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Supernatural 5x18.mp4

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Sharon Owen

"Angel Boop" - my new favourite phrase lol


I love Sam's faith in Dean and how it makes Dean finally have hope and faith in him again, in turn.

Amye Sabin

This is my favorite episode of the entire series. It has everything. Love, life, resurection, pain, family, anger, hope and helplessness. All wrapped in a great story episode. When we first met Zachariah Dean said "Angel or not, I will stab you in the face." LOLOL But Dean's eyes glowed when he stabbed Zachariah, they didn't burn out. So I think God is still around helping, even though he claims he won't anymore. Personally, I would've liked to seen Dean as Michael to see how Jensen plays him; and if or what kind of trauma that would cause Dean when Michael left (as he promised).