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Supernatural 6x06.mp4

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Bottom line - Dean just lost Lisa and Ben due to Dean being turned. Lisa doesn't know Dean's reason for acting the way he did and she slammed him with her true feelings much harsher than she would have if Veritas hadn't been involved. But Dean has Sam to blame for him being turned and I think it was one betrayal too many when it finished off any life he could have with his little 'family' on top of huge trust issues and he let it all out on his brother, everything he's been holding in. The dam broke and Dean snapped. Not a great moment for Dean and his anger issues but not a big surprise either since he already told Bobby he wanted to shoot Sam and that he made his flesh crawl. He had even apologized to his brother about his suspicions and then Veritas told him somehow Sam was lying. So more blatant betrayal and.......boom!!! Honestly? I would have punched Sam a few times myself and I love the guy, but this is so forked up!

Amye Sabin

Dean, Lisa and/or Ben could've died. Not to mention any innocent bystanders, if Dean couldn't control his hunger. Also, another poster commented (on another Patreon) that Dean needed a way to get physical control of Sam, and beating the snot out of him would do it.