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Where there's a will, there's a way - and Arielle's gonna find that way... :D

Grab the zip file in the attachments to check parts 1, 2 and 3! 

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John Douglas

Hot dam I like wot u did there from the first movie very hot will there be a other character in the last image




Cerene definitely likes getting a blowjob.


Can't blame her. I like her getting a blowjob as well.


If take all of these pictures are turned into videos, they must be crazy good


Could we not have two or three different perspectives of the same image that are being sold to us as individual pictures? I don't like it when Kvento does it and I don't like it when it's done here.


Set3 did fluctuate my feeling, Part3 01-03 is like they are doing to missionary then doggy in Part3 04-06 but cut into Arielle sit on Cerene's face And lower chain is back in part3 01 02 03 04 07 08 09 10 11 and so on.


part 3 pic 18,19 Cerene neck looks weird right ? or is it just me?


Still want to see Cerene selfsuck and eat her own cum.


Very, very nice, but enough with the dick sucking. We're three parts into this and we haven't seen actual fucking. Or if you still want to insist on oral, maybe focus more on pussy and ass eating for a change. Also really love the reversed 69 :)).

Andrew Rowe

Waiting for a video!


Great stuff, except for the obvious discontinuity issues which I'm assuming get fixed later and Cerene's neck being giraffe-like in a few photos. I love the carrying 69 position. Would be cool if it was possible to see a little glistening coming from Sophia's nethers with all of the cunnilingus she's taking.


Perhaps Cerene’s vampire origin/background includes neck stretching abuse/pleasure/torture that left her with a passion to invade the necks of women......... with her dick


I disagree, I personally hate it when positions keep progressing without catching good angles... also we're shooting for 10-15 images p/part and I think we're slightly above that with this set...


I hope there will be a cum swapping scene since Cerene really loves using Arielle's mouth! Would also love to see Cerene bite Arielle's neck while pumping her tight snatch full of vampire jizz ;D


when are we going to see animations from blood lust, love thy neighbor, and lady of the tower


This is fucking amazing good work.

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

WOW! Another good part. Going through this one, I was gearing up to bitch about the standing 69, a position I normally find incredibly stupid. Yet, I REALLY like the way it turned out here. My only gripe is that Arielle continues to look concerned/scared. Even though she appears to be willingly participating in what's happening. It was a real bummer that Arielle wasn't looking back at Cerene like, "come and get it", in 3.04-06. Also 3.11, Having Arielle's tongue slightly out, would have been sexier than more "concern". Finally 3.24, perfect time for Arielle to lick her lips, instead we get "scared". Kind of sucked...*crickets*...some of the fun out of this one. Cerene looks AMAZING, though. Even with her giraffe neck. :P


