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The owners of the house we previewed last time are Dark Lanessa and Light Lanessa! 

They actually just moved into their new place and they have a friendly neighbor who can't wait to meet them. This neighbor has heard a rumor that the new girls in town are packing something extra in their panties and she intends to find out whether the gossip is true or not... 

Choose who the neighbor is!

Is it Arielle, the blonde in the blue dress? Or is it Sophia in the pink dress? 

Cast your vote in the poll below! :D

PS:  do you have a preference for the color or design of Arielle's dress or Sophia's dress? Tell us in the comments :)




I'm curious where Tara and Sayako have been this whole time haha.


I have to go with Arielle because it's getting a bit stale to keep using the same characters over and over. Love both designs though.

Space Banker

While I appreciate new characters, "Arielle" just looks like a modified Sophia model.

Andrew Rowe

Tara and Sayako need reintegration! I agree with HyrulianWarrior, new blood. I'm partial to raven hair.

Sgt Parge Lenis

Is it possible to give Arielle long hairs?

Sgt Parge Lenis

I think I speak for all of us when I say we want Tara and Sayoko back. And they dont need a new model or overhaul, the versions of G4E were perfect.


Why not BOTH?


Don't use Twin Lenessa or any BL character in modern environment. Replace them with Sayako in Black and Tara in White. Her cloth is resemble to Tara's in G4F enough though. Or including Ayako that left behind so long. Like Sayako and Ayako just transfer here. (They're sister, aren't they?) For the neighbor, I'm glad that there will be new character so I'm choose Arielle no matter she has dick or not.


and where is Cerene?


Went with Sophia, she still has the innocent look to her.


Raise your fist for a foursome!!!!! 👊🏻


Are those two beauties in the background going to be both futa?


I tried clicking both buttons but it just won't work! Grrrrr


Definitely Arielle, she looks like a VERY desperate housewife :)


Dick's dicks dicks, they all need dicks!


This entire thing is just going into a direction i'm really not fond of.


Looks like a 2009 meet-n-fuck flash game. The girls in the background look great, but the two up front are both very meh.


Ehh, this is the first time where I'm reeally not feeling this whole concept.... thing... scene... take... environment, whatever it is. Especially whoever that is on the left in blue (Arielle?) looks very uninspiring. Looks like a Sophia clone in a very unflattering light. It's all very flat and action figurey.


More than likely it’s a photo from an unfinished scene.


I love Sophia’s dress over the blue but voted for Arielle for the variation in character. Im also not a fan of the hair style, would probably be better off with swooping bangs instead of a hard part down the middle, pun intended.

Darr Du

So......is Bloodlust Lanessa still happening this year, or is it being slowed down by all these other side projects?


They are both hot and I'd love to see a foursome...I also wish all you people with your shitty complaints would just shut up and appreciate the art miro makes


