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We've entered the realm of airborne fucking. You knew this was coming, didn't you? :D The final hour of Celeste's stay in hell has struck, so Lilith needs to make sure they spend the time wisely.

Sorry for the delay on part 6, it's just that it got really long (50 images). Anyways, you'll find parts 1 to 6 all included in the zip file in the attachments.

Use the password below to unzip the images. Use a free zip extractor like WinZip, 7zip or Keka (for Mac users.) 

The password is: pas6

With part 6 we've reached the end of Pure As Sin, so next up is final editing and then we'll post the complete, finalized image set on Patreon. 

Now's a good time to start thinking about your favorite sex positions of Pure As Sin because we're going to do the image set sex animation poll early next week!

If you've spotted a gem that you absolutely want us to consider animating, tell us the image number(s) of that sex position in a comment. The poll will be posted next week for patrons in Founders and Regular Tier 2.






WHOA Great images! 😈🍑😍


So can we consider that both of ladies are now members of the Mile high club

Randy White

If only it was feasible to make every image set into a full-length (20 - 30 minute) video. A pervert can dream.


So I didn't subscribe for this... but I have to admit this set is pretty amazing.


Judging by image 11 from part 6 and the fact that there are no other clear close ups of crotches it seems the feedback received from the other parts has been ignored imo. I think this set will need quite some editing before being sold...


I like this set. Love the huge racks.

John Douglas

Can't wait for this to be finished with and get back to the gd stuff like bloodlust


I think part 05_22 should be made into an animation


animate a cumshot

Bob Fink

This turned into one very hot set! Y'all totally ROCKED it!


Damn, I love the size and shape of Lilith's breasts. They are so sexy!


Meh. Again.


With the risk of getting banned, I'm gonna have the share this... I'm not one of the first, so this doesnt apply to me, but those that have stuck with this thing since it's inception shouldn't have to buy Blood Crown when it releases... Days Since RD: 592 Months Since RD: 19 Price of Blood Crown for Patrons So Far (If they've been here from the beginning) Wip Only: $19 plus "discounted price" Founders 1: $47.50 plus "discounted price" Regular 1: $94.05 plus "discounted price" Founders 2: $95 plus "discounted price" Regular 2: $190 plus "discounted price" Affect3d Store Prices All Image Sets Created Since This Patreon's Inception, plus the one about to be released: $70 Most Expensive- 2018 Collection: $39.95 Least Expensive: Girlfriends 4ever DLC 2: $16.95 You still plan on charging the patrons who have been here from the beginning Miro? Or those who have been here for at least a year?


So you're subscribed to support his work and are now moaning when you want a benefit that was never part of the original Founders or Regular Tiers. Yeah I hate being stupid too. Shame you don't feel you got your moneys worth, I did maybe you should just buy final products in future.


Just being realistic. Notice I said it doesn't apply to me. Just to those who have been here since this patreons founding. Maybe read the fine print next time and not be such a prick about it


I support a bunch of great futa 3D artists on Patreon and I've got to say, Miro has by far the most toxic people in the comments. I guess I missed some past history but y'all sound very entitled and are taking this fantasy dick girl stuff way too seriously.


You clearly don't understand why, till then there is no reason to make assumptions, even said it yourself. you must have missed something aka tons of stuff in the past as to why people get like this. Honestly though it doesn't take much to figure it out, not everyone cares and that is fine, more so the people that have been around for over 3-6 years have seen a pattern of events that constantly happens then it tends to get obnoxious as do a large enough amount of people due to it


ok miro, credit where credit is due, i really didnt like the first parts of this image set but i wanted to give it a chance. that being said part 6 is amazing. rather than animating a scene from each part maybe consider just 6 animations of this last one.


The only critique i have of this image set is the angel cock is a bit too thin. any chance you can make it thicker?


right only Blood Crown wips are officially included with the patreon sub, that's why we put out a lot of actual content we haven't worked out the specifics but we'll make sure longterm subs are taken care of when Blood Crown releases


what Kyla is saying is some people really got upset about the lengthy production time of the main animated productions and I've missed "deadlines" I've estimated(!) in the past including alluding to faster production time at the beginning of this patreon, well... that's why we have a rule now, that I'm not allowed to make predictions anymore... mind you this is for a future release with no upfront cost, I've never done any early access or pre order or kickstarter, etc... so I understand the complaints about the wait, but some, as usual, take it to the extreme...