Cerene facial expressions Good: 3-01, 3-02, 3-04, 3-13, 3-16, 3-17 I actually like the look on Cerene's face in 01 and 02, culminating in the "I'm going to eat you all up!" look on her face in 04. Her expressions tell you what she's thinking so well. The "punch drunk" (on lust) look on Cerene's face in 13 at first glance makes her look kinda stupid, but then you realize that she's just REALLY FEELING what Arielle is doing with her mouth and is getting caught up in the feedback loop of sensations. It's really good to show that Cerene isn't "invulnerable" to the intensity of sexual sensations and feedback she's getting from Arielle, even as she continues to lick Arielle's pussy lips with her tongue. The interpretation I get is an "Oh Fuuuuck … YES!" sympathy from Cerene in this image which is made even more powerful by the fact that she can't take her tongue away from TASTING Arielle. The open mouth to tongue extending (slightly) past teeth in 3-16 and 3-17 "speaks" highly of the increase in pleasure and sensation that Cerene is feeling by fucking her cock into Arielle's throat in this position. Only quibble I have with this is that I'm thinking it might have been a better choice to reverse the eyes closed to eyes open, so as to instead do an eyes open to eyes closed (with Cerene's tongue extending on the eyes closed instead of eyes open) for an even greater sense of "OH … FUUUUCKK!!!" in the imagery. Of course, implementing this change would mean altering 3-18 through 3-21, but since 18 and 19 need to be redone to deal with the hyperextension of Cerene's neck in those images, this would be a fair opportunity to implement such an update. Arielle facial expressions Good: 3-01, 3-03, 3-05, 3-07, 3-08, 3-11, 3-23, 3-24 It's hard to get a facial expression that looks uncertain and carries a feeling of "wait, what are you doing?" to it, but 01 and 03 manage to pull this off quite nicely. At the same time, you can also tell that whatever resistance Arielle is putting up is token at best as Cerene strips her thong panties off Arielle. The surprise that Cerene would do that is there, but at the same time there's the recognition that Arielle is in no position to stop Cerene from doing what she's doing, which is a LOT to (silently) convey with her expression, but it works. The sense that I get from 05 is one of "worry" tinged with fearfulness more than anticipation or even expectation. What would have made this facial expression would have been a sense of "come hither" or even a feeling of "you like what you see?" coquettishness that would have Arielle tempting/teasing Cerene, rather than just staying on the one emotional note of being afraid/fearful the entire time. I *really* love the facial expressions in 07 and 08 where Arielle is "succumbing" to Cerene's oral attentions between her legs. You can practically HEAR the impending gasp/groan of pleasure about to escape from Arielle! There's even a sense of "okay… you can do that…" surrender to the pleasure of having her pussy EATEN by Cerene. Really well done, miro! The thing I like about 11 is the sort of dawning realization of rediscovery on Arielle's face here in this posing, where Arielle "remembers" that Cerene's got a BIG COCK and now it's right in her face(!) and it's just so … tasty and smells so good … and Arielle isn't exactly helpless here. And best of all, she already "knows" that she can fit it into her mouth (with effort, of course), so you can practically *see* the anticipation forming in Arielle's mind as to what she can "do" in this position with all of that thick hard cock meat in her face … hands free (because Cerene is holding her arms down). It's basically a "challenge" to Arielle, and one that she WANTS to try, rather than being something she "has to" do. The look of "WHOA!" insecurity on Arielle's face in 23 and 24 is only to be expected, since the pose isn't an inherently stable one and I'm sure Arielle is feeling some vertigo from being held upside down like this, so the shock in her expression makes a lot of sense. I do however wish that there were more transition shots of Arielle between 25-27, in which Arielle's expression changes from one of "I'm gonna fall!" in 23-24 to one that's closer to that of 07-08 that shows (again) that Cerene is really good at licking pussy(!), to changing again into one where Arielle "starts getting ideas" that she wants to do to Cerene what Cerene is doing to Arielle and she starts licking her way up from Cerene's balls to the tip of Cerene's cock during the run from 25-27 (so 25a would be Arielle looking like 07-08 again in this position, 26b would be Arielle kissing with light suction one of Cerene's balls, and then 27a would be Arielle licking her way up the shaft of Cerene's cock with her eyelids fluttering (because Cerene's cock smells and tastes SO GOOD!!)) before getting to 28 as already depicted with Cerene's cock inserted into Arielle's mouth (hands free again). Key thing here is that aside from 07-08 Arielle's facial expressions are a bit too One Note™ where there isn't enough variation to make it feel like she's all that engaged/involved in what's happening to her. Adding a little bit of variety to Arielle's facial expressions in Part 3 here would go a long way towards improving the impact of what's happening to her, since it's Arielle's *reactions* to what's happening that really "sell" how … effective … what Cerene is doing to her really is.


I'll agree with what others have said on the continuity/sequencing of poses. Going from missionary (panty stripping) to doggy (show off) to face sitting (pussy eating) wasn't the best of choices, particularly since you go from having Cerene between Arielle's ankles to across the top of the tower to completely under Arielle in a 3-3-3 sequencing that feels like there's a "scene missing" to cover the transitions between poses. I know WHY you did things that way, but I can't help but feel it could have been done "better" than it was here. The changes between poses are simply too abrupt/jarring at present to either flow well or be intuitively understood (so as to fill in what you're NOT seeing in between changes in poses).


