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Amanda P

A very good episode and definitely the first emotional one. The next episode is another fave of this season! I'm curious, do you have a fave character yet or maybe one that's close to fave status? 😄


I think I’ll have a more definitive favourite when halfway comes but Stefan and his complexity of who he is vs Damon makes him very great. And I would say Lexi but yeah……But atm Stefan is winning my vote


When Stefan staked Vicki then called Damon and said "I need your help," Damon could've told him to go take a flying leap but instead he knew that it was mostly his fault and helped by coming to take Vicki's body to dispose of and then to do as Elena wanted and make Jeremy forget. His warning to Elena about needing to leave was because he could smell the blood from her wounds and was trying to control his natural urge to drink. Stefan was trying to help Vicki take his stance by drinking animal blood as he thought it would be better for her to do that from the start. Damon was trying to let her be what vampires naturally are. I think sometimes those who say but Stefan is the good one, forget that their natural instinct is to drink human blood and Stefan is an exception rather than the rule.