Like us Kyla ! XD The old forum with hundreds and hundred of pages of toxicity lol. Its not never going to go away anywhere you go. Just ignore it Mike and pay it no mind. Just leave your positive vibes and that's all you can really do.


glad you like it :) ... Celeste might look thin in comparison to the Lilith, but she's thick as well, hope we get to animate one of her bj scenes and show off her skillz :D


actually that image was already heavily edited, so Celeste's (angel) crotch area was pretty horrific to work with, we used existing props for this set, the demon version is good, but the pussy + dick prop had lots of issues... having said that our custom dick rig is almost done, so that should resolve most of the problems and means our core characters are up and running soon


Yup! Just never say things that people can hold you accountable for. Cause they will ^__^


I'm just curious, not to rattle or attack you or anything, but why would you share concerns of others if it doesn't apply to you. I'm trying to psycho analyze the reasoning behind it. Cause im pretty sure you want an answer for yourself as well. How do you personally feel about being charged for a subscription and then paying for a full release? I personally supported Miro from Hongfire days. I appreciated his work, his dedication, to get everything up and running for his own business. In fact I admire him as an artist, and im an artist in the animation industry myself. So my reason for supporting him and his art and his team is personal. He also has people to pay for their contribution to this stuff. There are so many things you have to think about before these questions are asked. On behalf of others as you say.


I think Cerene should summon that Succubus sometime...


Yes and no, that was a little disingenuous how you phrased it, there was many times you made it seem like such was happening at X time to wildly go off months or sometimes a year+ later. Mind you Idc much at this point as I sort of have given up on giving a damn on any speed claims till I see em..... for sure some people have gone nuke from orbit mode, i'd like to think I've stopped that long ago. yeah it does poke me on an off day on how nutty times are though overall I just don't care for times longs we're not making any dates, BUT how it's currently going at seemingly a snails pace is a bit off putting. Either way hope the info you peeps got from the questions asked goes to use. :D


That place did suck overall yeah, BUT it was mostly self inflicted, not everyone likes getting told one thing for it to not happen or be completely different than originally stated. this was often the theme. if that didn't go on I bet my life it would not have been nearly as harsh


Same. Not handcrafted Miro models. Generic DAZ stuff you could see anywhere. Not why I subscribed.


TBF you've missed every deadline you've set out. IIRC each promise of, "faster production," has been met with dev times about the same as the last release (18-24m). Which I suppose is why there are no more deadlines. Maybe there's an argument to be made that each new full release has more content and variation, so we're getting more stuff for the same development time. On balance I'm happy the Patreon exists because I get consistent B-tier content from Miro, which is still better than most stuff out there. However at the end of the day, the full releases are the holy grail.


I made predictions (not deadlines) because I got asked about it constantly to no end, my predictions were my best assumption at the time, not release dates or official dead lines... but yeah, we're not doing that anymore :)

The RadishGod

Not a fan of dickgirl on dickgirl, but the ahegao was hot. 5/22 for the win. Thanks miro


