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Hey all. So, I thought I'd throw this out just in case. I haven't been 100% these last few days. It's been cough central for me as I've had to content with some violent coughs (thankfully not COVID related...unless something changes somehow tomorrow though I do feel better today).  Still, good thing its not in 2 weeks xD

But recording is a tad tricky when you're coughing every so often especially if it is bad and when I ramble with my thoughts and I know I'll be told off for recording whilst not feeling great. So, I'll see how things are for the weekend in regards to TVD, B99 and the Movie. I'll do MHA next week because I wasn't going to start S6 a week before I took my break. But should nothing get done, that is, why. I'll be posting Charmed tonight, a night early to compensate and because it's IWD <3

Update #1: Thank you for the well wishes. Last night was rough, I've lost a bit of the voice due to the constant coughing last night. I'm keeping my fingers crossed things will be neat tomorrow. If not, it will be a bummer because it kinda messes up my schedule for next week up a bit but it is what it is. But should tomorrow be a good day, I shall be dropping tomorrow's movie and B99. I'd be shifting TVD to next week, which silver lining, there was going to be one next week for me to even things out numbering wise. 


Amanda P

Feel better Liam!!