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In which Cerene discovers the best location to enjoy the beautiful arctic landscape and Arielle's pussy at the same time. :D

This is the last part of Lady of the Tower, so I'll be doing some final editing and then I'll post the complete, finalized image set on Patreon. 

For now, you can find two zip files with parts 1 to 5 in the attachments. 

Use the password below to unzip after downloading.  Make sure you've got a free zip extractor like 7zip or Keka (for Mac users) installed to unpack the goods. 

The password for both zip files is: lott05

Lady of the Tower - Image Set Animation Poll

Now that we've got all the parts of the set, we'll choose candidates for the image set animation poll! 

Tell me what the image numbers of your favorite sex positions are in the comments down below. Your suggestions will be taken into consideration for the poll options. The poll will be posted later this week for Founders Tier 2 and Regular Tier 2, but everyone can pitch in for sex animation candidates! :)




2-05 2-16 3-33


Part 4 - 15-26 gets my vote


Did Arielle fall to death?


Just incase people are wondering, lott05 only works for part 5. Parts 1-2-3-4 still uses lott04 as the password. Edit: appears to have been fixed now. Carry on fapping.


Part 2 - 21-34 or Part 4 - 15-26 would be my favourite positions from this set.


Looks like that's been fixed already so they both use the same password now.


Part 2 24-34, with the cum shot if possible


Part 2 - 24-27. Part 3 -13, 16-17, 32-33.


Wait, It doesn't show if the cumshot kill a dragon or not :d


Two complaints about Part 5. The first is that the center of balance/center of gravity for Cerene holding Arielle up over the wall is CLEARLY off and wrong. By all rights Cerene isn't leaning backwards anywhere NEAR enough to counterbalance Arielle's weight in front of her, so there's the constant (and therefore annoying) sense that the pair of them ought to just pitch over and fall to their deaths from the tower. Yes, yes, I know that Cerene can do levitation magick stuffs ... but in the absence of any kind of FX (or even just "floating" Arielle into position) it just FEELS like the center of balance/center of gravity for the two of them is ... OFF ... and they ought to topple over the edge and that's the end of them. To put it mildly, rather than a sense of vertigo (let alone excitement), instead the result is one of "that doesn't look right" which detracts from the overall effect of the change in location and poses. My second complaint is basically the ENTIRETY of the cumshot. I don't know who thought that giving Cerene an ORBITAL CANNON was a great idea, but the result just doesn't work ... as in "there's no way my suspension of disbelief is going to excuse that nonsense" doesn't work. For one thing, given the LACK of an arc due to gravity seen in 5-29 I can only assume that Cerene's cum is either hitting the mountains in the distance (unlikely?) or has been launched at escape velocity (say wha?) and is on a hyperbolic course out of orbit. Either that or Cerene's done this so many times in this location that her cum is what the SNOW THAT'S BEEN FALLING is made of ... meaning ALL of the white on every surface throughout the entirety of the set has been her cum, crystalized and accumulating everywhere. I mean, it's that kind of over the top/beyond excessive level of "are you fucking kidding me?" with the way the cumshot was handled here in Part 5. I mean, the only way to make this even more comical (as opposed to sexy) would be to show where Tristan landed (he made a small crater in the side of a mountain) and have Cerene's cumshot land on him ... miles away. I mean, it's that level of ridonkulous what you've done here. It isn't sexy, it's just (literally) unbelievable. The suspension (bridge) of disbelief COLLAPSED ... and all that was left was rubble and wreckage. All of that said ... I do appreciate the "athletic posing" for Cerene and Arielle in all 5 parts of this set ... I just wish that a little more care and attention had been paid to the ... physics/engineering ... of that posing was supposed to work, so that I wouldn't have to use "magical thinking" in order to excuse the excesses seen in Part 5. In other words, a tweaking of the posing would help a lot in some places.


Quite nice. Please for this vote can you make it in two stages with the second staged comprised of the three most voted options?


So I'm best not d/l until you finish the "extra" bits & 1-5 will be included?


26-32 make no sense. There's nothing holding her up. Ariel would dislocate both shoulders and fall to her death.

The RadishGod

part4: 23-26 (if it can be done with good belly bulge (no stab type)) if not then: part5: 12-16

The RadishGod

>SNOW THAT'S BEEN FALLING is made of i laughed :D i agree that the cumshot is pretty ridiculous, could have been simply 'long' i'm more of a fan of quantity in miro's case since the quality is already pretty good so while i agree with everything you said above, if it means a lot less images then im fine with things like this


part 2: 7-13 i want to see a breast expansion animation from you finally and it would be somthing new ^^ part 3: 11-15 would be really hot


I'll be happy with anything from part 2 but 24-34 will get my vote


Part 2: 8-9, then to 14-17, then 24-25 Part 3: 11, 12, 14-17, 28-29. Very good unorthodox succ in there and the breast expansion magic would be pretty funny.

