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I know you said in the reaction for 6x19 that you thought Henry should have been woken up sooner. I can see why you would think that. But I loved the way it happened here after talking to his younger self. I wasn't sure, though, how I felt about Wish Rumple being the final villain of the series instead of Facilier or Gothel. But I bet Robert Caryle was all for it. Evil, crazy Rumple was always his favorite to play.

Jennifer Clark

Hi Liam. I can't find the Finale videos. Ep 21 & 22. Did you upload them? Ive been waiting all week, thought it was going to be Tuesday, and was so disappointed that it wasn;t schedued until Saturday. I had an event earlier and got home, comfy in my favorite chair with my snack and hot chocolate (with cinniman) ready to watch it and I don't see it anywhere. I hope you didn't run into any problems. I am so ready for this...Please let me know if I just overlooked it somehow, or what happened? Thanks, man.

Eddie Green
