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Andrea Dcosta

Klaus is here!! So excited. Lovely reaction like always.


Hah, I thought you might eventually clock the Elena/Elijah vibes. Good taste, my dude. 😉 This was the exact episode where I really started thinking our girl should just ditch both Salvatores and run off with Elijah. 😂 I mean, Nina and Daniel have fantastic chemistry and you can tell they clearly enjoyed working together, but also from a strategic standpoint: who would you count on in your corner? Two essential baby vampires out of their depth, or a 1000-year-old, incredibly strong and wise and powerful immortal? Who's also hot and clearly has a bit of a thing for you? I mean, at least she realized he's her best bet as an ally for now, especially with Damon being kind of a loose cannon and Stefan, bless his heart, being kind of ineffective at anything, really. I also remember being kind of taken aback by what Klaus turned out to be like because Elijah radiates this classy, ancient, power and the big bad Klaus feels more like your average (albeit kind of extra psychopathic) football hooligan in comparison. But I guess I get why Klaus had to be very different, since there was no outdoing Daniel with what he was doing with Elijah.