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It's my pleasure to announce that Bloodlust: Cerene - Royal Descent is officially out in the Affect3D Store! You finally get to see it! BIG thanks to all of you for sticking with us till the end! :D 

Now, get ready, because it's time to enjoy the fruits of our labour…

Without any further ado, here is Bloodlust: Cerene - Royal Descent! :D 

Visit Affect3D Store 

Visit Release Day Event Post for total product overview 

Don't forget!

Use your Patreon promo code to grab the DLC for a lower price! 

The promo code also works on the Bloodlust Collection 2018, Dick Girl Collection 2018 and Affect3D Collection 2018 if you prefer to buy a bundle product. Choose wisely :D

Also, Royal Descent and ALL of the Collections are up for a reduced price for the next 2 weeks, just sayin'... :) Have fun and let me know what you think of it! :D 

EDIT 2018/10/07:  The full MP4 movie file will be added to the product files on Monday, October 8th at 11:00pm GMT (this is 07:00pm US Eastern/New York time). 




Let's all release together! Lol, now that's funny! Thank you very much miro and team, for the hard work! =D


Same here, didn't get any code yet.


i bought it but my order is stuck with the status: Pending ://


There it is !! Finally out ! Miro is a master !


my browser crashed and my promo code is not valid anymore :(

Red Meat & Greens

Nothing in the spam folder. Just got an email from patreon about the release, but no email with the promo the codes. Help?


That exe file is really bad for play. Better will be MP4 :/

Red Meat & Greens

You should have released the MP4 file first. You wouldn't have program issues on Mac or Windows if it was released as a simple MP4 video... now it's going to be another 2 week wait for the MP4. :-(

John Lewis

<a href="https://postimg.cc/gxvD9tpP" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://postimg.cc/gxvD9tpP</a> When I'm trying to load store site, it gives me that :,(


Can someone let me know how to get a discount code?


I never got a promo code :( where do I look for it?

Jacob Ramirez

I'm waiting for my promo code but have not seen it.


the email is from affect3d.com i received mine 3 days after pledging on patreon sept.26

Red Meat & Greens

Thanks Mickey23. Had to go back to 26th Sept and search for it. Not even sure I should purchase it yet, might wait a bit till they clean up the bugs.


Just found mine. I was looking for emails from patreon but like mickey said its from affect3d store.


Looked everywhere, pretty sure I slipped through the cracks, nothing from A3D or Patreon.


Pormo cods are in the spamordner :(


Never received my promo code either. Checked Patreon and Affect3D emails. Also, maybe it's best to wait for MP4 version now? Hmm...


my god the store is down geez


The store is down! shiiiiiiiiiit

Red Meat & Greens

I kinda expected these bugs. Just goes to show how many of us have been wanting to get this... that we might have crashed their server. ;-D Still, hope you guys get it fixed soon. :-)


error 521 geez miro helppppp


Use our account ID?


This was an amazing trophy to add to your collection, though I have to point out that much of the sound in the sex scene's (Not the transition clips) was way out of sync. It isn't easy coming up with innovative positions, but you had some really grand ideas here. Overall Great job.


i didnt get a promo, bought it at full price anyway. Installed it. Black screen. Sad face. :(


SOLUTION: try right clicking on the icon and run it as administrator. Seems to fix it for me.

Red Meat & Greens

Who here would like Miro to release the MP4 version A.S.A.P.? Miro, please...


The download speed is slow, but tonight is faaaaaaaaptime!


Yeah, seems it did, sorry about that. Daisy is sorting it out now, so you should get the codes from her soon


Should have already received it, see you're on the mailing list. Did you check spam / promotions? But will PM you just in case


My credit card won't work looks like i need to cancel epoch order and find other bank with visa and buy this later ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


It have many bug ... Bulging thing, Cumming thing, Missing thing,...


where are the promo code ?


PC version is not working


Quick question, is there not a FULL MOVIE .mp4 version to use rather than the software? Just wondering


You should've received it, saw your email on the mailing list. You checked spam / promotions? Will resend via patreon PM in a bit


Just finished watching and omg soooo goood! Keep up the great work Miro. I filled out the feedback as well.

Jacob Ramirez

Is there a mp4 version?

Red Meat & Greens

Thanks Miro for releasing the Fun Stuff as an MP4, much appreciated! Now, can you please release the MP4 version of the main movie too? 2 weeks is a really long wait. :-(


My PC version installs then when I launch it, it's just a black window and nothing happens.


Great work! Only thing for me personally is I'd like to see a throat bulge when your characters are deepthroating. Would make it a lot better for me atleast


Please email kas@affect3d.com about this issue and mention if you're using Mac or Windows


Nice work, best 3D futanari stuff I've ever seen.


