.


Sadly this Patreon page is starting to feel like a total waste at this point even at 5$ 😡 (founders tier 2 here) be it for the sparse content drops, lack of proper communication regarding the big release or the constant defense mode attitude/big hubris of Miro (at least that's what it mostly feels to me when reading through many of his comments 😬 ) . Other creators I support at about the same amount of money handle all of this much better (as in proper non-defense mode communication and/or regular content drops including making info posts when things don't work out and there won't be much content for a while) and they work alone not in teams mind you 🧐 . I miss all of this here and am still having inner debates with myself whether I should leave for good. It's hard though since most of the mini animations and image sets are still very nice. Hmmmmmmm 🤔


So I don't like both animations, because it's always the same in out without changing a position. Nowadays, animations with variety are in demand, in which you can see how a large penis sinks deep into the mouth or ass. Miro, you've already been times better, see Lannessa video or Sayakos blow job.


So I don't like both animations, because it's always the same in out without changing a position. Nowadays, animations with variety are in demand, in which you can see how a large penis sinks deep into the mouth or ass. Miro, you've already been times better, see Lannessa video or Sayakos blow job.