Clipping issues 3-01, 3-02, 3-19, 3-31: The chain on Cerene's waist is visibly clipping into and through her flesh. Extended Neck issues 3-18, 3-19: You already know about this one and have said it will be fixed later. Going to hold you to that one, miro.


Proposed scripting for Lady of the Tower (should it ever be animated, which I know it won't be in its entirety, but still … it's fun to dream of) • 1-01 … Tristan: "Come at me, vile beast! I am Prince Tristan, who as come to slay you!" • 1-02 … Arielle (slightly annoyed): "What now? Another one?" • 1-03 … Arielle: {fair maidenly gasp} • 1-04 … Dragon: {screams defiance} • 1-06 … Dragon: {wingbeats as it flies down to Tristan} • 1-07 … Tristan: "Have at thee!" • 1-08 … Dragon: {dying screams} • 1-09 … Dragon: {tumbles into the ravine below} • 1-10 … Tristan: "My fair lady! I have come to rescue you!" • 1-11 … Arielle (thinking to herself): "Ugh … not again! Why do princes always want to try and rescue me?" • 1-12 … Tristan: {panting while running and clanking in armor} • 1-13 … Cerene (mocking chuckle): "Looking for someone, Prince …?" • 1-14 … Tristan: "Hiyaah!" … Cerene: {all too knowing laugh} • 1-15 … Tristan just STOPS, frozen in time as Cerene catches his sword with one hand (and doesn't even break skin). • 1-16 … Cerene (amused): "My … what a big sword you have …" • 1-17 … Cerene (condescending): "A pity then that you can't use yours well enough to defeat me." • 1-18 …Tristan (being choked): "I will defeat you!" … Cerene (triumphant): "Maybe … but not today …" • 1-19 … Tristan (growing distant): "Aaaaaah!" … Cerene (smug): "Hmm." • 1-20 … Cerene (breathing sexily, making her breasts heave) • 1-21 … Arielle (thinking): "Mmmmmmm … yeah …" • 1-22 … Cerene (triumphant): "To the victor go the spoils." • 1-23 … Arielle (surprised): {submissive sexy gasping} • 1-24 … Arielle (shocked): {surprised gasp} • 1-25 … Arielle: {inhales upon seeing her own nudity without having been touched} • 1-26 … Cerene (languidly): "Now, Princess … where were we …" • 1-27 … Cerene (smoldering lustfully): "Before we were so rudely interrupted …?" • 1-28 … Cerene: {pussy eating} … Arielle: {sighing in sensual pleasure}


By the way miro, I just spotted a continuity error spanning Parts 1, 2 and 3. In Part 1, Arielle's panties are vaporized along with the rest of her dress between 1-24 and 1-25. In Part 2, Arielle's panties have been restored in 2-01 for no readily discernable reason. In Part 3, Cerene strips Arielle's panties off her (by hand) in 3-01 through 3-03. You might want to pay more attention to those kinds of details in the future (and in some of your past works too!).


yes, aware, the parts get made out of order so there's teething issues with continuity... some of the items are intended though, like who's to say Cerene didn't put her cock armor back on after part 2, she likes fucking in style xD

Joe Johnson

Well obviously 3-12 to 21 has to be animated


Bit of a psyche out with Arielle presenting herself to a "ready to pounce" Cerene, and then immediately cutting to yet more oral in an entirely unrelated position. I'm guessing another scene is gonna get slapped in there later. But regardless I'm a bit disappointed I didn't get to see Arielle get fucked yet.


for some reason facial expressions seem to look extra awesome this set! KEEP IT UP! :)


One week has passed and it is time to update


When are you going to release full animated movies?


Would love to see more color on her asshole.