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Hey everyone, as mentioned in our last post, we’re going to give you an overview of the projects currently in the works. We'll focus on the Patreon image sets and animations today, and tackle the main production later. Before we jump into that, however, we want to clarify the production process of our image sets.

Our early Patreon image sets were created using the animation software Maya because the animation tools are a major step up vs what we used previously. As we experimented with Patreon, and found image sets would bolster our content offering on a more frequent basis, we decided that a robust software like Maya was overkill for image-focused content. So we decided to move image set creation to Daz Studio. The reason we chose Daz? Availability of artists. It’s usually a bit difficult to find new artists to join our team since the combination of talented, porn-friendly, and Maya proficient isn’t as common as you might think. Swap out Maya for Daz Studio in that list of requirements, however, and suddenly there’s a huge pool of talent to tap into.

So that’s what we’ve done. We’ve recruited a number of artists, some you might already know from their solo work on the Affect3D Store and Slushe, and created a small team just for Patreon image set production. These artists work separately from our main production team, and will handle everything from character posing to the setup of the environments, lighting, and characters. One or two lookdev artists lead the creation of the base files, with oversight from miro to ensure they’re interpreting the script in a way that fits the A3D visual style.

And since we mentioned the scripts, those are created by a few different writers we selected earlier this year. Just like with the lookdev, miro provides oversight to ensure the action fits with the A3D narrative style.

Anyway, we wanted to lay that out for those of you concerned that image sets were taking away from the main production. Their existence does mean miro has a few more things to approve or provide feedback to each week, but overall the amount of content we can deliver to patrons and non-patrons goes up. Additionally, we expect the image set team to become more independent than the animation team overtime, just because the animation requires a lot more hands on work to get polished up to our standard. So with that said, let's go over what’s currently in production.

Sayako Cock WIP Pt. 2 - We'll release this on the 30th.

Your Ass is Mine 1000 Patrons Anal Sex Animation Winner -- We were planning to release this today, but we’re having to re-run some cameras, so we'll post it as soon as we can. Early next week at this point. After we post this, we'll also do some variations as usual. We'll poll you for the variations you want to see when the clip is released.

The Seed of Rebirth image set - We’re close to starting the release of this image set. Part 2, 3, and 4 are making good progress, but part 1 is lagging behind. We need part 1 to kick the whole thing off, so just need to wait a little longer. The reason part 2, 3 and 4 are ahead of part 1 in this case is due to different artists in the image set team working at different paces.

Circle of Love 1000 Patrons Oral Sex Animation Winner - This is in the finishing touches stage, meaning miro just needs to make small adjustments to the animation to get it looking just right. When he finishes that, he’ll release a preview render without audio, with the final render and audio coming after, plus variations. Here's a little gif preview of an early stage camera test.

CyPunk 1000 Patrons Vaginal Sex Animation Winner - This one is also in the finishing touches stage, and has the same trajectory as the oral sex animation. Included another gif preview (it will look more raw because it's only a port preview)

Circle of Love 1000 Patrons Double Penetration Animation Winner -- We have a first draft of this, but it’s too early stage to show off right now.

Additional Lady in the Tower animations - We were adding some cum to the deepthroat and hard landing animation, but cum still needed to be finalized. Unfortunately, we're most likely going to scrap this one.

Pure As Sin animation - This clip has given us a lot of trouble cause, probably unsurprisingly, wings are hard animate.  Here’s what we’ve got so far.

AS06 Lady of the Tower fail

A little bonus clip of a lady of the tower animation which we quickly abandoned mostly because bald is so out of fashion.

AS10 - Super Heroes Image Set - Remember these outfits you voted on? Those were for a super hero image set that was in look dev at the time we asked you to vote. The first base file has since been completed, which means our first artist can start posing. One thing to mention -- we may push back the posing on this set if look dev is finished on time for another image set we’d like to release before AS10.

The following image sets we have less to say about since there's no visuals to preview at this stage. You’re welcome to speculate what they might entail, though.  😉 

AS09 - Japanese Image Set - Script complete (awaiting lookdev)

AS11 - Star Image Set - Lookdev in progress

AS12 - G4E Image Set - Script complete (awaiting lookdev)

AS13 - Princess Image Set - Lookdev in progress, environments nearly done

AS14 - Gaming Image Set - Lookdev in progress

AS15 - B&W Image Set - Script in progress

And that's the bulk of it. There's other stuff like porting characters or customizing certain assets, but they mostly fall under one of these projects.




