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So last night and tonight has been dull. Because I have no internet as something has happened to it in the area I live. I thought it would’ve been sorted today but alas. And obviously this is a bit (understatement) of an issue for me because A). I can’t watch my shows and B). I cannot upload. Hopefully things will be resolved tomorrow but I thought a heads up was for the best for you guys :)


Melissa Amato

Sorry, Liam, I can definitely identify with that. Transformers go out around here all the time, unfortunately. 💖🌏🌎🌐💖🐶👩🏻‍🚀✨🌛🌛✨

Kirstie Brote

Thanks, Liam! I hope today is easier for you. I'm recovering from surgery, and plan on spending the day binge watching your Charmed and Buffy reactions!


Yusss, internet came back at 5am (so 30ish hours without internet?). Thankfully I got to do some bits and pieces and should hopefully be fully caught up with what I am supposed to do tomorrow :)