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We're working on getting Tara set up as a Genesis 3 character so that we can use her in future productions of G4E. Same as with Sayako, we had to make this transfer because her old model won't mesh well with Maya. 

Attached you can find 4 work-in-progress images of what Tara's G3 model currently looks like. For comparison, we've also included 1 early stage render of Tara right after dropping her character assets in G3. Whenever we port an old model into a new program, they don't quite look like their old selves from the get-go, so we have to get hands-on to make it happen. 

We've been touching up Tara's face, makeup and hair, and we have more work to do, but we also want to get your feedback on the progress we've made so far. 

Leave us a comment with your thoughts and pointers for improvements!

Screenshots of Tara with notes are welcome too. :) 



Space Banker

I know I'll get some flak about this from the few oddballs, but people only give a shit about Sayako.


I've missed Sayako and Tara


What was doomed on the model that makes it not work well? Mean if you can export her original shape as OBJ you can import this into Daz as a morph slider on a G3F then adjust rigging to shape. boom done, this being if that was the issue. as i'm not sure if the shape here is the same hard to tell (makeup also plays a huge part here too), does look nice for sure though very different atm :D given WIP as stated, then again I don't think replicating her old looks would work anyhow since the gloss levels were nutty. Main things im noticing are these.... eye's themselves could go a notch in the ashen/silver direction more so than now , eyeliner needs to be far stronger. while also the hair being jet white vs it on the old model having a light silver tint. Suppose the lips too had a slightly darker tone of pink in them.

Xavier Hall

She looks great

Andrew Rowe

I'd love to meet her!


She’s so beautiful great work as always 😍


Please god

John Douglas

She really looks more hotter now awesome work


Someone skipped leg day.


She looks fine. Is there going to be another G4E? If so I think Sayako could be broader in hips as well as thigh, quads and calves.

Randy White

She looks great! G4E is what first introduced me to your work. If we could get more, especially video, it would be awesome!


She look great. I think the makeup around her eyes is a little too much shape wise and should be a little darker. I also remember her eyes being more towards grey-ish blue rather than just pale blue. Her hair should also be keep its original more metallic look. Body wise I can't say much right now, but I do remember her having slightly larger breasts. Other than that I would like to see more contrast between her nipples/areolas and the rest of her skin. It would be nice to see her from head to toes. This was a nice update. Can we get something similar for Sayako?


She looks beautiful. Can't wait to see Sayako. Are they still just girlfriends, or has one of them popped the question to the other yet? :3


This is really unexpected while we waiting for Bloodlust progress we get G4E instead. First, Face and boobs : after porting into new port making her face shorter. Causing her Anime look alike too much but everything can change as your early character got bigger and bigger boobds. Tara have less one even nearly smaller than Sophia. Second, Skin color : it may be about lighting but her skin color is more tan than usual? I don't mind about her got burnt from doing outdoor but when I think of Tara, she is blondies with bright skin color. Third, Hair style : While her skin color got darker, her hair got brighter. It remind of me some of Japanse light gyaru who got her skin tanned and dyed hair. Also her hair style is like Lenessa's but swith from right to left. (I know you use Sayako body to make Lenessa but now you got Tara hair from Lenessa?) Fourth, Make up : she got a little bit less eyes shadow. I think it is really good since her skin got tanned making her more or usual make up would make her more emo.


Tara is my favourite of your gorgeous creations - Maybe because she has the most normal gigure


In summary : From my view, it is like Miro and team tried to make more anime like character. Which I don't mind since they change Sayako model in Affect3D forum (https://affect3d.com/girlfriends-4-ever/staff-reacts-new-sayako/) around 2 year ago. I also expected to compared post of body, hair and shape like Sayako post in past. And it would be exclusive for only in animation not like pic set as you do now.


I think Sayako needs to fuck the shit out of Tara again.


Glad to see Tara getting ported up. She looks great, you got the face shape and body type spot on. Her skin looks a bit rough though. A normal person with good skin doesn't look quite like that. The best place to look to notice the problem would be the bottom right of her neck where the lighting makes the texturing effect most visible. It looks like she recovered from minor burns and now has excessive "pocketing" in her skin. Once I notice it in one place it becomes visible all over. The simulation of skin pores is a bit uncanny, she would either have to be much older or have something wrong with her to look quite like that. Hopefully it's either solvable or tweakable.

