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We're close to finishing part 2 of the Love Thy Neighbor image set, but there's something I want your opinions on first.

We felt that Arielle's previous character design wasn't working for us, so I gave her a different hairstyle and I tweaked her face a little. (If you haven't seen original Arielle's look  yet, you can check it here.)

I came up with 3 different combinations for Arielle's new hair color + eye color, which you can see in the pictures. Let me know which look you like best! :D 


  • Vote on your favorite version of the new Arielle in the poll. 
  • The poll will close on Friday, 20 September at 01:00pm CEST. 

Also, for anyone wondering - yes, we'll fix up Arielle's look for part 1 when we finalize the image set so we don't get in trouble with the continuity police :P 

Now, go cast your votes! :D

You can download all the images in the attachments!



John Douglas

She looks very hot with white hair and grey eyes I no this is a stupid question is she only for love thy Neighbor


Aww, my favorite one is in last. Pink hair looks too much like degeneracy, and I dislike brown eyes. This makes white hair the only option despite me not really wanting it either. Despite disliking the hairstyle she had before, I really think that a natural hair-color would be better for the scene. She's supposed to be neighborly and domestic and regular. Half of the scene's punch comes from her relative normalcy stumbling into the "abnormal" situation of giant girl-penis. Her having any sort of "alt" appearance detracts from that relation. I think the stepfordey look she had before is likely what drew people to vote for her in the first place. It amplifies what is compelling about the scene. To entirely swap it for pink or white hair, in addition to damaging this effect, is also a slap in the face to everyone who voted for her in the first place. It assumes that they voted for no reason, and therefore expressed preferences wildly without caring about the outcome. As the aesthetic of the character was all that was known about her, that means to radically change her aesthetic would be to entirely undo the vote. Further, the general consensus seemed to be they liked her aesthetic but wanted a different hairline. I think anything other than just redoing her hair as a blonde is a pretty shitty move. Even more so considering she's a Sophia based character that was blonde instead of brunette, if people chose blonde Sophia instead of brunette Sophia, then why is brunette Sophia back and blonde Sophia eliminated? This is kind of ridiculous.


I am a toss up between the pink hair and green eyes (exotic and very sexy), or the brown hair with brown eyes (the girl next door look). After thinking about the location of the image set I am going with number three. I believe the whole concept of this set is to make it have a more realistic feel than the others which are fantasy based ( I may be wrong but that was the impression I got.) No matter which look is used I know its going to be a great image set and I cant wait to see what is in store for us.


I like the white hair, hope to see it used in a spin-off if possible since it looks like it won't win


Thank you for choosing to change her look, I was not happy with it either.


Red hair with green eyes would be nice


Quite like the red hair with the green eyes.


Any previews for the snoo-snoo by committee model?


Agree with the "relative normalcy stumbling into the "abnormal" situation of giant girl-penis"-bit. I mean, penis is the cause of her visit but i hope it comes across that these dicks are something special, even for a cock-tourist, and that Arielle is extra happy to have discovered the Lanessa's


I swear to god, if you other patrons mess up my chance for finally having a redhead in the roster, i'm coming after you.


She's not really red, though. More of a pink. I'd vote for her if it was a darker red. Also, her boobs need to be bigger and closer together. :P


She needs bigger boobs


Bigger boobs and we good to go :p


Have to agree. Would love to see her with bigger boobs. But her new look is much better than the old one.


I have to say I don’t like any of these new looks, if forced to choose between these three in the original I actually much prefer the original. If you’re going to try a new look why go with these weird alternatives like pink or white hair? I agree with one of the earlier commenters that red hair with green eyes would be far preferable to any of the alternatives presented above.

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

Good lord, pink and brown are knockouts. These look so much better than that previous crap. Bravo! The only thing now is that I don't see a dick peeking from under that dress, which has me a bit worried. I know the Lanessa's are good on that front but this isn't going to be another 2DGxG set is it? Any of these Arielle's without a dick....criminal.


It is kinda limited choice here can you add more option like dark hair with blue eyes or red hair with green? She is really kinky to wear really short if she is DG, her dick would be burge or hanging around. :)


And will her pube has same color as her hair?


Agree on this one, the original is much sexier, would vote for it any time. And no redhead on the list, and the white hair (acceptable) option is not winning. Argh.


I agree brown would have been the girl next door look, but pink ins't terribly far off imo... either way, still some time left


As someone with a thing for redheads, a red hair option with green eyes and freckles would get my vote EASY


I prefer blue or brown eyes with pink hair but I'll stick with that hair color anyway