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Meet Lilith (demon) and Celeste (angel) - our new image set characters! :D

Celeste is an angel in training who has yet to officially join the angel ranks because she hasn't earned her halo yet. While she's halo-less, she goes on a 7-day field trip to Hell with a free pass to do as she pleases, after which she needs to decide whether she'll return to Heaven or stay with the demons in Hell. 

On her last day in the underworld, Celeste descends further down into the realm of Lust where she encounters a demoness who may just convince her to trade her halo for a pair of horns... :D 

Grab the zip file and use the password to below to unzip. Use a free zip extractor like 7zip or Keka (for Mac users) installed to unpack the goods. 

The password for both zip files is: pas01

Also, quick note for future reference 

We're trying out a new workflow with Pure As Sin. Previously image sets were done in Maya, but now they're done in Daz Studio because Daz is the most used software by artists. So it's obviously easier to find people who can us help out with the production of these sets. 

We still have to port Cerene, Sophia and Lanessa from Maya to Daz, which will take some time, but they'll take part in the image sets again as soon as they're ready. 

Until then, hope you enjoy spending some quality time with Lilith and Celeste (and a few more characters in the midst of getting ready for action, such as Raven!). :) 

Cudos to the following artists for helping out with this image set. Check them out on Slushe to see their personal works!

  • DEVLGo - designed the angel and demon
  • Nonsane - prepped the environment 
  • cjflo - worked on poses for part 1  




05 and 08 Celeste would feel funny her penis touching the floor. Porting from Maya to Daz will not affect to animation, right? We haven't heard of Bloodlust Lenessa for a while.

John Douglas

Hot dam very hot really liking the angel and demon


will it be video or not?


Looks super hot. Wish there was more.


Super sexy. Who doesn't like a horny gal? ;)


Hi Miro I have a question,I don’t know much about the programs wich are used to create 3dx content animation/pictures,but the first thing that came to my mind when I read you speaking about the change from Maya to Daz was,will our beloved characters still look the same as before the transition?


After we've finished the image set, we'll do a poll with patrons in tier 2 to decide which sex position will be turned into an animated sex loop


Love the two girls, though would have preferred Celeste as female.


Oh my. Was not expecting this. Nice seeing two new characters for a change. Interested to see where how this set goes. Really like these models by Devlgo. The lighting for me appears a bit dark but that's just a personal thing and doesn't take away from the set.


From Maya to Daz3D, isn't this a downgrade?

Mr. Phoenyxx

Wow! Exciting stuff. I had no idea you were doing most of this in Maya.


This looks pretty nice! Good job! The outfits so far look cool and I really love seeing clothes actually affected by cocks, even though it's just a loincloth moved aside by a dick. Will they keep their clothes/accessories on in this set, or at least during part of it? Also glad to see them starting out with their cocks not pointing to the ceiling, but it would be better if in this flaccid state they would be even smaller. I think the ration from the original G4E was absolutely perfect. I feel quite a lot of people are asking for this, but we can't get a straight answer. Will we ever see something like that ever again? The Demon also looks pretty muscular compared to the usual style so I'm happy to see more variation. Glad to finally see some calf muscles :)). Does the transition from Maya to Daz affect the models in any way? Was Maya a more difficult tool to do image sets in? Will the animations from this set still be done in Maya?

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

Blech, wtf! If I wanted to see DEVLGo's shit, I would be supporting him, not YOU. I don't dig this guys style at all. I hope the girls don't end up looking different after the move. Thedude3dx comes to mind. God, I miss the old Kayla. (ಥ_ಥ) Will there be any BIG BC updates or set re-releases this month or next?


Meh, not Miro stuff. Not at all.


More futa x futa is always welcome, I hope that cuta angel gets knocked up ;D


what the fuck is this


that Angel is gonna get it


This looks amazing thank you for your incredible work.


I started supporting this patreon because I liked Miros style and while I understand one person can't produce this amount of content this fast I wish Miros style was kept for all content. What stands out to me in this set as being different to Miros style is the look of the dicks, it was also something I disliked about Raven.


the change is just for image sets, main release production and animations are still done in maya, the process of porting may result in some slight differences, but since they're the same 3d model, they should be hardly noticeable


our last set was DG+G, so wanted to change it up, if there's a lot of demand for it, we could re-render some key images as Celeste as a girl... having said that we've got some nice positions coming up where both need their tools :D


was hard to find talent for maya for posing specifically, seems too expensive for most and for image sets we're getting the same quality in Daz, so it just made sense... animation tools are 100x better in maya though, so there's no change


fair enough the demon :D but Celeste's tiny, no? I mean we're talking 3DX here :D maya was hard to find talent for and was hard to educate willing talent on, also expensive plus we got the same quality from daz, lots of talent, can be less hands on yeah, all animations in maya


for starters we only work with the most talented people :) and everything passes my style decisions and I'm actually still touching most things, so it's very important to me that we maintain the right quality and style


