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Supernatural 5x09.mp4

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After Show Reactions

tbh I think you should remove this comment lol, I don't think reactors should know anything going into upcoming episodes. Ruins the moment.

Sharon Owen

What I love about this episode is the contrast to the REAL Supernatural conventions: - Rob Benedict (aka Chuck) did his first ever convention the day after this episode aired. And he said it was very similar to how nervous he was. Rob now MCs the US conventions (mostly with Richard Speight Jr when he's available). Rob's band - Louden Swain is also the house band. - I love how everyone except Becky at the con are male. When in reality 90% or so of the con goers in the real world are female or non cis gendered. - Cosplaying - not everyone cosplays but there is an abundance of plaid shirts lol. Let me know if you want me to send you any spoiler free real convention footage. It'll give you a sense of Jared, Jensen and Misha's personalities. (if you like the gag reel, you'll like convention footage too)

Sharon Owen

Also - conventions started pretty straight away. Jensen went to his first one right after season 1 (with other shows like Buffy and Smallville). But they started properly in 2006/2007 and in 2022 they did like 14 or so conventions!

Amye Sabin

It's not Wincest, it's Destiel. Destiel is SOOOO much larger in scale. (Please do not push Wincest) Destiel is the first ship on Archive Of Our Own, the largest fan fic site in the world , to hit 1,000,000 stories.


Castiel was barely a recurring character at this point, so that isn’t the subtext they were talking about in this episode. Chuck only had the earlier books published at this point and the show is the one that keeps joking about wincest. A gay couple were dressed up as Sam and Dean, after all. Just because people write about Destiel, it doesn’t mean it’s exactly universally loved, or free of issues.

Amye Sabin

True, but Wincest is disgusting. I can agree that Destiel is not for everyone, but NO ONE should be pushing Wincest. So, I block it out with Destiel, which BTW was already big in the fandom at this point. In fact, the first Destiel fan fic was posted online A DAY AFTER episode 4.01. A tad early? Absolutely.