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Liam: Has the word "REACTION" in all caps, in bold, and underlined. Me: Clicks on the picture. *durp* Well, my non-working brain moment aside, I think it's time I plunge into Supernatural with you. I'm not going to catch up re-watching six prior seasons, so I hit the highlights (intro of Castiel, intro of Crowley, etc.) and am going to begin watching with this episode. The glory of having watched before is I can pick it up anywhere.

Amye Sabin

But what about poor Daphne? Dean comes along and takes her husband and she never sees him again. What's she to think? Cas was supposed to be dead, dead due to budget issues. But the CW honchos wanted him brought baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick. Ratings probably had something to do with it. We won't see Cas for awhile since he's locked up in a mental ward. I think his solution is a viable one, because over time Cas can eal i