I make sure the style is consistent case in point, some have complained about the dicks looking all the same, so this was a good opportunity to try something different, but with with my blessing :D plus I still touch most things


OK I think I've probably reached a personal line here (for me). The characters in this set really underscore the core difference between a Miro designed character and something from... someone else. It's very apparent from any Miro release that a ton of effort goes into even the most neutral facial expression, just the small details that make a Miro character a different level of immersive. These characters by comparison look very doll-like. There's a distinct vacant look going on that's immediately noticeable. This weird, vacant, wide-eyed, thousand yard stare look is rampant throughout 3DX and it's what turns me off most other artists. Even though Raven was designed in a different style, I still got some sense that she can work within Miro's style. This is really the first release where these characters seem built from the ground up completely by someone else's taste. I know Miro probably had a hand in okaying things but this kind of influence only goes so far. With as much respect to DEVLGo as possible, I really hope future content doesn't feature characters designed by other artists. I can handle a shift in content to image sets and extra animations to tide over between full releases. What I'm not prepared to support is consistent content that's decidedly not "Miro" in style and substance. With that said, I'll always keep an open mind in the future.


idk what it is but i dont really like this

Space Banker

No, god dammit. You people are better than this; have you relegated to hiring third party artists to pose pre-existing models?


Not into the angel/succubus setup but pics and ladies look good. Lilith especially is very well done.


I would rather just get a gap in content than models not made by Miro. There is a reason I'm subbed here instead of to someone else.


I really like the character models. Cant wait to see the rest of the sets


This is the most mixed bag I have ever seen people here comments wise. I have known for a long ass time Miro hasn't been hugely making the content for here, it only makes sense I sure don't expect it, though here hmmmm I'm not on board with this, They have to be your own models Miro... Having other people pose or help setup stuff yeah that is going to happen, is flat out needed for anyone of scale. In this case nah, strongly against it.


I guess I'm not on board with the vitriol against this set. It's so bad I had to go back and look at the pics with the "did I miss something???" in mind. Yes, the angel's face appears to have some doll-ness to it, but she's supposed to be an angel? We haven't even really seen the succubus yet. I'm glad Miro was up-front about this being 3rd-party work. As an exploration, I don't see any harm in it. It doesn't take up Miro's time, or not much of it, presumably. Maybe Master Miro can help the team make angel's face come alive more, but it's not like this set was complete garbage. I mean, I'm excited to see the Succubus. :P


that's odd because I get criticized for my facial expressions, but I don't care that much, because that's not what I focus on... and I still do the tweaking for this as well I haven't been 100% satisfied with even the characters I've created myself, so Raven for example is a character I can expand my style and horizons with, but she'll like any other character will have to be battle tested and the best place to do that is image sets I think you're mainly reacting to not seeing core characters, which is fine, that's to be expected but yeah, I would say, keep an open mind


yeah, I agree, it's a little excessive, now all of the sudden everyone's forgotten about the "always the same character" complaints... while I like that ppl are apparently missing the staple characters, sometimes we have to try new things...


change is always met with resistance but honestly lets give this a chance, Miro, will you be animated parts of this set later on? because i think seeing them in motion make or break this. lets go for a ride


I am a little surprised at the reaction to the characters. Not that I don’t understand it, but to me at least it has been clear for some time that these sets have Miro involved as a supervisor more than anything. Sooner or later this was going to be the next step, especially with this move to Daz. Hopefully these characters were used just so that something gets rolling fast for a new set and if they ever get used in a ‘big’ production they would receive a serious Miroification. On the other hand when seeing Lanessa for the first time I felt she seemed lifted directly from a stock renpy 3dx game :))). So what do I know? Maybe this is the future oy vey....


If non-Miro artists are used as space fillers to prevent backlash then there is not even an illusion of a back unpushed against the wall, just a visible broken release cycle. People came here for Miro's stuff, and gaslighting or thinking that you can force them into anything else is a betrayal. The fact that you recognized by either the aesthetics or the obvious literal credits that Miro had increasingly less influence in these recent sets is inconsequential. Most of us did, we stayed hoping the best and were let down, we didn't leave due to a 20 40 or 60% decrease in what we found compelling about the work, no one is that sensitive even if they are some sort of pornographic cynical demon. All the while we were hoping the aesthetic we gravitated towards would win out against all odds. There is no "Miro phased out" production cycle that is tolerable to anyone other than the swath of ESL's who would support any 3d futa project produced in the past 4 years. The people who love Miro's work and who made this whole deal possible did so because he had a unique and exceptional aesthetic captured by no one else and made inimitable by his own unique perspective and articulation. If no one can handle Maya than stop scraping for time filling artists, do what you can yourself and give an explanation. We came here for you, nothing else is acceptable.


