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Meryl Smith

"That is what it means to be human," it's meant to be deep, but it's kinda a hilarious line that's been memed at several moments in the series. It's crazy how bad of a doctor Meredith is, using the vamp blood, instead your actual skills that you went to medical school for. Also, don't go around giving people this blood without their consent, that's another reason why Bill might've not been happy with Meredith. And the side effect of that person dying with that blood in their system could accidently turn them into a vampire. An episode like this and next episode are why do a spinoff about the Original family. There's a vast mythology to explore and that would be give more time and space to do that. I love it when Klaus in full piss baby mode and talking about the various people that are conspiring against him. That is the Klaus I know. Another parent bites the dust for the Mystic Falls, is anyone keeping track of this? I really Elijah's new hair style and a heads-up, he keeps this one for the rest of his appearances in the TVD Verse. Klaus can't help acting like Mikael, which he hates, but it's a violent cycle being repeated and him being called out for it.


If anyone wants to save me from certain death by giving me vampire blood... then by all means, no consent necessary. Personally, I'd rather live to moan about it later. Seems incredibly unlikely that Meredith would waste her limited supply of vampire blood... only to kill the patient a little later. I don't have a problem with Meredith's methods. Not everyone can be saved by conventional medical methods. At least this way, Bill had the chance to make peace with his family, say goodbye, and go out on his terms. If he had just died unexpectedly... too much gets left unsaid. This was better.