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This is why I was saying Caroline became one of my favorite characters of the series overall; I just couldn't explain it yet until you saw her get to this point. She's become a warm, empathetic person with far more control than she ever had as a human. She's not that silly, air-headed girl anymore pining over not being able to get a guy and playing second-fiddle to Elena. I love what the writers did with her character. I haven't read much of the books, so I don't know how close it is to them, but I like it in the series. I appreciate the stronger, focused Caroline who made her mother proud (until she had to compel her mother to forget). Elijah...what can one say about Elijah? A mystery wrapped in an enigma. And yes, poor Matt. Again.

Andrea Dcosta

Damon loves and cares about elena so much it's heartwarming to see. I feel so bad for Tyler it's so unfair to have to go through something like that. Caroline- what can I say we all need someone like her in our lives 🥺 Elijah Elijah such an interesting character, can't wait for you to see more of him.... He always makes a grand entrance I absolutely love it it's so badass


Damon and Elena always have such palpable intensity in their scenes. Nothing against Stefan... because I like him, too... but he & Elena are just too sedate overall, for me. That maddening fire is more fun. Enjoy Caroline so much. Who would've thought that becoming a vampire would bring out the best version of herself.

I’ve seen this show so many times and never noticed how many people were actually trying to sacrifice themselves this episode, I love that you pointed that out and connected it back to the episode title which I don’t think I’ve seen anyone do, amazing catch on details like that. I feel like the writing for this series is a lot tighter than people give it credit for. They really knew what they were doing this season.