Still no dick bulges :'(


People are displeased for a variety of reasons. For Pure as Sin it's mostly because it looks like something that was put together from off the shelf resources. It doesn't have the Miro look and feel and some parts of it (mostly the female genitalia) are a joke. As Miro mentioned this will probably (maybe) be fixed in edit, but it should not have been release like this to the patreon. It seems Miro is not really much involved in these sets. Which brings me to the second, bigger point of displeasure. The much awaited big movie is in limbo. With Miro not really working on these small sets you would think after almost 20 months the movie would be close to done, right? 2 of the 3 characters already existed from past productions so a lot of the work was already there, right? This was the 3rd or 4th time we were told that release times would be faster, because of how many years they spent developing their workflow and pipeline, right? Well we don't know. We don't know anything. It's not a problem of not having deadlines/predictions, it's a problem of not having any info at all. Again and again when a new product was launched we were given some movie studio style press releases about how from now the releases would come faster and how communication will be improved. Last time this happened, ~20 months ago, it also came with this patreon. And then there was absolutely no mention of anything progress related. No mention of how many scenes they are aming for, no graphs to give an idea of how progress was going, not even a throw away line about how much is still left to be done. For all we know Miro could just have payed someone to do all the WIPs and sets and spent his time reading the news. And this is all before we mention all the other troubling info we sort of know. Like this supposedly being only half a movie, so after 20+ months we could get something like 15 minutes... Again this is a problem of having almost no info and when info is given it sounds like a press release, not a discussion between a creator and people who have been supporting for years. And since you mentioned other 3D artits let me use the example of Puppetmaster. His style is different from Miro's and it could be argued his models aren't as detailed, but last year he delivered two movies (~20 and ~30 mins long) with plot and voice acting and he did this while providing weekly updates on how stuff was going. He had his hickups and issues but I never felt I was taken for a ride.


Animation suggestion : Part 4 05 Part 4 10 to 12 Part 5 24 to 29 Part 6 34 to 37


@TheGreatCornHolio I hope you've put everything you just wrote into the survey... I sure have and I totally agree with the info aspect. I don’t want a release date I just want transparency about what going on! I’m willing to accept delay etc. but only if I getting the info I need to be empathetic… I don’t really like this set either but that’s fine I think the only real issue/mistake Miro’s team can be accused of is the lack of transparency.


no transparency? we've posted about the characters and their outfits, environment and lighting, several positions, software, mocap, bunch of still and animated previews, etc... what am I missing? also wips are going to be limited to about one a month because we've covered about all we want to cover before the release, because showing off even more stuff spoils too much imo


Lilith has a bulge when she's getting face dicked, either way let's pick a good animated position to give her one in the upcoming poll


Think a lot including myself would be content with, "This month we managed to get some issues with X character fixed, scene 3 pose 2 has been mostly completed with a few steps in the final polishing to be finished. We plan to have Morf do some testing on a cum sim for scene 3 also (this doesn't give away anything other than a cum shot.... Ok cool, no one will know what it looks like beforehand so what's the issue with that?) ...... In none of that would people know how it's going to look in the end result only maybe a few details on poses at best or what can happen inside them, you're not giving away "Cerene Holds her left arm up and is bent over getting railed while Sophia holds her down sticking her dong in Cerenes ass" none of that would happen. you'd never do that anyway, so something like what I just said in the first part completely avoids directly giving up the poses themselves looks wise in the animation, yeah they might get an idea, though that can mean TONS of variations.... that I think you're not getting


Any "toxicity" seen here PALES in comparison to what you'd see if you throw out a deadline or a suggestion, or a projection and then miss it once, twice, three times. This isn't isolated to this community, this is how independent artistry works almost anywhere on the internet. Just go look up the blogspot for the erotic text adventure game Lilith's Throne as a quick example. Scroll to any release announcement for a great showcase of the community of an artist that is a bona-fide, habitual deadline-misser. This is really why, if you struggle with that, you really just shouldn't make deadlines. I'm talking like, "whew man, how is this possible? Eight times in a row!?" territory. This is also someone with a Patreon. Contrast that with the comments section in someone like Fenoxo's blog for instance, regular updates, proper delegation of work. Just very well managed. At some point though, if "streamlining the workflow" is constantly touted, people are eventually going to be looking for concrete evidence of that after a year and a half from the previous release. Nothing much you can do to defuse that except... do it.


