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Fitting episode title for me




For me, I felt zero sympathy for and over 100-year-old vampire in Damon Salvatore was going through. To snap Jeremy's neck the way he did because he was hurt… wtf… I know Damon will have a lot of people defend him but nah tired of this man pain defense foolery. You do not kill someone brother because the woman you projected your Katherine feeling in does not want you. Underratetly the Damon and Bonnie scenes have been highlight bangers. Stefan and Katherine’s chemistry is insane which has always been fascinating to me because Nina Dobrev is portraying Elena I never felt the chemistry be as passionate and intense as it is when Nina is portraying Katherine when it pertains to Stefan. Also, I loved that this episode perfectly established that Stefan can tell Katherine apart from Elena whereas Damon still can’t which to me proves what he said about his love for Elena being different from what he felt for Katherine. He truly knows the difference in what he feels whereas Damon at this time sort of doesn’t. Again MY THOUGHTS… I am not going into the future of The Vampire Diaries. I am talking about everything that had happened up until this point as well as how I felt when I watched this episode for the first time.

Andrea Dcosta

Such an amazing season opener 😍 I love Damon he is my fav but no excusing to what he did even if he seen/ didn't see the ring he cannot act on emotions and impulsively always, yes I feel bad for him to get rejected twice and hear those words must have been so heartbreaking for him, Katherine is a bitch but gotta say she is badass 😅 Nina the actor who plays the double role does such an amazing job in playing both these characters she's too good