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  • pitch-shifting-demo_1.mp4



Hey everyone, Marie here again with a little update to show off some more audio tech I've been working with. This demonstration isn't directly related to any specific production, as I'll explain more in the video. We used a fair bit of pitch shifting in the original G4E, but nowadays this tech would be used more for assisting other 3DX artists, enhancing small parts of our main production audio (like single lines, moans, etc.), and also preliminary drafting in pre-viz. The demo is attached as an mp4, no need for a password on this one. This one is pretty tech-y, so we'll have another update this week for you as well.



The RadishGod

Great post, thanks. It sounds to me Marie tries to speak in a sexy tone but trust me that's not needed. Or is that how you speak normally? Way too erotic, I never got hard on audio engineering before.


Interesting demo, Marie. That pitch shifting on intonation so as to tweak performances of spoken lines delivered looks quite promising since it will permit you to have finer control over the subtext of performances in "how" they are delivered, changing the emotional "oomph" that individual lines can deliver.

Bob Fink

Thanks for the demo Marie, this sounds pretty cool.


Thanks for the demo, but i must say I'm not a big fan of this sound pitch shifting. Everytime you've done this it sounds like a little "echo" effect was added too. It sounds terrible for the sex vocals. ^^' But as long as I don't notice it in the end product, it doesn't really matter. :D


That is her normal voice. Not sure what you're getting at. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TFDc52t790 I don't know where the "real voice" meme comes from but it seems like it happens a lot.


That's her normal voice. Some girls are just sexy out of the box.


A thought occurs in relation to pitch shifting and the problems of pitch shifting sex vocals. This ought to be trivially easy for you to test and experiment with, Marie. If you take a vocal sound and copy it to overlay the copy on top of the original, if you keep the volume of both copies exactly the same you'll simply double the amplitude of the sound and only make it louder. But if you reduce the volume/amplitude of both copies of the identical overlaid tracks, you can have the two of them add up to the original volume of 100%, using say an 80/20 split in volume for example. The point of splitting the tracks to overlay them like this would be to allow you to do very minor pitch shifting of the quieter track copy so as to create a harmonization of pitches that are relatively close together, so as to alter/tweak the overall pitch of the sound, while keeping the all important sibilant and breathy sounds of the sex vocals at their original delivery pitch dominant. Basic idea being that with something like an 80/20 volume split of sound, you'd keep the 80 track at the original pitch as the dominant sound you can hear, but still do fine control of the 20 track for pitch which will wind up modifying only the "loudest" sound outputs due to the "quieter" sounds in the track being drowned out (effectively) by the 80 track. You can then use the overlaid 20 track pitch shifted atop the 80 track to have some selective control over pitch for finer detailed control and limited pitch shifting on a sound track where you only want to pitch shift the loudest sounds, but not the quieter ones in sex vocals. Anyway, I figure that might take all of 5-10 minutes of time for you to play with in your sound editing software to determine if the idea has any merits at all to it. You'd also be able to play with different volume splits (90/10, 85/15, 80/20, 75/25, etc.) so as to have a finer control over the cutoff volume of the pitch splitting so as to "harmonize" the louder sounds to a (slightly) different pitch while keeping the less than maximum sounds at their original pitch due to speaker response levels to sound outputs. Let us know if that helps add another tool to your sound editing toolbox, Marie.


As an Audio Engineer, I vibe with the audio-related posts. They are awesome! Melodyne is must in the industry for sure.


Aw, no other update this week I guess?


Well not exactly, that would be her soft spoken voice :D you can tell in some areas what it usually sounds like


Kyla's take is pretty close to the truth. This is my soft spoken, relaxed conversational, and instructional video voice. It's also my "muttering into the gaming headset while distracted by whatever I'm doing in game" voice, as some of my old gaming friends can attest. But vocal inflection does change my voice quite a bit. If you walked past me at a coffee shop, having an animated conversation with one of my girl friends, I probably wouldn't sound much like this, so it really just depends on how forcefully I'm speaking. The character Brittany, from Puppetmaster's Sensual Adventures series, is a good example of what I sound like when I'm more excitedly. Granted, I'm rarely as pissed of as Brittany always seems to be =) -Marie


Yeah, this demo is pretty raw, so it doesn't have all the cleanup work we'd do in final production audio which will remove or hide a lot of that echo, but even then we're approaching this very cautiously. If we can notice it, we won't use it. -Marie


Yeah the one we wanted to post on Sunday morning got a bit delayed. We'll have that one up in a few hours (getting it setup now) and then try to get more in this week that's running behind from last. If you've been patient, thank you so much! -Marie


Phew, good to hear! =) We're trying to get our skills up to snuff in some of the outlying areas of production. Hoping the audio on our next full production satisfies you and the other audio experts watching. <3 Marie


It's pretty easy to overlap the clips in the software, if I open up a saved file I could probably test this right away. I'll give it a go this week and let ya know. -Marie


Speaking of follow ups, Marie ... did you ever have a chance to test the sweet and sticky mess that could be made by "lubricating" a fleshlight with syrup and/or honey for use with a dildo to make penetration sex sounds (for science, of course)? Kind of curious if that bit of research went anywhere useful for sound editing.


Not yet but on my to do list still. My sound booth has been dismantled the last two weeks cause my laptop burned up. Need longer cables due to the new computer being a desktop.


Ouch/yikes! I certainly wouldn't have expected anything like that to have happened to you!


I loves these! I’d listen to a Marie weather report for hours!! So these are awesome. Please keep them coming.