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We recently set up Cerene in Daz Studio, so that she'll be able to join in future image sets. 

Overall we think the transfer worked out very nicely. You can find some comparison images between Daz Studio Cerene vs Maya Cerene in the attachments. 

We'll be able to use Cerene in both her female body and dickgirl body. 

We've equipped her dickgirl body with a custom designed futa prop that's based on the same prop that we're using in Maya, so she can bring her own dick to play with the girls. 

Cerene's Daz hair in the pictures has been styled to look similar to her Maya hair, but her hairstyle may change depending on what type of role she plays in an image set. 

We'll transfer Sophia and Lanessa to Daz Studio soon too. 

Also, please note that although we're creating the image sets in Daz Studio, we're still using Maya to animate all the image set sex animations, so there are no changes in the animation department.




Just awful,please don’t do it,no one minds waiting a little longer for image sets but with the girls looking as before, the last image set was really not something I would have expected from your studio

Space Banker

Both have their advantages.


The face looks worse, the body and shading looks a lot better


How so? yes there is a difference in look that will happen no matter what unless they spend countless hours making them identical in each, even with that the render engines will look somewhat different anyhow, not easy to give 1to1 at any rate, the eyes can use some work for sure same with adding a bit of gloss to the skin. Honestly it's mostly there imo, the lighting is also making them look off


I'm in love with Cerene. Do you think she'd go out with me? lol 🤔🤣


that is a crazy flat stomach. Looks really good tho, and I'm impressed with the Daz renders. The highlighting around her eyes looks a little too shiny tho.

Bob Fink

I love the DAZ, it looks so much more realistic!


The body looks fine but the face def needs work imo, especially the eyes and mouth


the Daz hair needs more styling.


The Daz hair model looks amazing, but I hate that the skin looks too smooth, the detail on her blue boob veins is totally lost!! Noooooo!!!!!! Plz fix :'c


I understand why this was done but I'd much rather receive higher quality Maya image sets slower than receive Daz image sets faster.


They have own advantages. So can't decide which is better for me. But for daz that take less time to build and get helped, could be more frequently product released. Or use it alternative as game or gif.

Andrew Rowe

Daz is a little greyer skin, hair not as light. Cock, boobs, and ass look good though👌😁


The biggest difference that I'm noticing between the Maya and Dad models is the change in skin texture for Cerene. In Maya, she has a discernible skin texture (pores, etc.) which is reminiscent of a sandstone texture (which is, ironically, one of the easier textures to use for human skin to make it look right). However, in Daz the skin texture loses that necessary roughness of pores and looks a lot smoother (too smooth). This distinction is important for how light interacts with the skin, since a rough vs (too) smooth difference changes how light reflects away from and "bounces around" within and on the skin itself. So the overly smooth surface in Daz creates a more "plastic skin" appearance and feel to it than Maya does. It's a subtle thing, but it's rather noticeable in close like Cerene 01 and 02 where you can see the less that perfect smoothness of the skin in Maya. I agree that the eyes on the Daz model need more work. The sclera (the "white") of her eyes are too uniformly white and the "brightness" of the white is upsetting the natural color balance of her face and gaze, relative to the Maya model. I'm thinking that if you dialed back the brightness/whiteness of the "white" of her eyes while leaving everything else as is it would help. I actually like the quality/fineness of the hair on the Daz model better than the "starched look" of the hair on the Maya model in this case. The Daz model has a more "natural" hair look, while the Maya model is so obviously "sculpted into rigid stiffness" in order to maintain its shape. In which case, I'd argue that all you really need to do with the hair on the Daz model is refine the cut/shape of her hair while keeping the "silky soft" look you've got for it right now. I want to run my fingers through the hair of the Daz model. With the Maya model, that hair looks like monofilament wire that would slice through your fingers rather than "flow" through your fingers. On the full frontal view of Cerene in the T posing, I kind of wish her nipples weren't canted outwards as much as they are. On her left breast especially (picture right) her nipple just looks wildly off center. I would honestly recommend moving her the nipples on her models (both) a bit closer towards center without being perfectly parallel aiming forwards. It's okay for them to angle outwards a bit, but I'm thinking that what I'm seeing here has them offset to the outside too much. In the frontal, side and rear views of Cerene in the T posing, I'm struck by how … unbalanced … her legs look from hip to ankles. Her thighs are FINE from hip to knees (although her knees do look a bit "knobby" in these images, probably due to lighting), but then below the knees her calves just turn into swizzle stick afterthoughts that look too slender/skinny for the rest of her frame. The fact that her legs narrow down to the width of her slender ankles isn't what's bothering me here … it's just how small her calves are between ankles and knees. She's got magnificent thighs and a big beautiful (begging to be fucked!) ass … and basically no calves to speak of. In fact, her calves look like they're the size of her upper arms, because she's just go NOTHING THERE. In this case, I'm thinking you'd be well served by increasing the size of her calf muscles so as to give her a bit more "leg" below the knee, which would also help her look a touch more athletic with more muscle tone in her lower legs. As far as her cock (and balls) go, I'm seeing something that it would be a good idea to touch up and fix which is common to both Maya and Daz. The transition from vascularization to the smooth skin of her crotch/abdomen is too … quick/sharply defined … at the root of her cock. The vascularization doesn't "fade" from being strong to weak to little to none over the span of about an inch, it just disappears/blends in a span of about 1/8th of an inch. On top of that, the transition zone (such as it is(n't)) simply looks way too uniform. You can basically draw a (curved) line around the join where the raised veins on the surface burrow into the flesh of her abdomen that doesn't show a lot of variance to it. It's almost as if there's a kind of (very thin) "cock ring" that exists at the root of her cock, where on one side you have vascularization and on the other side you don't, and it's just all or nothing across that way too thin straight (curved around) line of transition. I keep thinking it would be better if that "ring of transition" zone weren't defined as being quite so "straight" of a (curving around) line, so the transition zone from vascularization to none were more … wavy … and irregular. By having a wavy line of of transition like that, you'd automatically get a "wider" zone of transition from full vascularization to none, but also achieve a more "realistic" look since some of the veins would reach closer to her abdominal wall before blending out/disappearing than others. By not transitioning between the two in quite so … orderly … a fashion, it would make the transition zone harder to spot (visually) thereby making for a more effective camouflage of the transition itself, simply because the "shape" of the transition zone isn't quite as obvious. It's also quite ironic that in these comparison views I consider the appearance of the entire penis superior in Daz in all three views to what I'm seeing in Maya … although that's probably just a trick of the lighting being used.