Reported as suspicious activity. Frankly, it is ridiculous to assume that I would want to see other people's artwork when subbing to Miro's patreon, much less support those other people with my payments.

Jack Pinder

Wow, kinda slayed by all the harsh reviews. Sorry everyone I like this. I have already purchased several of these artist works and look forward to more. Bringing this great talent all together to create an Angel Demon mix is my wet dream cum true. Been with you since your early days and I like the direction your going.


Not to blame the artists for their work, but we as supporter came here for you and your style. Looking at these pictures is like a little bit of a let down. Not a shiny thing, no sweat, no gloss, no nothing. Maybe you did the post-work and post-production but that does not remove the fact, that the characters look bland and generic. This hell-ruin-room looks like its build out of a miniature wonderland. Your other works look like huge cathedrals with so much ambience and atmosphere you can already feel it by looking at it. Not gonna lie. If you think you are going the right direction try to improve as a team, but polish more. We are used to long release cycles as long as it meets your quality standards a 100%.


Omg, just look at those wings! Imagine if Cerene and/or Lanessa used wings instead of floating!


Nothing wrong with liking them, just like there is nothing wrong with others being displeased :)


hate to burst your bubble, all works have been a team effort since blood lust original and we always state as much in the credits all characters have involved other artists, including Cerene, Sophia, Lanessa, etc... and Celeste and Lilith were created to specification I wouldn't release anything that doesn't represent my style


I only put out stuff I like and is my quality and style... personally I'd check out how the set pans out... but at the end of the day you like or dislike, both are valid options


right, let's try something different :) yes, we'll animate the most popular position as usual

Icarus Unleashed

I personally love the work. A fresh look on a very different creature (the angel) and an interesting storyline. I support you in this, Miro... I've always loved your work and the the work of your team of professionals. I have also seen the work of the other artists you list here -- I'm a DAZ user and modeler from way back -- and I think their work is top notch separate from this, and just as good here.


I like the idea of introducing new chars for the mini setts. Just a nice breath of fresh air and some variety to the setts. Even if some people might be upset, in the end everbody benefits from it. The more you tryout the better you'll get. Looking forward to part 2!

Space Banker

Miro has been desperately trying to play damage control for the past 3 days. Face it, people don't want to see another image set with characters you didn't even create and apparently using stock cocks. We subscribed to this Patreon to see your animated works. Get back to it.


Never thought that the Patraeon-site will slow down the animation-production (as i written before in an older post). If that was Miro's philosophy by creating this site at the beginning, then I didn't notice it. I like Miro's work soo much, especially the creation of Cerene.

Space Banker

His philosophy is to make money. Art went out the window with the original Bloodlust.


Damn, lot of criticism here. I almost hate to throw myself on the pile... But I do agree with some folks here. It's a shame so many are unwilling to see the good that will come of this "Variety is the spice of life" and all that, but I also see why they're upset. These characters are drastically different in style to Cerene/Lanessa/Arielle/Sophia, and even Tristan. Your characters have a distinct look, and I can't tell if it's the new software to what, but these two would look out of place in a lineup. I can't put my finger on it, but something is definitely off about these two, whether you think they match your style or not, I can't help but agree that these need some tweaking before they mesh in with what you've built.


characters were created to our spec, so these are 'my' characters and to be clear, I'll keep experimenting with new characters, themes and environments, etc fair enough if you don't like, voice your criticisms and be done with it, but I'm going to ask you nicely now to stop continuously shit posting

Space Banker

I commissioned an artist yesterday. The art isn't mine, I only paid for it. The way it seems, is that we pay you each month on this patreon so that you can hire third parties to create works we didn't ask for. I'll stop now.


right, the point of trying new talent is to expand on things I feel I lack, like trying new dick designs, lol, expressions, certain positions, etc everything's created to our specifications to maintain style and quality having said we're taking all the feedback on board of course but keep in mind we're only one part in


The models are fine they look great the only thing i have against it is i am not a big dg/dg fan its okay but not really my thing but i am sure there are plenty here that do like it. For me i would have the demon has normal temping the angel with her pussy but that's just me. I am sure everything will be fine.


My 2 cents. Miro's work is second to none it has evolved slowly and is unlike anything else. I see the critisism here more like a compliment of the fans who can't get enough. We all crave more content from Miro and are disappointed when his high standards are not reached. Im just happy he keeps going. Keep up the great work. 👍


Should I wait till the "final" part, then there will be the entire lot in one post (including any rectified mistakes), Fi~Fi XXX