In that white one piece, Light Lanessa looks even more like Tara than ever. Gives off much the same vibe as Tara too. If she had a long Tara-eque pony tail, instead of a Dark Lanessa length pony tail, the similarity would be even stronger. Incidentally, I REALLY like the look of Light Lanessa in that … dress … and if you pull another "instant erection" in this set for her when she's wearing that, you will be knowingly committing Erotica Malpractice™ (again!!). I mean, seriously … take the time to highlight Light Lanessa's erection "peeking out" from under her hemline and just GROWING until her cock gets down towards her knee(!) … and then starts to … RISE … until she's fully erect, with her cock "lifting" the hemline of her dress to reveal her balls swinging free. Because … dude … we ALL KNOW that Light Lanessa is "going commando" under that dress. Am I right or am I right? Likewise, for Dark Lanessa, if you don't make a strip tease production out of getting Dark Lanessa out of her clothes, you're just wasting your erotic potential with this set. I mean, if nothing else, we ought to get to see the CROTCH BULGE that Dark Lanessa ought to be making in those tight jeans, and having Light Lanessa "teasing the monster" out of Dark Lanessa's pants (by rubbing and stroking her bulge for the audience to admire) while Dark Lanessa gets erect is just … c'mon … that's Gotta See material! Oh and just between you, me and all of your patreons here, miro … if you don't include a tease/tempt/torment/come hither for the new neighbor scene where Dark and Light Lanessa have gotten undressed and are *holding their cocks up* so as to wedge their shafts into their own cleavage so as to "trap" their cocks between their breasts (using their upper arms at the sides to "squeeze" their breasts onto their own cocks) while their "fingers do the walking" down in their own crotches (playing with balls, stroking pussy lips, pinching clits, take your pick) with the head of their cocks within "easy reach" of craning their neck down (while maintaining eye contact with their prey) so as oh so delicately touch the tips of their tongues to the tip before ever so gently kissing their own urethra … while the whole time their eyes are issuing the challenge of "you WANT THIS … don't you??" putting their prey in the position of not only deciding which one of the two she wants first (or is she greedy enough to try and satisfy both at the same time?), but also deciding WHERE she wants to touch them first, before getting more and more intimate. Yeah. I'm thinking if you don't do something like that, you're just missing the potential of what you could be doing. === Is it just me, or is "Arielle" really just Cerene's face on Sophia's body here? The fuller lips look more like Cerene's face than Sophia's, as do the eyebrows (more "thick Romulan" than Sophia's thin arches). Given a choice of "Arielle" or Sophia as the neighbor … I'm going to stick with what I spelled out in the previous posting. Sophia is the better choice. In fact, I'll even go a step further and say that G Sophia as neighbor to DG Dark Lanessa and DG Light Lanessa would be your best option for this set. Why? Because it's really (long past!) time for Sophia to get seriously DPed … in multiple positions … and BEG for MOAR! As far as dress colors go, I'm honestly of the opinion that switching Sophia's dress for an icier blue than the dress that "Arielle" is wearing, while keeping the frosty/white lace trim at the hem, would be the best option … although, if you can, change the fabric pattern from that polka dot to something else, since even a solid color would look better on her than that noisy dress pattern. The bead work around the bodice is just fine though. As for Sophia herself, would it be possible to … change her hair color a bit? I'm thinking that shifting her towards a more reddish auburn color would help her appearance a bit so she isn't *quite* the same as we've always seen up until now. She can keep her silver hair clips though, so purely a hair color change. You might need to lighten/whiten her skin tone slightly though in order to pull off such a hair color change convincingly, so as to give her a paler skin look to match the redder hair. https://i2.wp.com/therighthairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/2-dark-brown-to-red-ombre.jpg And if you do change Sophia's hair color a bit, please remember to add a "touch of fire" to her pubic hair, that would probably only be seen in really good lighting (I'm thinking glints of red on the strands that are otherwise dark).


Cue the audio track from ... X101_Bloodlust-Cerene_Royal-Descent_Trailer_v1-1-1.mp4 ... on repeat loop from 0:28 to 1:44 ... ... promising "this isn't going to be easy for you" ... ... with Marie's voice sexily singing(?) ... "I wanna fuck you! Yes I do!"


Could be nice if arielle was a total cock addict, taking dong after dong after dong but to no avail, somehow noone can truly satisfy her. Until! And now she didn't just find "The One" but two of them, and they live right around the corner too! Long story short, would love to see a strong female that really drains the dickgirls and leaves THEM with an ahegao


Can't possibly think Miro does all these himself :D He doesn't and that is fine and imo expected, though one thing that really needs to be stepped up is consistency as the past 1-2 months has been all over the place in that area. has been starting to show big time multiple people do the images sets to same with vids, again that is completely ok only thing I find a bit of a let down is the hit and miss aspects becoming rooted in...... side note yeah, this set from the get go seems kinda dull the whole theme and that new girl is ehhh idk boring honestly to look at.... i really enjoy Miro's stuff same with most his ideas.... (if i didn't i'd not bother commenting my thoughts on them) though the quality of recent has been all over the place, to me it's not a great look, can have however many people making somehting i don't mind at all.... Standards need to be established and stuck to. :) If I have to wait an extra week to get some polished work i'm all for that over glaring oversights


Sophia has worn me out :P Time for a fresh face! BTW, *hate* that polka-dot dress on Sophia...


For Dresses, maybe this: https://us.shein.com/Joyfunear-Rhinestone-Criss-cross-Backless-Mesh-Overlay-Dress-p-733504-cat-1727.html?url_from=adplaswdress03190506619M&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvo_qBRDQARIsAE-bsH9fY54LJ68PUnDfN8KT8Uhi7izvpdeP8frjwq6_E1vqXwfOTso4CMMaAnB-EALw_wcB