Thanks for the update! It is very much appreciated. I really hope you guys don’t scrap the Lady of the Tower deephtroat cum animations, that would provide closure to an animation that needed just a little bit more to be amazing.

John Douglas

Looking forward to image sets and video footage but the thing that kills it are the bulges not hot wot so ever


Thank you so much! Can‘t wait to see your teams new animations, specially Lady of Tower :))

Space Banker

Thanks for the update, I guess.

Xavier Hall

Thank you for the update, it brings a good amount of context to what you are doing and I guess you will explain your main projects in the next WIP in the next post. One question have you tried rotating shifts when working on a project to help too see if the quality can be bettter?


Almost done= creating file😂😂


Nice to see so many things in the works. Sad that the next major project is like 2 years away. 😭


I really appreciate updates like this. It gives us more of an understanding of where things are considering. Seeing how radio silent it has been at times, I've always felt there was too much going on to be able to handle but seeing what's involved with this update, it makes more sense. I hope these type of posts are a mainstay and not just a reaction to comments over the previous weeks/months. Getting an update seeing where things stand once a month is good. With that said, looking forward to seeing these updates finally release. Especially the G4E set which is a ways out I guess :) Also didn't reaslie these were gifs until accessing patreon via desktop. The App doesn't seem to load these


Not sure why we vote Hero before Japanese(AS09 & AS10) but when it's animated, will it be Jap Vocal or just normal Eng one? Finally cumshot happen after so long await, hope it's juicy not plastic like liquid. For future release, I personally care about what AS12 - G4E Image Set will be. We haven't see Sayako and Tara take some action for so long. And will be first step for G4E2 in several year later. FYI Hand in Circle of Love oral sink into Sophia's head. and other need some bulges.


Although I am a bit disappointed for not getting any updates on the main project, these kind of posts are highly appreciated and needed. This surely is a step in the right direction! Please keep these “WIP Overview” post coming on some kind of monthly or maybe even weekly basis. These kind of posts are the content I’ve subscribed for. I will surely not overlook the image sets and mini animations but I mostly want to be kept up to date with everything surrounding Bloodlust Lanessa “Blood Crown”. Getting insight of the actual WIP is just much more interesting and valuable than image sets / mini animations imo. So please guys make sure the next “WIP Overview” post comes withing the next month and please have it be about the main project… I truly believe these “WIP Overview” posts can regain a lot of trust that has been lost over the last couple of months, if done right (with enough info no need to give pictures or spoil anything just infos…) and withing a manageable time frame (every week or 2 weeks or 4 weeks?!). So yeah thanks for trying to get in touch with the community again I sure everyone appreciates that! Let’s see how this goes, I’m sure you guys got this :). Greetings!


I believe at the start they said there will be one on the main production later and today is image sets and animations. Whether that's tomorrow, next week, or next month, no idea yet.


Yeah please don't scrap this, it will be outstanding with the deepthroat animation!


Posts like these should absolutely happen on a monthly basis specifically regarding image sets and short animations, if that's what the Patreon is now geared towards. The last two months here have essentially been a few WIP images, a slew of polls, and a lot of "It's coming...". The pipeline has clearly slowed a bit, which I think some regulars have begrudgingly grown to accept for the mainline content, but not necessarily the Patreon content, which I think is a testament to how regular the image/animation content has been up until now. Speaking of which, despite Miro not being directly involved, whoever is involved with Patreon releases clearly has a lot on their plate from the looks of this post. It's a separate pipeline, but now even that pipeline is showing signs of getting bogged down. There just seems to be a running theme of biting off more than can be chewed for the current resources at the time. A great microcosm of this being that flying sex pose. Ambitious and eye popping to be sure, but when you're in the midst of transfering from Maya to Daz due to a shortage of artists and you put the words "AIRBORNE BLOWJOB" next to "standing anal", I had to roll my eyes because of course the AIRBORNE (yeahh!!) choice was going to win, and of course it was going to be delayed. This is where, unfortunately, some responsibility now lies on the community to get a little wiser at the very least when something outlandish like that pops up. With just a little bit of intuition, you have to know when you're voting for something far outside the box from what's been done before, it represents a mountain of technical challenge and you might not be seeing it for awhile, OR worse it could end up clogging the pipeline. Compare that to the other choices given on the ease-of-animating front and it's not even close. Ambition has always been front and center for A3D. If it weren't, we'd probably be talking about the 20th image set featuring Sayako and Tara. It's also understandable that for consistent delivery to happen, you have to have a bunch of ideas on the burner, along with things in active production so you can keep that content churning. But it seems like there's some pain points where, occassionally, there's either too many cooks, too many irons in the fire, or too many plates to spin, and somebody just needs to pump the brakes so at least one thing can be done with speed and quality. Maybe, maybe not. But these posts are much appreciated, and I look forward to seeing all those things in the pipeline reach fruition. 😁