John McCarthy

What a way to fuck ... hanging over a tower ... scared out of your ass ??? ... # 29 kind of looked like a laser beam ... hope no one was walking around down below ... (( INCOMING RUN )) ... ha ha ha ...

Mr. Phoenyxx

Please, please, please animate that Breast Expansion scene! :D


Good set and...: https://imgur.com/fg0WG9c

Andrew Rowe

Breast expansion and anal cuminflation w/ the cum leaking back out, forming a ring around Cerene's cock. Or shooting back out, from the pressure. U could have Cerene magically triple herself and airtight, use all 3 orifices, Arielle. Then fill her in all 3 openings! 🤤 - Andrew

Andrew Rowe

Breast expansion from tit fucking, cock penetrating Arielle's areolas filling her boobs w/ cum.

Jessie Rasbitch

I love how Cerene loves fucking these sluts in high places, just to make them scared. Bet the pussy and asshole grips her big cock extra hard then ❤️

John Douglas

Part 1 of 20 to 33 can we see cerene licking her lips to arielle that wood be dam hot it wood be heaven to see could u do ur videos of the ur character liking there lips it's very hot to see


What a powerful cumshot, Cerene is such a breeder! I'd love to see part 5 10 to 16 animated, great view of that bulge in Arielle ;D


7-14 or 18. I need to see that titfuck, breast expansion included.


Just from looking at Cerene's hands and mouth I can tell this is a huge rushjob. They are frozen in "about to drool" position and "all purpose loose hand spread" for more than half the images. Stop trying to test the bottom line for quality control, it's not fair to us. Secondly, what the fuck was up with Cerene getting on the wall and doing the pose from titanic for 2 whole images while "drool-mouth" yodeling. I thought because of the dramatic panning and the fact that her mouth was open she was going to summon the dragon back for a ride or something, but no. She just sort of "does that" as if it is somehow necessary to convey she is going to fuck Arielle up there. The only reason I can see for it, is that the poser REALLY didn't want to have to pose Cerene carrying Arielle there by hand, and decided to have her "show her the beauty of the natural expanse" all while facing slackjawed to the open air with a lightly cupped generic hand position instead of fully open palms. This inspiring Arielle to walk over herself so Cerene can offer her one of her now more cupped hands while the other remains awkwardly outstretched and we can cut right to a sex pose. If it's that troublesome to get people to go from point A to point B, although it pains me to say it, just use Cerene's magic. It's a power move every time and you can just have Arielle hover over to her next fuck spot with Cerene looking at her like caught prey. Please don't pull this sort of cornercutting jank. I'd rather get the image set later than it be interrupted by clownfarts.

Space Banker

You need to obviously do the tit job or the final cumshot.


A bit of a rant incoming, but I'll say it here to be understood. This is just my opinion and my honest feedback, I'm not looking to detract from anyone else's enjoyment or to insult Miro So, I have a few issues with this set, but mostly from a storytelling perspective, and not from an art perspective, so this is literally nothing more than a matter of taste regarding the plot. (I'll reaffirm here, I love the art, its quality is amazing, and the poses are interesting and not the tired fare we see in professional pornos) My issues lie with the direction in which I've seen your work move. I've not pledged here till now but I've followed your work, purchasing a few image sets here and there along with the entire Bloodlust series when it first released. It seems you've moved away from telling stories toward 'episodical' exploits of Cerene, Lanessa, Sophia, and others, focusing on them encountering some kind of pitiful opposition, pushing it aside, and claiming their warm, tight prize. (Royal Descent, Cyber Punk, and now LOTT) It's a shame to see this, as I've seen many erotic stories and a lot of art fall into this pitfall of becoming self-aggrandizing tales of the protagonist and their sexual conquests. Cerene has become rather bland in my eyes. She blends in with any number of other perfect characters created by artists. (View the works of Muchin and other futa-centric artists.) It's a tired trope that our main character is beautiful, well-hung, powerful, intelligent, and very sexually capable with no flaws. And even worse, this trend seems to be extremely prevalent with futa characters, which is a shame. I've grown to dislike Futas because of these types of characters. They have unmatched powers, bigger dicks than any man, can last for hours at a time during sex, and cum fifteen times in a row without stopping. Stop it, perfection isn't interesting, it's trite. I'd hoped when Lanessa was first teased at the end of RD, we'd see her put Cerene in her place (Or maybe help Tristan do it?) but that hasn't come (yet?) And I'm still waiting to see if there'll ever be a conclusion to that hinted continuation, or if RD has been retconned. (Or if you just don't want to follow it the way you planned to originally, which is fine, because you can change your mind) Another thematic thing I'd like to question here, one thing that actually took away from the enjoyment a lot. Why is Cerene there to fuck Arielle if she doesn't think she's hot enough as is? I can't understand why she'd bother tracking down Arielle if she can magically make any woman she wants have massive tits. What's the point? In the same vein, why include Tristan? Why is him failing this quest relevant at all? Why are ALL of these people here for Arielle? The plot here is paper-thin, which is exactly what I hate about pornos. I understand you're an artist first, and a writer second, but I know nothing about 3D porn production, and other fans have criticised your work in that department. I just wanted to share my two cents.


