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Amanda P

Here we goooo

Kirstie Brote

Yes! I got my work done just in time!

Tyler Mckenzie

Yay it's Paige. But, no Prue anymore

Eddie Green (edited)

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2023-05-04 03:12:55 Paige (born August 2nd, 1977) is about a year and 9 months younger than Phoebe (born between October 21 and November 21, 1975). Which makes me wonder whether Paige was conceived on Phoebe's first birthday. Patty died on February 28, 1978, when Paige was 6 months old.
2023-05-04 00:23:41 Paige (born August 2nd, 1977) is about a year and 9 months younger than Phoebe (born between October 21 and November 21, 1975). Which makes me wonder whether Paige was conceived on Phoebe's first birthday. Patty died on February 28, 1978, when Paige was 6 months old.

Paige (born August 2nd, 1977) is about a year and 9 months younger than Phoebe (born between October 21 and November 21, 1975). Which makes me wonder whether Paige was conceived on Phoebe's first birthday. Patty died on February 28, 1978, when Paige was 6 months old.

Amanda P

This is an unfortunate rite of passage for all charmed fans. It's still unclear (as far as I know) why Shannen left, some say she quit because her and Alyssa didn't get along at all, some say she was fired. But yeah unfortunately Prue is no longer in the show. I love both eras of charmed equally, the show is still just as amazing after season 3, but there's a lot of divide in the fandom about it. It makes watching the season 3 finale even sadder when you know what happens to Prue I love how they worked around that though, they could've easily recast Prue and say that she had to be in another body or something, I mean it's a show about magic. I'm glad they decided to go the Paige route and that they also gave her a different power. Plus they already had a great storyline with Patty and Sam's affair that just made it so much better! Answering your question, Paige is about 2 years younger than Phoebe. Phoebe born in 1975, Paige 1977. The opening credits and theme will be back with the next episode, they just cut it short on the DVD versions since it was put together as one big episode. Fun fact: It's been rumored that the actresses for Cordelia and Faith both auditioned for Paige, could you imagine? There was some foreshadowing about Prues death in my opinion, like in 2x08 she says she's afraid she's going to be just like Patty by dying young. Also Prue was the only one who met death just a few episodes ago and that could be just because she had to to learn a lesson, but maybe it's because she really was on his list no matter what happened? Sorry didn't mean to write so much but there's just so much to talk about! Can't wait for your season 4 reactions

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

You know that's interesting. All these years and I never thought about using the body swap thing for Prue. They could have easily cast Rose McGowan as the new Prue...that would have been interesting. But not as much of an emotional impact I guess...

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Man, oh man...I kept up a VERY strong self control and stopped myself from watching the season 3 finale here. I've got one day left before the weekend then I'm doing a Liam Catterson Charmed marathon for all 3 episodes with some good comfort food and a box of tissues ready...

Kirstie Brote

As much as I love Prue (my favorite of all the sisters) Season 4 is one of my favorites. A great stretch of episodes coming up!

Rey Gallogo

My issue with the "charmed one" mythos is now based on whether or not people know only 3 sisters. So it's not based on some prophecy of 3 and only 3 sisters. Of course they had to make this loophole due to Shannen parting ways.


Prue and Andy have been reunited in the after life and they are happy together. That's my headcanon and I'm sticking to it.

Kirstie Brote

Read the comics! I don't want to spoil anything, but you get more Prue and Andy in the comics.

Kara Michelle

People will disagree but I like the dynamic with Paige better. She just feels more like an actual human vs robot sister prue.


The most important episode EVER written in this series. I remember this like it was yesterday. The wait, the wondering and finally finding out Prue is gone...THE DEVISTATION!!! The way this episode was written and the way they made it make PEFECT sense AND, it being Rose McGowan...There wasn't anyone else on the planet they could have casted that was going to make us settle down, other than Rose. We knew her, we loved her, her former movies kicked total @ss and it just geld perfectly. I love Seasons 4-8 just as much as I love Seasons 1-3. BTW; Are we Gonna be a good Detective? LMAO