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I will say is that it's okay to like Klaus. He is charismatic villain. We can't feel an ounce of sympathy for him, but yet...there is something so compelling about him, that we cannot help but be drawn to the evil shroud of Klaus. One thing this show does really well is make some truly excellent villains like Damon and Klaus who play off well with the complex, flawed, and wonderful protagonists such as Bonnie, Caroline, Jeremy, Alaric, Matt, and even (now that he is somewhat redeemed) Tyler.


Going by my above comment, it's probably apparent that I'm not a fan of Elena or Katherine. It's not really a knock against the actress; I don't mind her at all. It's the way the characters are written that doesn't resonate with me. For me, Katherine never felt charismatic or interesting, especially when compared to characters like Damon, Klaus, and Elijah. And once again in this episode, Elena has proven herself to be an idiot who allows her obsession to put herself and others in danger, regardless of how reasonably or logically it's explained to her why it's a bad idea. I'm just already tired of that particular trope. She gets obsessive about something (sacrificing herself, "saving" Stefan, finding Stefan, whatever her current obsession is) and nothing and nobody else matters. Until something drastic happens, like seeing Damon attacked, and then she comes to her senses. For the moment, anyway. I love the show, I truly do. 😆 Thankfully, the series isn't ALL about Elena and/or Katherine, and there is soooo much to love about the show. I guess Elena's necessary anyway, as there needs to be a brainless idiot to heighten the tension and danger at times. Yep, I called her that, and I stand by it, even though I'm sure there are some gasps from her fans and much disagreement. I don't always go with the popular opinion. 😁 I LOVED the Tyler scene in here. He could have just told his mom, but it wouldn't have had the same impact. He has already really grown as a character from Season 1. My favorite character of all is Caroline, and it's worrying about what might be going on with her, what might happen to her. Poor Caroline. Again. Your face at the reveal of "Daddy?" was awesome! You are truly a fun reactor with this series. I wish I had discovered you earlier and watched Buffy with you when you were seeing it (I watched through the archives).

Nicole Iannone

Damon was right last season when he said Elena shouldn't get to make decisions anymore lol. Her deciding to go hunt down a pack of werewolves on a full moon on the chance Stefan is there is just absolutely mind boggling.