Trends existing in fetishistic work is to be expected as those trends express what is compelling about the fetish. There will always be an artistic and fetishistic clash within pornographic works. Art in general thrives on innovation and new forms of beauty to be found within systems and genres in addition to the pioneering of new ones. Porn on the other hand relies on perfected refined and sharpened iterations of what makes the scenarios sexually satisfying. Innovating within these tighter reigns is hard, but possible. And also necessary, as shucking the reigns would ruin the porn. If Miro made pornography with small dicked futa characters who were sexually incompetent, ugly, or weak. That would be bad porn. It would very literally be "incorrect art" as porn is set to task and therefore has a specific purpose which depends on what it conveys. The throughline of most futa fans fetish is a fascination with female sexual power. Interrupting that in order to create "avant garde" porn is the failing of a good many artists who let that urge to innovate get ahead of their wisdom about what they are actually doing. The right way for a pornographic artist to create aesthetic value within a rigid dynamic is to heighten, deepen, or more perfectly express the relationship, not to pull a switcheroo and turn it on its head. However, if your critique was instead that this was not a more far reaching expression of female sexual power than we have seen before, then I'd be right there with you. But moreover, that's not what I expect from these sets, its what I expect from new movies. These sets are supposed to be fun little morsels, and if they are a tad goofy or play on scenarios we've seen before I can't begrudge them too much. Even if I hope for them being something more. Further, if you are "bored" with powerful futanari sexual prowess than I'd have to say you are an atypical fan. That's all well and good, but it might mean that different fetish pornography may suit you better. Most people don't get "bored" of the core component of their fetish, and since that archtype is the core component of most futa pornography it might not be the porn for you. Similarly I can't very well walk into the femdom community's space and be like "It'd be more interesting if the dude turned the tables." as that's literally the point of their interest in the porn.


I'll just say that it would have served both continuity AND suspension of disbelief to insert ONE PIC of Cerene magically floating Arielle into position for the "over the (h)edge fuck" on the tower wall. It would have reminded "oh yeah, she can magically levitate stuff" to help make the posing done there after more acceptable/less impossible. I mean, I can't be the only person who thinks that was a corner that didn't need to be cut ...