Yep using the Windows version and sent them an email about the problem.

billy madison

Mine installed fine, but it seems that in between scenes it crashes. I tried running in Admin but nothing, I have a pretty good pc and 16G ram so i am not sure why it is crashing. It says Windows had a problem and closes it. Sometimes it just crashes altogether. Anyone having the same problem?


Just got mine working by doing what you said and launching as Admin (tried installing as admin but forgot about launch) I'll let you know if I run into any problems and if I fix them.

billy madison

Will do, i reinstalled mine in Admin and am still crashing. Maybe a bug, it seems to not be able to keep up if i FF or scene skip

Enigmatic Entity

I also am among those on MAC having the black screen problem. It’s really a shame. I hope the issue can get fixed before I ask for a refund...


My PC version worked fine. Only in the make your own scene, it crashed on me. Otherwise excellent work! I noticed alot of improvements based on feedback including mine! yaaay! Congratz to you and the team. Also will there be a chance for me to write some feedback notes moving forward on the next installation?


I haven’t recieved the promo codes


You checked your spam / promotions? I see you were on the mailing list, but I'll PM you your codes in a bit


It's amazing, great addition to my collection. The missionary scene (at least on my Windows PC) seems to have some audio syncing issues.

David Baluga

Yeah I am having the same issue above on Mac. I have installed latest update to Adobe Air, run everything as admin and made sure installation wasn’t blocked. Once everything is installed, I open the app and I just get a black screen. Tried a few different ways, but not quite working.


Are you fucking kidding me I have to wait 2 weeks for a mp4 file that's bullshit dude Im pretty sure thousands including myself are angry we have to wait and it's not fair for those who payed


Supposably we have to wait 2 fucking weeks when something like that can be done in a hour or so


I didn't receive the promo code

Red Meat & Greens (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 19:03:44 Firstly, I'd like to thank Miro &amp; everyone involved in the production. Much appreciation to all involved! However, with all future releases &amp; even with this release, I don't think I'm the only 1 when I say... please release the MP4 version on the first release date. Not only will you appease the majority of us, but this will also allow you time to clean up any bugs with the Mac &amp; Windows programs. We won't be pressuring you as much with the bugs as most of us will get to enjoy just watching the movie first. Please consider this... &amp; it's still not too late to release the MP4 version now. Also, why release the Fun Stuff in MP4 first, but not the main movie? Think most of us would have preferred the main movie in MP4 first &amp; the Fun Stuff released later. Might I ask why you released the Mac &amp; Windows programs first before the MP4 version? Thanks again for all the hard work.
2018-10-06 21:15:45 Firstly, I'd like to thank Miro & everyone involved in the production. Much appreciation to all involved! However, with all future releases & even with this release, I don't think I'm the only 1 when I say... please release the MP4 version on the first release date. Not only will you appease the majority of us, but this will also allow you time to clean up any bugs with the Mac & Windows programs. We won't be pressuring you as much with the bugs as most of us will get to enjoy just watching the movie first. Please consider this... & it's still not too late to release the MP4 version now. Also, why release the Fun Stuff in MP4 first, but not the main movie? Think most of us would have preferred the main movie in MP4 first & the Fun Stuff released later. Might I ask why you released the Mac & Windows programs first before the MP4 version? Thanks again for all the hard work.

Firstly, I'd like to thank Miro & everyone involved in the production. Much appreciation to all involved! However, with all future releases & even with this release, I don't think I'm the only 1 when I say... please release the MP4 version on the first release date. Not only will you appease the majority of us, but this will also allow you time to clean up any bugs with the Mac & Windows programs. We won't be pressuring you as much with the bugs as most of us will get to enjoy just watching the movie first. Please consider this... & it's still not too late to release the MP4 version now. Also, why release the Fun Stuff in MP4 first, but not the main movie? Think most of us would have preferred the main movie in MP4 first & the Fun Stuff released later. Might I ask why you released the Mac & Windows programs first before the MP4 version? Thanks again for all the hard work.

David Baluga

Relax just a little bit. I’m not saying don’t be upset, that’s your right, but don’t attack them for it. This project was a massive undertaking and a step above anything else there is out there.


So here's my real critique. Props on releasing a unique project. You really do blow everyone else doing this sort of thing away. That said, G4E looked more polished IMO. The program is functional but buggy. I have Windows and there is some delay in the cutscene transitions. Also in that scene where they spoon, it seem to me the sound of their breasts flopping together either doesn't sync or was poorly done. Those are my only complaints but don't misunderstand. It's still great work! I think you should get one program to run all of your 3DX projects. Like it would be great if this had been an add-on to the G4E installer the way the DLC was. Or . . . since this is it's own thing if Bloodlust Cerene was also part of the launcher like you did for G4E. Just suggestions.