Although I already covered it in the survey I’ll just try to do it in a more compact manner… To me transparency is not about character outfits, environment and lighting, several positions or even software and mocap. I honestly could not care less about these things. I’d be totally fine if we did not get any or really small amount of actual render previews before the release / trailer, I think with the mini sets and animations this patreon already provides enough great fap material :) during the breaks between every major animation title. What I mean if I talk about “transparency” is information about the actual production process / pacing. When I think about “transparency” I think of a road map (puppetmaster had/has a great one for his releases), I think about a constant flow of information about what scene is currently being worked on, which are already done and which ones still need to be done. I want to be informed if something is being delayed and why it is being delayed. I want to know what new features are being implemented in comparison to the previous release and I wanna know how long it will take till the product is finished if everything goes as planed. A road map can easily be adjusted if something does not work out the way it should, if something goes wrong just tell us what went wrong and how long it approximately takes to fix. If it is fixed give us another update and simply adjust the road map. All this can work without actually giving us any wip renders… (which I’d like because I hate spoilers, I don’t even watch trailers LUL). I feel like road maps should be mandatory for smaller studios in every genre… And to be quiet frank I don’t really get the argument of “let’s not make a deadline cause we’ve failed to observe it so many times in the past”. I mean please don’t get me wrong here you still have 110% of my respect and admiration (Miro and his team) but how can you even work with such a mantra? I’m certainly not the most organized person out there but even I have a road map for every bigger project in my life… Do I fail to observe the deadline at times? Yeah obviously, I’m only human after all, but that absolutely does not mean that I just scrap the road map at once and never use it again, I just simply adjust the time frame for myself, observe what I’ve done wrong and improve it for the next time. I just don’t understand how it’s possible to make and real structured progress without any kind of deadline which is implemented into a road map. I honestly never got worried about Miro’s project in the past even if there was something I did not like or if I had to wait a long time, cause that’s just how it goes as I said before: “We are only humans after all…” But after reading the most recent responses by you guys I feel kinda worried… maybe I just don’t get it (not a native English speaker) but I begin to feel like you guys don’t have any kind of road map which I think is definitely essential for major project like this one. Before writing this comment I’ve talked to a friend of mine who works for a large international bank as a business analyst / consultant and he said: “Saying “As a company or a team working on a large scale project, it is pure suicide to say something along those lines of {“we are not doing deadlines anymore”}. A team needs a road map to make any meaningful long term progress in big / complex projects and deadline obviously need to be tied into / part of every good / working road map.” So again please don’t get me wrong guys I still support you and admire your art but I’m seriously worried that you guys are working on a project that has some serious money funneled into it, without a propper road map / plan at all. I hope I am completely wrong on all of this and if so please don’t just say “you are wrong” but instead proof me wrong with actual facts based on information as that is the only way (other than deleting comments and I think you don’t do that) of getting rid of these type of discussions / arguments. I think the time has come to give us the information we deserve even if it means telling us it still takes 2 years to be done. I think most of us will accept it but I really think keep the communication / pr about the large scale projects like it is right now is going to hurt you now and even to a greater extend in the long run. Greetings Neo


So, from what I gather, no one put up front money or got materially harmed. Miro makes great stuff, and it takes time, and when he doesn't give you your next hit in the time you want, you get mad. Please keep in mind, this is entertainment, this is fantasy. It's not food and water. If your craving for a hit is this intense, I lovingly suggest you check into some resources to re-evaluate your priroities. https://slaafws.org/meetings is a great place to start. See also https://slaafws.org/download/core-files/Characteristics-of-Sex-Love-Addiction.pdf and https://slaafws.org/download/core-files/The_40_Questions_of_SLAA.pdf. It's worked for me and now I share my love of futa with my wife and live in peace and acceptance. Thanks.


No idea why my response got removed but k then… Let’s just say I prefer solid arguments over someone, I’ve never met/talked too, judging over the state of my mental health and assuming that I’m somehow addicted / mentally ill ;).


So wanting actual progress info on something we financially support, pointing out behaviors we've observed from Miro for literal years now and expressing this, with what are probably more words than you are comfortable with, makes us addicts? Got it! Thanks for clearing this up :)). I do take my interests and hobbies as just that: interests and hobbies, and even though this is just internet porn I don't think it should stop me from speaking my mind if I so choose to. This whole thing started by you calling the people complaining here toxic. I for one didn't see people complaining for the sake of complaining. Most of the complaints seen here are actually constructive. If you see this as addiction I think you may not be so far along your own road to healing as you think you are. Take care.


@TheGreatCornholio I couldn't have put it better myself.