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I might be biased as Chris is my favourite character, but I REALLY can't blame him for this. Sure, it was risky and all that, but he must be SO frustrated. He literally came from the future to save the world. He has told them that Wyatt is in danger and that a Demon is going to come for him at some point. And yet no one takes him seriously at all. From what he's said, the future he comes from is not a good one, he has made that clear. Yet no one seems all that interested in actually helping him. He's told them that WYATT is in danger, their son and nephew, and yet they don't listen to him. You would get very frustrated. And then for them to just all totally brush off the danger of this Demon right after he attacked Piper, that WOULD be his breaking point. Plus, the sisters are all trying to focus on their personal lives and all that, but Chris literally can't have one. He likely could barely have one in the future from what we know of it at this point, and he definitely can't have one here in the past out of fear of changing too much. There must be a sense of frustration of him giving up whatever slight personal life Chris would've had in the future so he could come here and save everyone, and them all just not really helping him because they want their personal lives... I totally get why Leo doesn't trust him though. Like, he DID do all these things Leo is accusing him of. He came from the future and allowed the Elders to get slaughtered and then used that as a way to make Leo an Elder, then banished him to Valhalla and murdered at least one Valkyrie. (He got 3 pendants, one for each sister, so it's likely he actually killed 3...) But I'm so glad he kinda came around in the end. Even his little protests to Piper of saying that Chris should've let him go with him or at least told him where his family was, they sounded very weak, like he didn't even really believe it. Piper totally knew at the end there that Chris had something to do with what happened though! The way she said "Right" and looked at him! She totally had at least an idea that he had more to do with it all than he was letting on. Let's just hope they actually HAVE learned their lesson here. I totally get them all wanting their own lives and all that, but they DO still have responsibilities... The Piper and Leo moment at the end there was cute though! It really is hard seeing them apart like this, but I do think it kinda makes sense. Leo being a Whitelighter has always been kinda a strain on their relationship, it's only natural for it to get to this point at some point, and with him being an Elder it makes sense for it to be now... Still painful though... Yeah, I could never handle fame. It would be horrible. I'm such an introvert, like to the extent of almost a Hermit... It'd actually destroy me... So Phoebe's world looked like literal Hell to me... 🤣

Eddie Green

I like to believe that having fulfilling personal lives is a necessary part of preserving their sisterly bond and thus making the power of three work. It's in keeping with the appeal of the show as 'sisters/ordinary people who are witches' - them having no personal lives would not be as entertaining, hence the idea being that their personal lives fuel their magic. That deals with the criticism that they sometimes seem to put personal life before wiccan duty. When they focus too much on responsibility at the expense of personal life, you get Prue and her fatal reckless decision-making (public fighting of Shax, violence against Alice, possibly fatal flinging of bystanders). With the above theory, it's 'perfectly balanced, as all things should be'.