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Voting for this poll has ended.

Once again we'd like a bit of input from you on an upcoming image set. This time we've got two options for you to vote on, but just one poll. To vote, select one option for the hairstyle, and one for the eye color. The eye colors might be a bit hard to see in the patreon preview so the full size images are attached if you need a closer look.

If you'd like to suggest something different than what's here, we have a vote option for that too. Just leave a comment for us with your recommendation. =)

Oh, and as you can see, Lanessa will officially be starring opposite of Cerene in this superhero themed set. There will be no one left wanting for huge boobs this time around.




Eye color 2 looks great, but would you consider blue and yellow HETEROCHROMIA??


I think a bob like olivia wilde in "tron" would fit this set really good. If thats no option i would think 1 is the best.


I like that color as well, but have to disagree about Hetrochromia, it is FAR overused and quite a bit tired of it and put off by it now. Just my opinion.

The RadishGod

Did Lanessa change? Her breasts look *really* big now. That's not how I remember her.


https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MostCommonSuperPower C'mon, Radish. Keep up ...


These could concluded that Cerene will be Hero while Lanessa is Villain? Delight it. But how about Sophia? She will be join as random citizen waiting for rescuing or clumsy sidekick that make a slip and tamed. Or just evil plan of hers to get revenge affront superior by combine with Lanessa to gangbang her.


My votes are for Hair 4 and Eyes 2. However, there's a view from behind after option 6 that looks like it could use some alteration ... because it needs more Butt Floss ... https://cdn.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/1461907/81815612.jpg https://66.media.tumblr.com/4c9c61281f83f1f99005e0b2eb0ac104/tumblr_mr2z27WhRi1qbskhdo1_1280.jpg If you can still see the string between those big butt cheeks, you're doing it wrong (on the costume). The point is to create a Bare Assed Look with a string between them that cannot be seen (even though it's there)! That's because if you can see the strip riding up between her cheeks there is too much material there and it's making her ass look "flatter" than if the strip were thin enough to "disappear" between her butt cheeks leaving you with Nothing Butt Ass to see in a way that is totally stripperific in the context of the rest of the costume.


can we just give her real horns and a cute fang tooth


Isn't eye color 1, 4 & 5 the same green hue? Looks the same for me. And Hairstyle i like 1-4 with the most details, which unfortunately doesn't matter because everyone wants to see the boring standard. :/


Lol, all that work and we choose default. Fine by me. Votes are always a clusterfuck. We need more content.


Thankfully 2 isn't wining as I just picked that hair for a model I'm making :D


Dont care much on the hair. Hate the facial tats.


I thought #3 was 😍


4 is pretty hot, I've got to admit.

Amp Lexus

#3 wins both for me. And WOW her breasts are magnificent. The butt looks flabby somehow... needs reshaping. Also she needs to lose the Mike Tyson face tattoos...

Kei Montague

Dang, I was hoping for some green eye love since Cerene, Sophia, Sayako, and Tara all have blue eyes.


green eyes are good but how bout some yellow or purple or maybe a dark violet


I do get what you're saying, who wouldn't want to get into the cross fire of these two :)


actually I'm going with 2 here, I like that one more and second place is close enough for me


actually because her boobs are so tiny, I though we'd enhance her ass cheeks a little more :)


Lol, is this is the same Miro that will give the win to a 1 vote difference? Yeah, let's give the win to the hair with half the votes of the #1 position (101 vs 202). The way you treat your voting "system" is too funny. Like I said, these votes are a waste of time. Quit trolling your patrons and work on some content.


His comment was fueled by something else you guys don't need to know about <_>


Well, to be fair, Hair 4 = Tara in Black ... so having miro choose Hair 2 isn't all that unexpected, particularly if Lanessa is supposed to have more of a 60/80s Big Hair look reminiscent of Elvira (and she's got the chest for it...).


What I said is probably why, though you guys really don't need to know what it was over.


nothing to do with that, we just forgot to add the 'poll is a guide only' to the terms of this non-critical poll, no2 was my preference anyway and it got a good amount of votes... if lots of people had a fit over it, I'd be swayed, but it's literally just Jables who's having a temper tantrum


Oh ok then that's good to know, though why even add a poll at all if you're going to overrule the votes? just don't lol, kinda is a bit troll my dude :D could give yourself 50 vote power or some number so it doesn't completely remove the point to voting.


Sure, call it a tantrum. And yet here you are, full of shit and wasting our time with the illusion of choice. The outcome of the "vote" is irrelevant to me -- this will just be another C-tier image set with a lackluster loop that takes three months to make attached at the end. This vote itself is a placeholder for actual content, and as it turns out, not even a vote to begin with. Insert, "Woah! This is worthless!" meme. Back to "work" Miro. Or are we gonna reach into our bag of excuses for a reason behind the two year gap between movies when we were (again, oof) promised a shorter production time?


wow, I guess, I'm doing you a favor then by making sure you don't get to see another C-tier image set again

John McCarthy

Yellow ??? ... purple would be nice ...


Lanessa looks great although I’d personally like her to lose the face tattoos but that’s just personal preference it’s not a deal breaker by any means. Oh and when will the leading characters of “The Seed of Rebirth” be revealed? I’m almost 100% sure it’s Cerene + Raven… Ps: Do I get cookies if I’m right? UwU