Segments of Lady of the Tower that I personally would want to see animated: Part 1 • Cerene "Eats" Arielle's Pussy: 1-26 to 1-32 • Cerene Grows A Dick: 1-33 to 2-02 Part 2 • Arielle "Eats" Cerene: 2-03 to 2-07 • Breast Expansion Titfuck: 2-08 to 2-14 • Balls Lickin' Good: 2-15 to 2-18 • Overhead Deep Throat: 2-19 to 2-29 • Stroke The Throat Bulge: 2-30 to 2-31 (option to 2-34) Part 3 • Reversed 69 Deep Throat: 3-07 to 3-21 • Standing 69 Hold: 3-22 to 3-33 Part 4 • "You Want This… Don't You…": 4-01 to 4-05 • Sit Down, Arielle: 4-06 to 4-16 • Take It ALL, Arielle: 4-17 to 4-26 Part 5 • Lady Lifting: 5-05 to 5-08 • Drop Fucking Arielle: 5-09 to 5-16 • Hold Onto My Cock TIGHTLY Arielle!: 5-17 to 5-25 ===== Ranking of my preferences of above Parts for animation (best to worst) Part 4 … 2 … 3 … 5 … 1 ===== I'll be honest … what I want to see animated most(!) out of this set, especially if the belly and throat bulges get done right(!) … is: • 4-06 to 4-26 … in its entirety I like to think that watching Arielle SLOWLY impale herself(!) onto Cerene's cock (because it ISN'T EASY!) … willingly(!) … wantonly(!) … is something we didn't see Sophia do with Cerene in Royal Descent. In Royal Descent, Cerene fucked Sophia the entire way through, but Sophia never fucked herself(!) onto Cerene's cock. So 4-06 through 4-16 would be Arielle knowingly and deliberately fucking herself onto Cerene's cock at her own pace … which would be SLOW. The animation then transitions into 4-17 to 4-26 where Cerene takes advantage of Arielle (and Arielle's growing fuck lust!) and "encourages Arielle to fuck herself onto Cerene's cock more forcefully/quickly, making Arielle "take it all" and grind herself onto Cerene's hips while Arielle is "full of cock" and Arielle's expression shows that not only is she loving it, but she can't get enough of it(!). My second preference for animation would be: • 2-03 to 2-15 … in its entirety The entire "sit on my face and tell me that you LUST for me!" for the pussy eating, breast expansion plus titfucking AND seeing Arielle worshiping Cerene's balls with her mouth, lips and tongue while Cerene titfucks Arielle's (expanded) cleavage is something just BEGGING to be animated! My third preference for animation would be: • 3-07 to 3-21 … in its entirety The Reversed 69 Deep Throat is something that deserves to be seen, especially since it harkens back to what Tara was doing to Sayako (but differently) in the original Girlfriends 4 Ever. In this case, I'd want to see Arielle "overcome" by Cerene's pussy eating while sitting on Cerene's face such that Arielle arches her back and gasps with orgasmic pleasure … only to have Cerene hold her down in the back arching pose seen in 3-10, "forcing" Arielle to "confront the reality" of Cerene's erection (literally in front of her face). Arielle visibly wavers, obviously trying to decide if she's really going to do this, until Cerene does something … skillful … with her tongue to Arielle's pussy, at which point Arielle "can't resist" her own lustful urges and she captures Cerene's penis with her mouth (hands free no less!) and starts taking all that delicious fuck meat into her mouth and throat … which then distracts Cerene from her pussy eating (3-13). But Arielle's deep throating of Cerene in this position is SO stimulating that Cerene can't take much stroking into Arielle's throat before Cerene has to grab ahold of Arielle's arms and start face fucking Arielle in this position in earnest! Extra bonus points for a DEEP INTERNAL cumshot for this one, rather than an external splatterfest like you've been doing a lot (too much?) of lately. You can make it "obvious" that Cerene is cumming deep inside Arielle by how both of them react … and how Cerene's balls lift/contract with each spasm during her orgasm in this position. My fourth preference for animation would be: • 2-19 to 2-31 (optional to go to 2-34 if doing an Internal Cumshot!) The overhead deep throating of Arielle harkens back to Cerene deepthroating Sophia in Royal Descent … but in this case, Cerene would be in a position to STROKE THE BULGE in Arielle's throat that Cerene's cock is making! I don't know about anyone else, but seeing Cerene essentially "masturbate her own cock" while it is lodged DEEP inside Arielle's throat would be …. HNNNNGGG!!! … and having her cum deep inside Arielle while doing that (without vomiting cum) would be simply glorious! My fifth preference for animation would be: • 5-09 to 5-16 Drop fucking Arielle onto Cerene's big cock would make a really good counterpoint to the anal scene in Royal Descent after The Jump. The difference here, of course is that Cerene would be in a position to keep her hand on Arielle's abdomen and FEEL her own cock fucking into and out of Arielle in this position (unlike in Royal Descent). Having Cerene "stroking her own cock" around the bulge made in Arielle's belly (and the bulges in 5-14 to 5-16 look really good for this!) would be wonderful! My sixth preference for animation would be: • 1-33 to 2-02 Considering how … unsatisfying … the erection scenes in Bloodlust: Cerene were, and to a lesser extent in Royal Descent, it would be nice to see a really well done "Cerene grows an erection" animation would be. In this case, you'd be able to do a "between the legs" FLOP of all of that cock meat and balls getting "dropped" into view. Think of it as Cerene holding her cock and balls "up" in her hand(s) … out of view … beyond the top edge of frame while the continuity demanded pink mist drifts down from Cerene's crotch while Arielle is looking down/away (1-35) so she isn't directly watching what Cerene is doing during her transformation. But then, once Cerene's cock and balls are fully grown, she takes her hand(s) away and her cock and balls just DROP into frame (1-36) and into Arielle's line of sight, and Arielle can't help but gasp in shock/surprise/lust at the sight of Cerene's (flaccid!) cock! Cerene then SLOWLY lifts her cock with one hand at the root, and it starts rising(!) and becoming erect(!) to point at Arielle's face while Arielle watches breathlessly in awe and anticipation. So if you're wanting to do an erection scene that might have a chance of challenging the Kiss Scene of Girlfriends 4 Ever … this would be your best opportunity in a while. My last preference for animation would be: • 1-26 to 1-32 In terms of pure pussy eating, which isn't being reciprocated, it's hard to beat Cerene "making a meal" out of Arielle's pussy here. Extra bonus points if you show Cerene using her teeth (fangs!) to "stroke" the sensitive flesh of Arielle's labia and clit (without breaking skin!) in addition to using her lips and tongue on Arielle's pussy. ===== Needless to say, I'd honestly want to see ALL of these scenes animated, but given that resources are limited for this kind of thing, I figure I can settle for (at least) one of the above. ^_~


