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I don't know about other fans of the show, but that scene between Klaus and Caroline is when I fell in love with the Klaus character. Oh, he's still a horrific villain and a terrible person, but there was something about that scene that gave us a glimpse beyond what he allows others to see. A thought that maybe he's not rotten to the very core and there's more to him (whether or not that's true, we'll have to wait and see as the series progresses). That scene brought something beautiful and poignant, an almost human vulnerability to the hybrid monster.


Is Elena now Jeremy's guardian? If so, then I think she does get to decide for him. I'm all for free will... but none of us really have free will at 16, unless we're emancipated. Elena gets a lot of flack from fandom about violating Jeremy's 'rights'. But I sure didn't get to decide much when I was his age. If my folks wanted to restrct me, or send me away... then that's what would happen. The younger generations who watch these shows... which are mostly devoid of adult presence... seem to forget that minors don't usually get to make all of their own decisions. So, right or wrong, I get it. And I think Bonnie, while well-meaning... was being a bit hypocritical to criticize Elena about over-riding Jeremy's consent. I remember when she channeled Luka's witch energy without his consent, etc... They are all 'human', doing their best... and making imperfect decisions in an effort to protect those they love.

Samantha Russell

Why did Klaus and Caroline's conversation have me kicking my feet? 😃


I enjoy this episode, but after all these years I still can not shake the feeling that this storyline of Stefan vs. Klaus does not make any logical sense. When Stefan shows up in front of Klaus, Klaus could just arrest him, bleed him off vervain and make him tell him everything and make him return his family. In general mind compulsion is not utilized in this show how people like Klaus would use it. He could just make an army of slaves that could have done anything for him after they then took vervain, including all attacking Mikael at the same time. Any vampire that is not an original becomes trivial to the originals because compulsion is so op. In short, mind compulsion that can be used on vampires results in massive amount of plot holes for this show.