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After a few technical difficulties (Cerene's cock is just too powerful) here is the Lady of the Tower deepthroat animation we've been wanting to share with you!

We noticed in the last LOTT clip that the environment called for a much starker ambiance than our previous animations, so we've experimented with adding a music track on this clip to keep it interesting (don't worry, there's a no music version too, for anyone who hates the selection or wants to loop the clip). In this version the music track is very simple, but in future versions you'll hear some additional instrument layers which we've omitted due to the length of the clip.

FYI, we'll releasing a nude version soon, as well. =)

Anyway, let us know what you think about the other production elements. Enjoy!

To watch the clip, download the zip file below and use the password to unzip.  Use a free zip extractor like 7zip or Keka (for Mac users) to unpack the animations.   

The password is: openwide2




I’m not sure I agree with you about Nude version. I prefer them to wear her almost clothes as Cerene for her long-sleeved and lower armor while Arielle wearing her both white stocking. For animation, it would be so hard to penetrate though throat Cerene might have to use her hands to grab and pull to being more dominated while look down to Arielle to see if she enjoyed or masturbate then making her suffocate by rapid move and looking up as she is going to cum.


Perfect. Can we get a version where Cerene speeds up a bit?


Where are the heels!!! :D They're to good to be missing. Either way pretty slick job here, would have been nice if we were communicated on for delays or what have you, for everyone here... Not that I need it though still. Wish we got some more gagging with this.... deeper gagging I guess you can say, mean that dong is firmly lodged down her throat. Same with the hair being a static object again..... Guess there wasn't enough time to rig the thing or weight map it at least? Oh and POV angle on this please :) would be decent for it as nothing is getting in the way from them hugging or some shit :D


Hey Kyla, Marie here. Sorry about the communication silence, that's my fault. I'm filling in for Alice until end of July, and then the first week on assignment I had a perfect storm of shit go down (compy, BF, and doggo all broke at the same time) but I wasn't wanting to make a big deal of it. As for the clip -- we have some alternate versions planned so just hang tight. I think you'll be pleased.


Kinda stiff animation. Rickety.


I wish it wasn't just a BJ but great animation!!!! Nice that it's a little longer too kind of makes the LONG wait justifiable :)


Nude version would be better though so can't wait for that :)


Really loving the little details like the Lady fondling her breasts and Cerene struggling with the full insertion. Generally really good insertion it really feels like Cerene’s dick is huge and she has trouble fitting it all inside the Lady’s throat, I really hope you keep working on this cause it adds a huge amount of credibility hence sexiness to the animation <3. The only thing that seems “off” are Cerene’s hands when she isn’t using them… her facial expression is great though.


Feels like it was just getting good in the end and then it ends, hope it's longer in the final product with a bit more time on the faster, more aggressive thrusts


Definitely see more quality being put into the animations of late. Nice to see this animated and look forward to alternative versions. It's one of my favourite images from the set so it's nice to see it animated.

Space Banker

Beautiful moment between these two.


Arielle wearing heels while Cerene isn't wearing heels looks like an unforced error to me. I agree with Tyler Blake's comment above that the really DEEP throat penetrations are just getting started when the clip ends. There's barely enough time to register that Arielle has started lunging UPWARDS onto Cerene's cock at the end, to coordinate with her their mutual DEEP penetration of her throat. I threw the clip into my player and started adjusting the playback speed and found that x0.8 is a far superior(!) playback speed for this clip than the x1.0 speed. The -20% reduction in speed really helped "sell" the ... weight and magnitude ... of what was being done here. The slowdown also made it possible to savor and enjoy the action more such that it didn't feel like a rush job. Note that if you slowed the frame rate from 30 per second to 24 per second, you would achieve a x0.8 frame rate relative to the x1.0 of 30fps … however, you'd probably need to rebalance the voice effects to account for the extended durations relative to the 30fps animation speed. On the voice foley, I'm slightly disappointed by NOT hearing Arielle making a throat plugged low pitch deep and sustained groan noise around Cerene's cock when it is lodged balls deep into her neck. That would have heightened, accentuated and SOLD what Arielle is feeling at maximum penetration a lot better. As far animation is concerned, I kind of wish that Cerene's gasping sound reaction on achieving full penetration were synchronized better with the animation and that it were louder/sharper/better expressed than the one used here so as to sound more triumphant/successful (or at least more astonished by the sudden increase in sensation/feeling). However, once she puts her hand on Arielle's neck, I would have wanted to see a more obvious lip bite animation on Cerene's face to show how strongly/deeply she is being affected by the maximal penetration of Arielle's throat prior to resuming her deep thrusting into Arielle. And finally, I really wish you'd done a bit more work editing this scene to incorporate more than just the CAM2 view. Upon achieving full penetration, you could have repeated Frames 200-334 (referenced from the preview you'd posted) first from CAM1, so as to show Cerene's balls coming to rest on Arielle's face at maximum penetration ... and then repeated Frames 200-573 from CAM3, so as to show the maximal penetration moment in closeup. So you would have had a sequencing like this: CAM2: Frames -114 to 334 CAM1: Frames 200 to 334 CAM3: Frames 200 to 573 CAM2: Frames 335+ (resumes action) Likewise, you could have extended the ending more by using cuts from the other CAM angles like so: CAM2: up to Frame 650 CAM3: Frames 651 to 769 CAM1: Frames 651 to 769 CAM2: Frames 651 to 769 (which is just under 4 seconds!) END Total number of added frames to render = 134+373+118+118= 743 743 frames added with no additional animation/posing work needed would add 24.77 seconds to the total runtime of the clip at 30 frames per second and would GREATLY heighten the impact and sexiness of what is happening and being shown. I mean, I for one would have gotten a lot more enjoyment out of seeing Arielle getting DEEP THROATED by Cerene for 11.8 seconds across 3 camera views, rather than for just 3.9 seconds in 1 camera view like we're seeing here. As for the added musical track … you're absolutely right that the musical track in the background adds a great deal of value to the scene! For once, I highly prefer watching this scene WITH the music rather than without it. The music also successfully remains a purely background supporting element, rather than fighting for dominance in the foreground with excessive volume as has been done all too often in Royal Descent, in which it often times felt like the music was trying to upstage the action on screen to the detriment of everything. There are only a few scenes that I can watch of Royal Descent with the music, while most of them (like 80% or more) are better off without the music trying to dominate the scene as the central character due to excessive music volume drowning out the voices and the sound FX. So good job on finally getting the music right! Of course, if you extend the scene with extra edits from the other CAM views like I'm suggesting above, you'll need more of the music track to fill the extra runtime, but in this case I'd consider that a plus rather than a minus (assuming you do it, of course).

