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Caroline is trying so hard to do the right thing by Matt, but yes, people need to stop kissing her, LOL! Poor Matt. Again. He is the only one of that particular group of teens who doesn't yet know what in the hell is going on. You know how it is when you *feel* like something is up or wrong, and that everyone else knows, but you're not being told? I imagine he must be feeling that about now. Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, now Tyler, and even Jeremy. Even the teacher Alaric. They don't focus a lot on Jenna, so we don't have any idea if she is having that same weird feeling, but I think that Matt is actually experiencing it. Particularly after the whole Vicki debacle and then the death of that girl after Matt provoked Tyler. With Caroline being one of the key figures in both Matt's life and in this strange group he's being shunted away from, it makes sense that Matt would keep trying to break through with her. Not to mention he *does* care for her.

Andrea Dcosta

Damon giving Rose a peaceful death is so dam sweet, he didn't "have" to do it but he did he did care for her. RIP rose