Arrrgh how do you add a "return" without immediately posting


Hold down shift while you press return. Difficult on a phone though


Triple futa scene please ;D

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

I see the "new toy" is winning. Predictable. *sigh* I'm going to try and keep this short. First off, I cannot properly express how immensely disappointing this reveal is and how squandered this opportunity was. Why not save this setting to bring back Ayako, Sayako and Tara to meet the Bloodlust girls? It would have been better than how it looks currently. There is a SEVERE lack of dicks in that pic. So will this set be for the normies who must have at least one regular girl at all times or is this something for us dg fans? Second, why are you using a clone when you have an existing, unique girl in Cerene? At least with Ayako and Sayako they have differences, which could be expanded upon to give them even more individuality. Light Lanessa is just a lazy re-color. Please, PLEASE replace one of the Lanessa's (preferably light) with Cerene. As for Arielle, I don't know where to begin with this one. She's the first girl created by you, that I don't find attractive, at all and have zero interest in. She looks like you took either, Sophia or Cerene, tweaked some values and slapped Triscuit's eyebrows on her and it doesn't work. In this pic, at that angle, her face looks too masculine and giving her that atrocious, Cerene concept hairstyle is not doing her any favors. That shit needs to go. If you were going to make a new girl, why not make her a red head? We already have a blonde, a brunette and Lanessa covers black. This is as baffling a decision as having yet ANOTHER character with blue eyes. I'm not usually the type to bitch about lack of diversity but for fuck's sake, enough with the blue eyes. Brown, green, orange, purple, red. Any of those would be great. This really makes me hope Lanessa falls more into a greenish shade. It's really just too much now. PLEASE! consider some of what I have said, miro.


I really love Light and Dark Lanessa, can't wait for what they will do!


Hey Miro I got a suggestion about theses image set releases on Affect3d Store, since we patreons are getting it free, it would be nice to have a code to "buy" it on the store so we could have it in our downloadable products


(For context I had a huge rant post up for a bit then removed it) I was wrong and I apologize, I used enhanced zoom and the tats are gone. Both Lanessas have been changed to look the part and I'm now super excited for the set! Love the domestic setting, and I can't wait for that curious housewife to "accidentally" stumble into a life (and gut) rearranging amount of fist thick penis.


I understand wanting to see Tara and Sayako in this scene, as they would be an obvious fit for it. But upon noticing that they retouched the Lanessas I have no qualms with their choice of character. As for the eye color, blue eyes are pretty, and people like them for a reason. This is porn, and it doesn't make sense to lessen the appeal of a model. Further blue/green eyes reveal pupil width and therefore allow for more detailed and obvious expressions through their dilation. A model's eyes having a harsher pupil-iris contrast serves to afford the artist a tool to express more subtlely and completely the whole gamut of human emotion in silent scenes without resorting to campy over the top body language or facial contortion. As such, I would be all on board with every character they ever showed having blue, green, amber, or hazel eyes, and them never straying from that. Totally with you on the lack of redheads though, also that new blonde lady's hairline is a little too high, but I'm excited regardless.


The cheekbones seem a bit more pronounced, but that might be from the weird hairstyle. To me it just looks like blonde Sophia. At least the lips seem the same as hers. But some other features don't seem quite on point for either. Might just be the angle though.


So, is there an option if we like both of them? ;)


I am meh about dress color, but the polka dot one has dots deformed on it so maybe stay away from using shapes on the fabric altogether? As for characters I am all for new stuff, but seeing Arielle I think perhaps you should keep this character in the oven a little more. She will probably win, because she is the 'new toy', but there is quite some difference in quality between her and most of your other girls, especially when it comes to her hair. When you showed us this haircut as a potential change for Cerene it looked weird. It still looks weird. It feels Arielle is all forehead. It looks like a joke compared to Cerene and Sophia whose haircuts feel like they were hand made. You commented that there would be adjustments if it were used. It seems to me there were none. All the haircuts from the second batch of choices for Cerene looked really bad. They were probably from a pre-made asset pack which is kinda ok in my book for these small sets, but I fear we may see this approach in the big movies. She also seems to basically have Sophia's body (judging by the more 'muscled' arms) so why not just keep the Sophia clone with blonde hair from CyPunk? If you want to be keep your standard of quality perhaps you shouldn't always rush for the new stuff just for the sake of being new. Btw I made the same point about Lanessa when she was first introduced. Leaving aside my preferences or lack thereof when it comes to facial tattoos, I also observed Lanessa's hair is mega generic. Feels like I've seen it in a dozen Ren'Py games and I think at least one of TheDude3DX's girls has the exact same hair. I AM really exicted about Lanessas' outfits, especially dark Lanessa's. Hopefully we'll get to see a small bulge grow into a larger one (and we'll see some interaction with their clothes). I feel we have all been asking for this for literal YEARS :)).


Well I am all for fresh faces, but that isn't what I'd call fresh :)). 100% agree about the polka dot dress.


I reaaaally hope they change the hair. That forehead size makes her look ill.


Two of them need dicks. The third can have their lack of dick solved manually.


that would be 2 dick girls and 2 girls, that's too many dicks and holes for the average human being to handle responsibly


good idea in general, but those chars are not ready yet... but we'll get them ready for future sets though


that's a nice dress actually :D ... also the typical neighborly girl next door look :D


Very good story,even circle love and cypunk,now I still want know,When will the new video about 3 girls come out?

John Douglas

There has to be a master vampire as in a guy


If Sophia had her hair down and pink top and pick ruffled shorts she would probably get more votes