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

Looks great but she looks like a hybrid between Tara and Sophia. I would say, besides eye color looking blue. Her cheekbones look to be toned down a bit and her lips could maybe be a little more full/pouty. Of course, that could all change (except the eyes) with her actually emoting and not just staring blankly, as she is here. Need to see that classic Tara smile.:D Moving on to body. Breasts could be closer together or a little more full. Why not, right? Areolas look smaller or just a shade too light. Kind of hard to tell. Thighs, let's correct the mistakes of the past and thicken those up. Hash brown, bring back futa Tara. *clears throat*


original Tara is V4 not even Genesis :) we tried transfer tools, but as you can tell the results are pretty nasty, so one of our modelers is working on her re-model


working on her facial features first, but yeah, then we'll tend to body enhancements :)


Nicely done. Is it just me or is anyone else getting Jennifer Lawrence Vibes? The old model does have a lighter skin tone. There was also a darker make-up style. Her eyecolor was more a silvery-gold tone. Her new eye color is a bit blue-greyish. Her ears could do a overhaul. In comparison she looks not like a sex-junkie. She looks more upper class. Lewd her, god damnit. :D


Is there a reason why you didn't use the G8 model base? ^^

John McCarthy

If you look at her quick there is a little J.L present ... J.L 's tits are big an solid ... with freckles ...


It's possible a lot of these things are fixed with a less neutral facial expression, but the eyes are the biggest difference for me. I always thought one of Tara's distinguishing facial features were her darker eyebrows and her very dark eyeliner. Body-wise? Lithe, toned, and athletic are definitely her unique traits above all the other characters you've created. When combined with how you animated Tara's expressions along with Marie's sultry voice work, Tara's eyes always gave off that visage of a woman who is in one part very tranquil, probably does a ton of yoga, very in touch with her "chakras", yet is still positively smoldering with sexual drive and super extroverted in that respect. In this screenshot, she's definitely missing that "edge", the smoky look from her eyes. She's much more on the Sophia side of tranquil and innocent, which personality wise, they really shouldn't be confused for each other. Her hair also had that slightly more reflective sheen to it. In the screenshot, her hair looks very flat. Almost matte, but I'd imagine lighting and the engine plays a pretty big role here. I'd post screenshots for reference but Patreon comments are awful with formatting links. The beginning of G4E DLC 1 when Tara is licking up the length of Sayakos cock perfectly showcases the best part of Tara's entire look that I think it's vital to capture. I'd use that for a really good reference. Are there any plans for another discussion platform that's better suited to discussing technical details, sharing references, etc? I know forums are outdated, I think Reddit might work decently if moderated properly.


all our maya rigs are based on G3, plus there are converters between G3 and G8... can't use Daz for animation


right, in her final form she needs to be distinct from Sophia and have that original Tara look with a new twist still focusing on her facial features for now, shape, eyes, makeup, etc so taking feedback on board as well for the next iteration


yeah, we'll tweak the body, skin, boobs, hips, etc after we're done with her facial features


she does balance things out nicely :D... and keeps the boob expansion 'somewhat' under control :P


And the donger right? that's geographed for g3


You can't use G8 models for animations in Daz? Thats strange and i thought you still want animate in Maya. ;) Just kidding, its good to know that . ^^


G8 Models can have endless huge dongers too in HD you just need the right tools for it. ; ) xD


point being, miro uses a custom made donger by feetwolf i think it was, this being made for G3, won't work on G8 without decent changes to it


FINAL FORM? I always knew she was hiding her power level.

John McCarthy

Privileged yes a little spoiled yes ... remember she hails from a very prominent and wealthy family ... the Farichilds of Maine ... the hotel business ... the kids loaded ...

Amber Lee

Sorry Miro but I'm out... it's been too long since BLRD came out. Hope full scale production cycles will increase one day.


That is the mindset of mostly everyone, me included, if next release after this one isn't improved speed wise I give up on holding any hope for improvements that we can visibly see, not internal ones as the mass majority don't give a damn on things they cannot see.


Can't say I like the new Tara. I was a big fan of the original. She had human features, her slightly buck-teeth were a delightful flaw, and she looked like a person. This version seems to have lost a lot of personality.


OMG is it tara? wait wait give me something. I already flipped with Ayako in the Toyal decent bonuses / extras, is a remake coming?