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We asked Cerene, Sophia and Lanessa to deliver you a personal holiday greeting. They may have gotten a little carried away, but to quote Cerene - they're just doing what comes naturally... :)  

Thanks for all the support this year, guys. Wishing you happy holidays and a very merry Christmas! 

Miro, Alice, Marie (Cerene), Ko Clover (Sophia), SilkyMilk (Lanessa) 




Merry Christmas Miro

Andrew Rowe

Definitely a "white" Christmas! Marie!

John Douglas

Have a nice Christmas just really hope for straight stuff really hope but have a lovely Christmas


Wish you all also a merry Christmas. 🎄


Sound is not enough, give us an video of it. lol Merry Christmas Miro and team


Merry Christmas everyone

John Douglas

Ho ho ho u naughty girls

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

Me: Could I possibly love Lanessa any more? (Audio plays) Lanessa: My dick is always out. <3<3<3 You guys. Merry Christmas all.:)


Merry Christmas everyone. Here's to a great new year.


Merry Christmas to you and the team.


Merry Christmas to the team and thanks for the short audio clip! Now if you'd excuse me... *unzips*


Yeah ... I have a hard time imagining Lanessa (let alone Sayako) EVER wearing women's panties, like Cerene and Sophia can. And although miro put Dark Lanessa in jeans in Love Thy Neighbor, Dark Lanessa was "going commando" underneath those jeans. I can only imagine Lanessa (and Sayako) wearing skirts/kilts or dresses like Sayako was wearing at the start of G4E with NOTHING underneath. Because ... Lanessa: My dick is *always out*.

Mr. Phoenyxx

Well those three sure look like they're "Enjoying the Season"! :D


Merry Christmas!


Happy Holidays Miro. Love the voice actress and happy holidays to them as well


Wishing everyone from the team and the community a Happy and contemplative Christmas feast too :-) . Have a good time °__^


Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes Neues Jahr vom Butcher!!!!


Looks like they’re having a juicy and delicious holiday. Thank you.


Wow, I'd love more of that celebration. The audio is fantastic!


What a lovely attention. Thank you, and merry Christmas :)


Now that I’m home and have had a chance to listen to the audio track (I can pay those three women no higher compliment than saying my dick is harder than Chinese algebra right now), is there any chance an animation to go along with the audio track could be made for next Christmas?


Thank you to everyone on the Affect3D team, have a great holiday! ;D


Danke für den netten Weihnachtsgruß, aber kannst Du mir auch den text ins deutsche übersetzen?

John McCarthy

Hey the first two voices sounded just like the dynamic due ... remember those two ...


Ialwayshavemy cock out and that iswhy weloveyoulanessa


this is proper asmr


Happy New Year guys! Thanks for all your hard work this year and the team Miro! Its been awhile since I posted LOL. Just been a busy 2019! But I still come here to look and vote! Lets all make 2020 as best as we can! Cheers everyone! P.S I miss IBT XD Keep posting those massive, informative posts my friend! Keep doing you! :)


@everyone Thanks for all the support in 2019! Have a great 2020 :D