I feel like this patreon made everything worse. For one, and this has been remarked a number of times now, no news whatsoever for what I imagine the majority of backers are here, i.e. the actual sequel to Bloodlust or, for that matter, G4E. I know I am going to get your standard response about how you will tell us when you are ready for it which I respect but dude, how long is that supposed to take? And then we have the mediocrity that are these picture sets. This set is as uninspired as it is ridiculous and this latest iterration, as has been remarked by others in here, is sadly no exception. I will add to what I perceive as the growing amount of criticism the models themselves in the sense that I feel like we have left the realm of what is just about "believable" and have entered the comical instead. I personally cannot look at Cerene anymore without feeling like she is a parody of her original character and, as has been mentioned elsewhere, her characteristics have become entirely bland. I will give just this one example: She is still a vampire, right? Can't quite remember the last time that mattered. With G4E you have earned the fact that I am still here and have not yet cancelled my subscription to this patreon but at this point I am no longer looking forward to your updates and really just wait for the next big release because with every set that is released, you blemish your reputation as the premier producer of erotic 3D content a bit more.


This set is throwback of everything in previous work. You could find : 1 Tristan in his shining armor and sword. 2 Cerene in her full-armor. 3 Tristan got threw away by Cerene. 4 Arielle wear "Sophia" clothes tiara and heels. 5 Arielle got pussy licked in position of Sophia lay her arm up and got fucked in Bloodlust Cerene : Royal Descent. 6 Cerene using Tristan licking-model in first BL. 7 Cerene grab her dick as blowjob screen in BL:RD. 8 Arielle ass-licking as Sayako in G4F DLC2. 9 Standing 69 Cerene is Bigger dick Tristan in first BL and Arielle as Sophia. 10 Cerene spreading her legs while Arielle on the top is Sayako and Tara on sofa in G4F. 11 Doggy and cumming screen in set5 is Chaderier shot in BL:RD.


To be animated : Part1-22 Cerene floating screen in case ypu use it in BL:Lenessa. Part1-36 Dick growth and dropping in case zcerene got dick back in late BL:Lenessa.(with bigger or twin dick to fuck them both) Part2-09 Breast growth for Sophia. Part2-33 Cumming screen and end with 34 Cerene look at us back and grinning. Part4-04 Cerene invite Arielle in case ypu using it in Lenessa invite Cerene in BL:Lenessa. Part05-17 then zooming into 18 and 22 later.(you could use Chanderier screen model in BL:RD) At last Cumming screen, Part05-29 I would like to know how could her cum float that long and far.


To be cliffhanging, you could some screen of Cerene dropping down to the cliff but instead of it touching botton. It flow into Tristan's mouth.lol


Making his chest got bigger, waist narrowed, hip wider and dick enlarged to "her" soft dick bigger than "his" harden dick. And when she open her eyes with car pupils. then add to be continue in bottom right corner.


Cerene is looking nice and thicc in this set. Animate the final cumshot -- if the cum takes too long to animate then the reverse CG.

Clayton Brody

Sooooo... don't know if it's been mentioned in earlier comments but this may be the first I've noticed Cerene NOT standing on the ball of her foot(feet) when not wearing heels? Also, I liked the added speed lines on Sophia's breasts to emphasize the thrusts(maybe tone the blur effect down a bit though). Would also be nice if that were added to the balls as well. We have the expressions, we have the bulges, we have the buffed cumshots, now we need moving mounds of "meat" slapping into each other. Dialogue would be a nice touch as well. Lastly, can we please have some toe sucking? Merry Christmas guys :)


Awesome as always, thanks! XXX