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Jennifer Clark

I'm really enjoying season 7 with you! I hate having to wait a whole week though! lol. I need to binge OUAT! See you next week! Cheers!


I said it last episode, but I'll say it again. I LOVE the Parent Solidarity this season... This episode we have it with Regina and Zelena and Nook and Zelena and it's great. First we have Zelena sympathising with Regina's situation in Hyperion Heights with Henry not knowing who she is. And then in the past we have Nook doing everything he could to make sure Zelena and Robyn aren't separated and giving her parenting advice. And even the scene with Regina, Zelena and Rapunzel. With her pointing out that they'd do anything for their kids and all that. It's just a really cool thing about the season imo. Like, we've always had multiple parents in the main cast with Regina, Emma, Snow and David, but the relationship between all of them was so much different as Snow and David are Emma's parents and Emma and Regina are both Henry's. Whereas this season, all the parents have different kids. It's all kinda separate and just different. I just enjoy seeing it. And I really appreciate this aspect of Nook's character. He's been separated from Alice, so he will do anything to keep that from happening to others. Instead of the route they could've gone down of him feeling bitterness at seeing other parents with their children. We get him watching them sadly, and it's heartbreaking. But his response to this separation isn't to take it out on those who are happy and have what he doesn't, it's to make sure they keep that happiness. The Regina and Zelena stuff makes me so happy. I love seeing them get along and really be sisters. And it's interesting that in the flashbacks this episode we learn that there was a resentment between them about Robyn and Regina being the "Cool Aunt" giving her a magic book, and we learned last episode that their cursed selves had a similar issue with Roni being the "Cool Aunt" and encouraging her to not go to School and all that. That's definitely how Belfrey's story had to end imo. Her sacrificing herself for Ivy. Her realising what she'd done. Though it really sucks that it was only after she found out that she was the one who had the idea about the lanterns. A parents love should be unconditional, it shouldn't depend on what their child has done for them... :( But again, like I said. There's this huge focus on parents this season. Like, a lot of the show has been very parenty, but it feels a lot more this season.