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Supernatural 5x14.mp4

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Kate Wood

Dean has a soul, it's just that at this point in time, he's so depressed and defeated, that he's basically given up. He's going through the motions of putting up a fight against the apocalypse, but he no longer really believes they can win. That's what famine meant about "one deep, dark, nothing you've got there".


Oh no I gathered. At first I thought they were going down that avenue but with everything and what was said, it’s hopelessness. There’s a huge bout of depression I would say he’s going through, one that has been persistent since returning

Sharon Owen

This was a bit of a gross episode and I'm afraid to say it's not the last of the grossness this season. There's some scenes I can barely watch now... so just brace yourself! Misha also talks about the 'raw meat' eating scene - it's basically vegetarian mince, but it was still gross for him to eat.

Amye Sabin

Yeah Misha said it was vegetarian mince covered with tomato sauce. And not even cooked. Yuck!

Amye Sabin

Sam did not kill Famine, but rather disabled him. Nothing can kill the Horseman except maybe Death's scythe or God himself. But even them I'm just guessing. What he did was kill the demons inside Famine. This was probably the grossest cold opener in the entire series. Very dark and disturbing. Reminiscent of S1 in the darkness of the filming and the mood.