Bob Fink

This is so very well done! I love the throat bulge and the moment she rams it all the way to the base.

John Douglas

The bulges are terrible uses have lost the plot of sex scenes how is this a ment to be realistic have uses even looked at hur neck how the fk is the hot same with bulge


I feel like each new post from Miro elicits a "damn, that's the sexiest thing i've ever seen" thought from me.




Cerene looks like she is really enjoying it here, great video. Good stuff.


Amazing as always! Love the part in the middle where she seems to pause out of euphoria before continuing again. It is a personal preference, but I love it when futa's are barely in control, shivers, spasms from ecstasy, that sort of thing. One thing I know was shown on another animation is a futa being penetrated. They have both genders, why are they often only used for their dicks? glad there will be some scenes taking advantage of their anatomy.


will there be other angles? i dont know why but this one seems like it was too zoomed in. also in the future maybe consider giving cerenes hands something to do? they block her ass in this and kind of awkwardly hang there. maybe she could put one on her waist or makes fists while she pumps. all in all i do love detail. seems like you guys get better with every animation


yes, planning to post another angle... we'll keep an eye on the hands, obscuring the ass is not good, not as bad as boobs, but still...


well, if there's multiple dick girls penetration usually ends up happening :) we're working on one atm


yes, currently a video edit with more angles is planned... as for speed there's always some that want it slower/ faster, but not seeing a one sided trend here


Looks super great, the music choice worked well, the foley work was intense, and the scene was really dommy for Cerene. I see a few things that are new that need polishing. Cerene's ass seems to have been put on autojiggle, and the way its moving is WAAAAY out of line. Instead of moving like dense healthy buttmeat, it's moving as if its some sort of floaty vaguely rigid flap that has been hidden behind a butt shaped illusion. No ones ass, soft or muscled, moves like that. Its way too 'hovery' and reacts far too much to slow movements while reasserting its resting position too sluggishly. The only time I would expect to see an ass behave like that is in mega slow motion while moving at intense realtime speeds. The balls have a similar issue, they should be bouncing quite a bit less and asserting their resting position quicker and with less cartoonish bobbing. Her boobs seem to have behaved quite well, but I'm guessing they were given a different treatment as they are clothed in weird vampiric magisteel that is supposed to give some sort of support to her superlative milkjugs. I also saw a more noticeable application of dick skin movement but that looked just about perfect from what I saw. Keep up the good work.


So you want "normal sized" dicks that produce no bulges. Somehow, I don't think that's going to be all that popular around here ...

John Douglas

We are all here for porn but all we are getting is ork porn and horse porn with the big bulge. Have u even watch porn because there are no bulges wot so ever and porn is popular do uses even noo any porn stars watch there videos and uses will See noo bulgesl wot so ever am sorry I really like your work miro but the bulges are terrible and trash


Did she like... dislocate her collarbone with her enormous cock?


dude, Arielle has a black belt in sword swallowing... dislocated collarbone is beginner stuff :P

Clayton Brody

This was hot, but needed more time in the oven? Other than the rez, noticed Cerene's thumb skip frames or something before grasping Arielles neck. I also seemed to spend more time paying attention to Cerene's buffed balls/physics at work lol. Tis why this mention of more camera angles is pretty great. Camera angle 1 makes more sense now than it did during the vote period. That one payed attention at one point on the balls(I thought so?, this is a bulge demo innit? So chose angle 3). After seeing this, I would go CAM1. Is combining the angles an option? These clips breeze by without even time for a "warmup" XD


We aren't here for porn, we're here for 3D futa porn. If you want anything less than the fantastical then you would be better off watching irl pornography which can't depict idealized or exaggerated sex scenes.

John Douglas

Porn is Porn straight or DG it's still porn so wot u just said doesn't make sense

John Douglas

No one wood won't to have sex if there dick was the size of a house wood they noo because its not realistic bulge look terrible and they are not attractive to see in scenes or images


Ok I'm going to kindly assume english isn't your first language and stop engaging with you if you can't pick up on certain things.

John Douglas

Did u even read your own text before sending dont think soo the last text u send was we aren't here for porn wot u even doing hear in the first lol we are all hear for porn lol but it failing badly because there are noo bulges wot so ever in porn and sex and getting back