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Samantha Russell

We all need a Lexi in our lives when we're making bad choices :D Not enough of her, or Caroline in this episode now that I watch it for the second time. Still very fun, the ending is another set-up for a great batch of episodes!

Meryl Smith

It's a tough position to be in, on one hand, you understand where Jeremy was coming from and why he did what he did, but on the other, you hurt Bonnie through your actions and if you had did more communication with her, things could've ended differently. I think what we're meant to interpret from the moment when Anna and Pearl reunite is that they both 'found peace'. Damon really has make better decisions, it shouldn't take people coming back from the dead just to make you apologize for your actions. Mason was cool and he chill, until Damon started being Damon. It looks him and Alaric might be on the road to recovery. Always a pleasure to see Lexi and how will always be there to lend a helping hand for her friend.