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Supernatural 4x22.mp4

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Gabe Morales

How you feel about Dolores Umbridge, I feel about Zachariah. (Kurt Fuller, the actor, is a brilliant character actor and plays douchebags very well lol.) Zachariah boiling in his own filth for eternity is too good for him.

Eddie Green

Personally I still like Ruby, or at least as much as before this reveal. Although what she was doing was evil and manipulative, it seems like she genuinely thought it was for the best. She doesn't seem to show any malice towards Sam in her final moments, and she seemed to want to hang out with him in the future. Like a cult member who genuinely thinks the world will be a nicer place once her lord and saviour arrives. As opposed to Lilith and Zachariah who both seem contemptuous towards Sam.


Oh he's got a ways to go. I want Zach to fuck off and get slapped by demons for thousands of years but Dolores, she's worse than Lucifer

Sharon Owen

That last scene will make some awkward viewing at the Padalecki family house... if their kids ever watch it lol. At this point in time I believe Jared/Gen were dating (they met this season, and then got married after filming season 5 in 2010). This scene is referenced at cons and even in interviews lol. This is a great episode. Jared and Jensen's performance was fantastic! Cas is rebelling for Dean, the lighting/colour change in the angel's room when the truth became clear became darker. Also - don't blink! (Doctor Who has changed our way of thinking...)

Amye Sabin

There are several hints as to Ruby's deceit. 1) Lilith used her white light blast to destroy a BRICK police station in S3, yet a wood structure home doesn't take any damage? 2) Ruby said in Ep 16, S3 that she could help Sam save his brother by killing Lility, but in Ep 9, S4 she told Sam that it was going to take time to kill Lilith. 3) Ruby has never said WHY she wanted Lilith dead. WHAT was her motivation? All she's ever said is that she wants Lilith dead. Well, duh, it's obvious.<p></p> <p>I never trusted her. You put too much faith in her because she was originally played by Katie Cassidy (who did a much better job w/the character). That skewed your viewpoint, I believe. She's a demon. Demons can never be trusted. Even our beloved Crowley (who I know you've met by now).</p> <p>why isn't the paragraph separations not working all of a sudden on Patreon?</p>

Nicole Iannone

It's always surprised me how often people seemed to genuinely trust Ruby. Even if you want to just call it racism/bigotry to distrust her for being a demon, there are a million hints to her being untrustworthy and manipulative regardless of species (as mentioned in a comment above). There's also the fact that Sam gets *multiple* warnings, from *multiple* people, including some people he should explicitly trust to stop what he's doing. I mean just off the top of my head, you have Dean, Bobby, Cas, Chuck and Pamela all telling him at various points these past two seasons that trusting Ruby/drinking demon blood was a very bad idea.