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Can't wait to hear what you think of part 1 of Lady of the Tower. 

It turned into quite a long first part (38 images!) because we've got a lot of contenders vying for princess Arielle's attention and we had to ensure the winner had enough time to claim Arielle's lips for a proper victory kiss... :D 

Without further ado, let's jump straight into it! :D

Download the zip file in the attachments and use the password to unzip! Make sure to use a free zip extractor like 7zip or Keka (for Mac users).

The password is: lott01



Sgt Parge Lenis

Very Nice I would love to see an Animation how Cerenes Cock grows

John Douglas

Am the same dude I really like to see a gd lick out scene and get that hot ass to


Oh!!! We found missing man here. And he is gone again


This is going to be epic.


Thats a nice dick


Greate Job

Space Banker

Off to a good start. Never really got to appreciate Cerene's cock.

John Douglas

Really hope there is more of this licking scene was a bit fast wood have been dam hot after she had ben licked out more she got that hot ass.


Sophia: "Where's Tristan?" Cerene: "Back at the castle ... so we can have some fun!"


make please a rimming scene :)


Kind of surprised to see that the dragon was downed so "easily" by Tristan. I mean, one strike and the dragon falls. Kind of anti-climactic for the dragon that. Arielle's expressions (the lip bite, etc.) help convince you that she isn't just a passive observer to what's going on here. However, just for the sake of humor value, I would have liked to see an extra 2-3 pics inserted into this set of Tristan getting flung away from Cerene. 1 pic of Arielle watching him go flying, so an over the shoulder shot from her PoV seeing Tristan get flung away. 1 pic from Tristan's PoV looking back at the castle (already visibly smaller) while he's flying through the air. 1 pic from Cerene's PoV of an airborne Tristan, now so far away that his entire body is like a half inch in size on the screen (yay perspective shrinking) with the light glinting off his armor (for the anime sparkle effect on people who get tossed to the horizon) to help you find him in the sky. And then the story moves on to Cerene rising up to Arielle's tower deck. For the pussy licking, I honestly think there needs to be more reaction shots for Arielle, showing how much she's "feeling" the effects of Cerene's tongue working on (and into) her. We know that there's mouth/lips/tongue/teeth on pussy going on, but what really SELLS the effectiveness of that is being able to SEE (and therefore sympathetically FEEL) Arielle's reaction to that oral action. This is an overlooked opportunity for Cerene PoV shots while eating Arielle out, looking up at her from below while she's "being eaten" by Cerene. And ... once again miro reaches for the "instant erection" ... which is honestly disappointing (the instant part, not the fact that an erection happens). Granted, this is a set of stills, so there's still plenty of opportunities to "milk" Cerene's getting erect for all it's worth during an animation (if one ever happens for this moment) ... but it would have been nice to have more of a progression for Cerene's erection than just one two done, because all that's doing is checking the checkboxes rather than savoring the moment(s) or taking advantage of the intensity of the buildup.


Miro seem to throw back some of old material and get rid of it. Arielle in Sophia's clothes got torned in few pic. Tristan in armor got blocked and flied to the sky.(again) Cerene back in her skimp armor broke from dick growth. And there are so many question like : How did Triatan get one hit kill the dragon? But got blocked by Cerene.(again) Did Sophia get replaced by Arielle in this set? Then where is she going. Why these woman never wear their underwear? Always ready for an action.huh Where are the light of dick growth before dropping dick?


Is it just me or have Cerene's boobs drastically increased in size?


Cerene looks amazing. Love the new hair, love the outfit, love her boobs and ass! So, so sexy! High heels, lacy sleeves, amazing side boob.


This is probably going to become on of my favorite sets! It's really good so far. I think you should have made more erection pics with Cerene. Love picture 39!


29,31 and 39 are amazing !


Nice set! Poor Tristan (or one of his ancestors?)... he get's ganked all the time. He should get some little action later though. Cerene is awesome though. MORE!


Love it so far! ;D


Cerene had the dragon there just for aesthetic effect. Obviously she is powerful such that she can't be compared to even the strongest of beasts.

John McCarthy

I wish I could have ripped a girls dress off like that years ago ... most likely I'd still be behind bars ...


Mood-Set Tristan-Cucked Chick-Wet Dick-Huge Cerene-Smug I'm excited! I just hope part two has a quicker turn around.

John Douglas

I really don't get why his character keep getting cock blocked it's a bit stupid


who's idea was it to yeet tristan down the mountain?? whoever it was i love it.

David Baluga

I’m really digging this image set. It definitely left me wanting more and can’t wait for part 2.


I love everything of this set. I'm impressed by Cerene's power, tearing the dress but leaving the stocking untouched lol. It's perfect 10/10 but could have been a 11/10 with one more pic of Arielle giving the victory kiss on the tip of Cerene's "tower".

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

Image 19 sums up how I feel about this first part. This could have been more interesting than just being a retcon of RD. As much as I enjoyed Cerene's little lift & lick on Arielle, this is yet another example of squandered potential. If Arielle had a dick, you could have shown her getting harder with each lick. Even better if Cerene "forced" her to suck herself, while she ate her and maybe gave some nice anal fingering. Despite my disappointment I was left smiling (and salivating). Thank you image 39 for being a glimmer in the darkness. ;D


Whens the dude getting Cerenes dick in his face as torment :D

Bob Fink

Awesome set and I love the way it ended. :D


nice. force to swallow everything. the knight is not dead and will join. . . ? :)


Is it just me but i love Cerene in her armor more then her being nude?!


Damn that shit is hot!


It's definitely not just you. I love that stuff too! Sometimes I get a bit dissapointed with a formula like: 1. Intro (1%), 2. Naked fucking (99%). I think this team is getting better, and I like how things are like now. If it was only up to me, I would give Cerene a little bit more armor (skimpy legplates, ankleguards etc). Maybe even give Cerene some purple bondage gear, that she can summon, for her "lovers".

John Douglas

It's quite awkward when u see sum thing gd then it gets shit on


Ooh that end pic! Hoping to see Cerene's dick in the face POV!


Awesome first part! I have to say I never liked Tristan... he cucked Bloodlust 1 for me but he ain't so bad if he gets send flying before the action starts! PS: Pic 20 is pure hotness :D


All this image set does is really REALLY make me want to see the whole thing animated. :)

Joe Johnson

Cerene looks so good! image 39 was fantastic