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Susan Stork

I really enjoy this episode. The only thing that ruins it is Amelia. Sorry, I just absolutely loathe her character. I mute all her and Sam's scenes, I just can't take it. But the actor playing Fred is great, Mike Farrell. He was in a great show in the 70's to 80's called MASH. I love the Dean and Cas scene too when Cas is talking about his guilt over what he did to heaven. Overall, a really good episode


In the first episode of the season, Sam says something like, "As far as I knew hunting killed everyone I ever cared about" (huge amount of paraphrasing). I see this as Sam thinking Dean was dead, and running (he just lost Bobby, too, and had only been sane for like a month), and I can sympathize with that. I can still see Dean being upset because, up until this point, they bath always tried to save each other even from death, but to me Sam not trying to bring Dean back to life (because he’s basically had a breakdown), is different from him knowing Dean was in Purgatory and not trying to save him. I strongly dislike both Amelia and her dad. We can see where she gets her "charm" from. Giving Sam such a terrible love interest really doesn’t help the audience in sympathizing with him. It sucks for Cas that he feels so bad about what he did to heaven, but him wanting to stay in purgatory to do penance was definitely a form of hiding annd avoiding what he had done, too.