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Starting with this season, when the series moved to a different network, B99 tended to be scheduled as a spring series (i.e, starting in January). So including a Halloween Heist presented a tricky challenge, which was solved in their typically ingenious way.


Yeah, the "Halloween" Heists start to feel like bizarro episodes to me starting here, because a lot of behaviors they wouldn't be able to get away with at any other time are given full license here. It's a bit like The Purge XD. That said, I appreciated Kevin and Cheddar's involvement.

Eddie Green

The Hallowe'en Heist episodes have always felt like bizarro episodes to me (maybe excepting the first one). It seems the one time when one of the most interesting things about the show - the premise of 'they're very quirky but extremely competent, and the latter doesn't bring down the former' - ceases to be true. The only one I like to rewatch is the one with the proposal, and for that reason.