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Amye Sabin

The one thing that I don't like about this episode is that either the writer's weren't thinking or they have something in the futiure planned. But The Legend would hhae to be 90 years old to have been involved with Vought during WWII. Plus, it was obvious in Ep 3 that SB KNOWS how to use hand to hand combat. ETA: I know alot of people have sympathy for Black Noir, but I don't. Remember, he killed Kimiko, would've killed Frenchie, was going to kill Butcher, MM, Hughie & Butcher's aunt, plus he killed a whole bunch of innocents between S1-S2 ("Black Noir should be brought up on war crimes for what he did...) None of the supes deserve any empathy, except Kimiko and those that were being tortured in that mental ward. Butcher neglecting *on purpose* to tell Hughie about the side effects of Temp V... damnit Butcher. I never like, liked you, but here I hated you. And of course the big reveal. Is it a good thing SB wasn't around to raise HL? That's a tough question. HL being raised as a lab experiment almost certainly damaged him, but is being raised by a father figure with toxic ideas & outdated mentality any better?