My dick has never been so ready for anything in my whole life!


I was just upset because I've been waiting for this project to drop and I understand animation takes a long time but another animator called animopron does quality work as well and he does it all by himself while dealing with people who complain but don't support him I'm talking about 20 to 30 min animations but two weeks is a long time to wait I wouldn't even care if he dropped the the mp4 version on Monday but two weeks? the project is already complete


Been trying to install with Adobe Air on Mac...keeps just leading to nowhere :(. Tried on my PC, it downloaded but stuck on a black screen. Ugh I can't win. :(.


What a great work!! Best Futa Animation ever seen. I like Cerenes eyes on her great Cumshots :)


Much anticipated although I'm having a lot of problems. When running as admin it'll start but I can't finish the main movie because it's crashing left and right. Most of the time during transitions, I can't past the anal scene because no mater what, it'll crash. Tried to work my way around by watching the next scene and then jump back but that's not helping either. The animation and sounds do not always match but that's not as critical as not being able to watch the whole thing. I hope it'll get worked out. Based on what I could watch it was impressive.


Same problem here. It crashes like crazy during transitions.


I did some testing and you can basically watch the entire thing in the 'make your movie' category. Was able to finish the movie this way or at least continue from the anal scene. When I wanted to re-watch the blowjob scene it crashed again though. But it's worth a try. The movie itself is a masterpiece. But all those interrupted are not :/

billy madison

Interesting, i couldn't get past the Bj scene. Same problem though for me transitions would crash for me even in admin. Saw your below fixish, I tried that as well with no luck


So, the app won't work for me at all. Re-downloaded the Mac version and all I get is a black window. It freezes and a right-click on the app icon says "Application Not Responding". :'(. If this isn't fixed soon can I get a refund? :'(


contact service@affect3d.com they will help you get this resolved, yes you get a refund if we can't, but worst case the mp4 version will work for you


humm, looks like we have a new guest from the "thedude". What are you cooking at the back miro? XD.


Alright. Refund isn't really on my mind. just want to get this fixed. Thanks @miro!


There is a model from The dude in the last 4 second or so at the end of the sequence.


That will be good at least if Miro transfer all .swf to .mp4


I have purchased it, but I have downloaded the problem. Do you have BT or magnetic force?


Man I really hope miro you release the mp4 version soon we all have waited so long for this amazing work and it is such a bummer that the majority of us can not even play the software(mac version)


try downloading the mp4 version when it's available, in the meantime contact service@affect3d.com if you need help


quite a lot of requests for a ball-less dgirl, Sophia was kind of the best candidate because she's more feminine, right?


right, seems that this may be down to the player, we'll be adding the mp4 version to your order soon


I can see why ppl like the movie version. I like the player. I like being able go straight to the fun stuff scenes, and "recut" the movie. The gives it replay value.


To restate what I'd like to see: Find a way to make this player open at the same resolution as the G4E player, include the original Bloodlust Cerene in the player with scenes, make the scene transitions work better, fix the audio on the spooning scene or . . . do all of that and make one player that runs all the affect3DX content at the same resolution. Right now you're 9/10 imo. Do those things and I would call it 10/10.


One last thing, I think you actually went up in resolution from G4E to Bloodlust. I don't think my display does 4k very well . . . so take the resolution with a grain of salt.

Kei Montague

Fuckin great work, guys! I watched it several times last night and came multiple times. I’m quite happy with it. Definitely worth the wait. I am curious about something though. During the third cumshot scene, a few of the angle changes seem to omit the spurts from her thrusting. Was that intentional or an oversight?


I think it is best to stick this to futanari, reverse fucking dosnt sells, unless you are a sick feminist.


it's because it's the same animation from a different angle cut together in the video edit, so for some sequences you have little jumps back in time, if that makes sense?

Sayako & Cerene 4ever

Trailer vs. full scene comparison. <a href="https://postimg.cc/gallery/1q2i4ch1q/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://postimg.cc/gallery/1q2i4ch1q/</a> Something goofed. @_@

Elite Company

The mp4 version doesn’t even work. I could only watch 3 min until it would freeze on my phone. So frustrating


Have you tried playing the Mobile Movie version? It plays directly in the browser. You can also save it to your phone by pressing and holding the mp4 link until a pop-up menu appears, then select save option. Let me know if that works

Elite Company

No option to save comes up when I hold on my iPhone 6s. Watching directly to browser is exactly how I tried to watch it. Plays for a free minutes and then freezes

Kei Montague

I get it, but in some angles Cerene is still shooting cum, and in others she's not shooting anymore though still seemingly orgasming. I made this album to explain myself better. I'll delete it once you've seen it. <a href="https://imgur.com/a/Dd0Jgel" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/a/Dd0Jgel</a>