Her face and her body are fine in my opinion. Only her veins are missing ;) but if the renders will be much faster with daz it doesn't matter for me.


Renders faster, no, Iray is waaaaaay slower than what they use, this being Redshift, output speed, now that is possible since a large amount of 3D users have Daz as the main tool, so getting more people to help out or "seasoned" ones should improve (I hope) Render times it will take longer for sure that I know for a fact, having Identical scenes Iray would take lets say 10 mins Redshift might be 2-3 mins. that being a light scene as Iray takes forever on most renders even with powerful GPU's due to what type of render engine it is. At any rate longs it's not slower wooo! same with an improvement to quality would also be super too :)

The RadishGod

Honestly, the Maya one looks so much better. Just try to keep it 100% the same for all girls their look.

The RadishGod

By so much better I only meant the face though.


Maya model looks better. Daz ass is flatter and not as round.


The problem is we are all used to seeing the Octane or Redshift rendered images/anims and while there are artists out there doing really amazing things with DAZ and Iray/Octane Unfortunatly there is very samey results generated and Miro’ work stands a what a real professional product should look like


The eyes of the Daz model looks abit off. The body is good.

Amp Lexus

That's why Lilith looks so freaking incredible. Her toned legs and ass are to die for. Cerene's ass looks like she said "I'm too lazy to workout, so i got bimbo butt implants on my chicken legs". Lilith's cock is also more shapely (unlike Cerene's baseball bat, with a baby fetus head for a cock head)

Amp Lexus

Cerene's hair in Daz looks very nice and soft. Adding some stray wispy hairs hanging down on the 'slick' side would be sultry. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0c/a9/28/0ca928c6bcc362a07404285c0c9e4b11.png


My main problem with the new face is the EYES are WAY too far apart. Her skin is paler, her eyeshadow is darker, which causes her to look less natural. The skin especially. Her freckles and blush stand out more, which I also dislike. But, I believe Miro can fix it. :)

Amp Lexus

Huh. You're right. But they've ALWAYS been spaced too far apart. It was less noticeable in maya, cuz the eyes are softer with more natural color and depth. Also, the hair looks softer in Daz, but the hairline starts too far back and thus makes her forehead look HUGE


so her hair's going to change based on the role, we have some out of character roles planned for her :) ... like CyPunk


I agree with you completely. The hair, especially, is a huge improvement in texture. I also just realized her eyeballs are much more visible, and much whiter, than in Maya. Now she looks like a crazy, balding woman. :D


The new eyes look weird


The hairline and hairline corner are quite a bit higher than before in Daz. The facial structure is almost the same but the top of her forehead seems to have some distinction at least in terms of shading. Daz forehead top looks way wider.


Looking good with a few minor errors… Her eyes don’t really look the same yet… in comparison to Maya they are a lot less intense / vibrant and just somehow look bland. I like the Maya hair a lot better (also her hairline is a bit too far up in daz I think) but I think she’ll get a different hair style in each set anyways. Other than that, as IBT has already pointed out she is severely lacking in the calve department. And while we are at it her thighs could also use a little work. Both are just not thick enough to support that juicy butt of hers. Raven for example has a perfect balance ( https://ibb.co/HCzK2wN ). Even if you don’t necessarily wanna make them much thicker at least give them a little form / texture and don’t keep them as flat (especially her calves). Other than that, I think the transition went quiet well!

Space Banker

more "Cock" shots please. Her dong has never been truly appreciated.