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Samantha Russell

I usually only watch your Charmed and TVD reactions Liam, but I sometimes dabble in your B99 ones. I was SA'd in 2015, in a foreign country no less. Like Amy, I didn't want to speak up. And when I did, the people who I was travelling with (both male and female) laughed it off when I told them. And like Amy, I felt shameful. I truly believe some form of SA has happened to all girls and women. There was a storyline that was eerily similar to my experience in a show I watched not long ago (not going to say the title as you might react to it in the future) and I obviously bawled when those particular scenes came on. Thank you for your compassion and understanding in your post-episode discussion. It's people like you that I wish I had told my experience to.


Samantha, I'm so so sorry you have to go through that as well as some of the reactions you received. It's nothing to dismiss whatsoever and you have my full support. Thank you for telling your story, you're always valued so much :(


I love the cold brew cold open - sort of made me think of The Flash