Bob Fink

Looking forward to the release of these image sets.


So Blood Crown is dead. Cool.


That's not what the post said.....but it's certainly not looking like it's out in the immediate future


I'm sorry if this has been asked before or something should be well know but could someone explain what a lookdev is?


Thank you for sharing all of this with us. It's really nice to have a picture of what's going on behind the scenes. That's a bummer about the Lady of the Tower animation with cum being scrapped, tho. Out of all the animations listed, that's the one that was most interesting to me.

Eddie landon

Thanks for the update, is pretty good to know what is going on behind the scenes, about the productions, it's pretty good to know that is a lot of new things coming up(years in the future at this pace(just kidding)) and i realize that is not miro's fault if the comics are not being produced properly, but a little " hey cmon give it a hurry cause there's only part one left jiji to release at least one thing it's been years since the last one" it's not bad either, but i know that they are at their pace and need time and soon they will be producing like minions i know, but i know of someone that has been years in this and know how thing works around here, isn't it miro? 🤫 so i am looking fordward to the main scene WIP hopefully with good news. please😭.


I wonder if this will ever be streamlined like an actual business. Oh well I guess this is better than nothing, but I honestly want the main animation. I'm starting to lose interest in these less than a minute clips.


> Pure As Sin animation - This clip has given us a lot of trouble cause, probably unsurprisingly, wings are hard animate. Told you ...

Eddie landon

about the animations, i have to say congrats to the animators, they are going in a good way, making a scene more interactive, not just moving hips and that's all, i love the way cypunk anim turned out, the neck grabbing at the end and the expressions are 10/10 for a mini set anim, hoping to hear some dirty talk too when it's comes out, i think the same of circle of love, animations at this pace will improve a lot.


We’re making an image set for G4E? Damn. A full animation is more suiting for the series :/


"Unfortunately, we're most likely going to scrap this one." Just release it broken and preface that it was going to be scrapped. I think most people here will be happy with something over nothing.


Think of it as a G4E filler episode between G4E and G4E2. A day in the life of Sayako & Tara, vs a major event in their lives like G4E was. -Marie


Sorry, I had originally thought about including a glossary but thought it was getting too wordy, and was probably clear in context. Lookdev is short for look development. In the context of our image set production this is a person setting up the base file for the image set to be posed in. So that's setting up an environment, characters, outfits, and lighting required to match the theme and style. -Marie


Ah, that's perfect. Thank you for the information. I'm not really familiar when it comes to development stuff so I wasn't sure if I should be getting it when it was being used. I thought it was some sort of software. Learn a little every day :D

The RadishGod

Honestly that deepthroat animation looks just bad with that ridiculous pose. Only my eyebrow gets raised not my dick.

The RadishGod

I don't see a belly bump in the cypunk vaginal sex anim. :((((


Yeah honestly, if it was just about adding cum, id keep at it. That would've been a nice surprise whenever it got done. I'm biased but I'd rather have a good pose get a cumshot edit over a mediocre one like the angel thing stumble through. But it's understandable, one was promised the other wasn't. It just would've been really nice 😭


Damn you’re right, didn’t notice that… Let’s hope they’ll add it before the release :O.


Thanks for the update and timelines. Really hoping that the longer animations are on the way as well, though. I love the longer format animations and voice work.